
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It will get lower

So there's that saying, "It can get any lower", well it has. Two democratic ads and a comment on the Socialist headquarters MSNBC. I can't begin to explain the insanity of the first ad. Whoever came up with the idea should be investigated by child protective services. The ad has young teenagers singing about how horrible the world will be if Romney wins the election. How the planet will suffer with strip mining for fun. The air becoming more polluted and people dying from lack of health care. You should watch it. I had to watch it in pieces it disturbed me so much. I have yet to see a commercial on the conservative side come close to being as exploiting or crass. What makes it even worse are that the children in the commercial seem to be just as distressed doing it. One girl looks as if she is about to cry. Why couldn't they have gotten adults to do it? Why effect the lives of this young kids? It is abuse.

Then the most idiotic one that came with help from Michael Moore. The scene is a retirement home. A handful of seniors discussing what a Romney would do to their care, ok no problem. Then one of the ladies says if Romney hurts here benefits she is going to "C$#k punch him". WTF! It's funny for a split second. Then another senior says she's going to commit an act of violence he he becomes president. If this was our side doing this we would have the media and the secret service so far up our rears we could smell gun oil. If you look at the Twitter the amount of threats to riot and kill Romney are common. The ratio has to be a thousand to one. What is it about the liberals followers that make them so pervasively violent. When under pressure the first thing they want to do is lash out physically. Now I have trained to fight. I can strike, wrestle, and know Jiu-jitsu. Yet it took stupid Lawrence O'Donnell's threat against Tagg Romney to physically call someone out. If you have contact with O'Donnell by the way, I am still looking for that cage match. I would never threaten a future or current president with acts of violence. The offense really is that no one is ever punished for doing so.

The last low blow came from the cows at MSNBC. Romney who has probably been doing charitable acts since he was a kid was made fun of yesterday. Now I do not agree with the Mormon cult, however they have built into their belief set that acts of charity and volunteering can get you closer to Godliness. So they are constantly doing and giving reaching out to others. I admire their hard work all bad theology aside. So these ignorant idiots without doing any homework go right to ridiculing him for lifting cases of water and handing out food. Something he has most likely done a thousand times. Plus the fact this man gives millions to charity every year. I think someone needs to start a news organization that exposes the lives of the left wing journalist. Exposes their backgrounds and dirty laundry for all the world to see. I would watch that. I want fifty percent if someone out their produces it. The show would be like a news TMZ. We would follow them all wherever they go and catch them doing all the stuff they paste on the news of the public. I think I going to pitch it to Fox News.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

So I voted

I went to my local early voting center that was pretty busy and voted. Even with all traffic it took about five minutes from parking the car to voting. If it weren't for the little old lady who was having some comprehension issues it would have been three minutes. Thinking over the whole experience I remember that the majority of the poll workers were senior citizens. Is it because they are retired and available? Why, thinking back throughout my voting history are the elderly running a very sensitive process? Though it seemed to be running well I did have a sense of old folk speed. You know what I am talking about. That deliberateness older persons use to make sure their bodies are doing what their brains are telling them. I am a little scared of the aged, it makes me nervous being around such large groups of them. I guess I see my future and I dread to think that's where I will end up, a polling place volunteer.

I did feel good to vote or did it? It felt rushed and cold and disconnected because of the computers. I guess I appreciate the tactile process of pressing or filling in a circle. I have lately been a straight Republican voter so it's more like wham, bam, thank you ma'am. I don't even smoke so I feel a little dirty afterwards. I remember using the old push button machines with the lever that closed the curtain. Now that is a vote. You'd hear the click click click of the buttons as you voted. Voting was involved, physical, it was a real chore. Those machines were big and clunky and loud. When you got through voting you knew and felt like you did. As you pulled the lever after the vote the curtain opened like a magicians trick and tah dah,next. I think I am going to buy a rotary phone just to feel nostalgic for those good ole mechanical days.

My Libertarian friends would accuse me of waisting my vote. I voted for Romney but if I chose Obama they would have said the same. My Libertarian friends would say I chose the lesser of two evils but I don't see it. I look at the choice of a community organizer and a successful businessman who's business he started is still around and thriving. There is no lesser. Someone who has balanced budgets in business and as a governor. Remember my bean counter analogy. I would love to vote for a Libertarian candidate, however the platform does not mesh with our system of Realism especially when it comes to armed conflict. So until I have the following to start the Realist party I do not see myself voting for a third party candidate any time soon. As I look at the polling it seems Romney is going to win this so I feel a little relieved. No October surprise, but the months not over.

Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm gonna get medieval

I feel really super aggressive. I want to get into a fist fight. I want to fight Lawrence O'Donnell in an old school bare knuckle, knock down drag out. Who is the toughest liberal media person out there? I challenge them to a cage fight. No more settling things the gentlemanly way, lets duel. Imagine if we went back to the days when an insult resulted in a life or death struggle on some clearing or field. Would we have trash talk, or even say one percent of the things we say to one another nowadays?

I think we having forgotten the kids saying if you have nothing nice to say just don't say it. I don't think my duel idea would work. There are too few men left in the world who even know how to clinch a fist, let alone actually use it. The women's movement and the whole "Metrosexual" fade helped to feminise American men. Yes a study came out recently stated that our penises are getting smaller. Can't believe our testicles weren't also because we just don't fight anymore. Fighting is what we were built to do.

Politics should me a contact sport. Imagine Romney knocking Obama right in the jaw when he made that grade school comment about horses and bayonets? "You making fun of me"? As Barry holds his black eye, secret service everywhere. It's that combat tension we loved about the first debate. I bet half the guys watching were like me screaming, "fight, fight". Imposing your physical will has been something more humiliating than your verbal prowess. So what that you know the Canterbury tales in old English and can debate like Lincoln.

I knock you the f#@k out after one of you clever put downs and your IQ counts for nothing when your unconscious. I wonder if the toughest Republican could beat the toughest Democrat? Now that would be the way to decide the presidency. The whole system would be a tournament based tough man match like Bellator. Instead of debates and primaries two men in a cage, two men enter one man leaves. Ok maybe not that far. Or we can mixed it up. Five five minute rounds. First, third and last are fighting. Second and fourth are moderated debate format.

I would so watch every single match. You'd have the highest ratings ever. Candidates would have to be smart, tough, and in shape. Sorry Christie I love you but your weight cut would be brutal. Youth! We would have young candidates who are modern and flexible and more moderate instead of this crusty old men who are so brainwashed by their parties that they just can't adapt. Chael Sonnen for president! Alas it's only a dream

Friday, October 26, 2012

Let the bodies hit the floor

Somethings got to give, somethings got to give. Yes I am listening to Drowning pool while typing a political blog, and? I guess it's how I feel about this election cycle, people on the left just have to understand the madness that their philosophy is leading us to. The sheer cliff we are looking over and there is no water to maybe even cushion our demise. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is apropos for what the Obamanation has done in the last four years to our nation. I have spoken before about how Liberals coddle to the more base and primitive parts of our minds. I still don't think that most of them are doing it for nefarious reasons. Yet when you get to the command and control level of their parties I see conspiracies everywhere. I truly believe that there is nothing wrong with the way I believe. That Realism is the true path to freedom and success. That when as a society we leave behind our "Causes", we are better able to manage ourselves. Which then in turn makes those around us life better.

Do we have to absolutely destroy the bleeding heart to have liberty? Of course not it just has to be understood that it should be a pinch and not a pound. Are there those in our country and societies that do need our compassion and assistance? Yes. They are few and more should not be created to sustain an ideal as this current administration has done. In October 8.8 million new disability applications were filed. Unemployment continues to be high. More individuals on food stamps than ever in history. Less people per capita employed than in the 1960's. Private businesses actively owned by the government. People this is what Chavez did in Venezuela when he came into power. What other proof so you need to see that we are being turned into a dependant Socialist nation than that? What we must destroy is the WILL of the leftist but not his spirit.

This maybe a win at all cost election. There is a way of life that is in jeopardy. Hundreds of years of progress and prosperity about to take a leap of the Golden Gate bridge. I am not advocating violence like you see people on the left Twittering. I am advocating any legal or gray area activities to put an end to the takeover of the traditional American societal model. If we hold now I feel that at least for a half of a generation we will be able to bring balance back to the force. Light and darkness? Good and evil? Socialism and Capitalism? I would not say that in general liberals are evil as much as they are misguided and wrong. We have been over this. I cannot just stand by and let there errors permanently effect what is great about this nation, individualism. Though some would argue that Romney is hardly the poster boy for pure conservativism, yet he is a band aid not the stitches. After Romney the real reincarnation of Reagan will come. This I say in my best spooky gypsy voice.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pot calling the kettle black

Give to Rolling Stone for capturing the real OG that is our president Obama. Cursing in front of his kids calling Mitt Romney a "bullshitter". I guess you can take the man out of the ghetto but you can't get the ghetto out of the man. What a shinning example of class and poise. What do I expect from a pot head, Chicago thug politician anyway? Some asked me that same question, after yesterday's posting about being surprised that no help was sent to our ambassador in Benghazi. An old military buddy of mine asked me,"are you surprised"? I had to admit that I was, and still am at the majority of what this person in the Whitehouse does. Every time I feel that this president will move to the center and start his hope and change, I guess he gets a call from Bill Ayers and goes further to the dark side of the force. Since we never vetted this person to really see if he was qualified I should not be surprised when deadly errors in judgment occur. I guess weed does make you lazy.

I am not playing holier than thou. Just come on Obama at least pretend to be classy while your being interviewed. Pretend that people look up to you. Pretend that you care what the American people think about you. Arrogance is a word that is often thrown around to describe this president. Dr. Thomas Sowell called his kind "The Anointed". This modern aristocracy believe that they have a gift the rest of society does not have, to lead. That genetically they are destined to guide, to shepherd the sheep with a near divine mandate. So understanding this about the Obama crowd I have to understand that they see us as subhuman and unable to live without their guidance and interference in every aspect of our lives. What throws me is the constant bowing Obama does to other world leaders. Is that the elitist pecking order? Is Obama at the bottom of the Socialist hierarchy and so must submit to their authority? Illuminati, Rothschild, who knows, who cares.

With all the pressure that is placed on both candidates coming into the last two weeks until the election, I feel we are seeing each one's true colors. Romney, cool, confident, calculated. Obama, insulting, mocking, ridiculing. It's like when you first start dating someone, you don't even thinking about burping or passing gas in front of them for at least the first year or two. I guess Obama has gotten used us. The president has gotten so used to us that he's just letting it rip, and all the American public will be left with is a giant smelly mess.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Obama knew.

According to leaked emails last night the president knew exactly what was happening and who was doing it. Emails show that the intelligence agencies were feeding the Whitehouse real time data with video from drones, emails, and telephone calls. There is now no question that the president and his team made up the video story and lied to the American public for seventeen days. The question is, who really cares? To me it seems an impeachable offense to allow the ambassador and his team to be attacked for seven hours without backup. I think the weariness of the American public with foreign affairs has made us numb. I have not been made numb by the constant warfare I see it as necessary and just. I see the fight for democracy on a global scale as honorable and right.

I make you all a bet. I bet not one person from the presidents cabinet is disciplined or dismissed. This will be swept under the rug until the election. Oh and the Lord forbid Obama wins. Everyone will received raises for coming up with this conspiracy.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A nation of talking points

Nothing annoys me more than having a political debate with a person using talking points. I might as well debate the floor. You can't reason with a talking point spinner. They are just metal men automatons. Maybe I would feel better if they had made up their own instead of using what was out there on the web or from some talking head. Last nights debate sparked and interesting new one that I had never heard. My adversary was Mark on Facebook. His outrage sparked when I spoke up on a post one of our mutual friend. Our friend had posted another talking point about how Bain had shipped jobs overseas and that if he becomes president there will be no more unions on and on. Knowing the type of business Bain is I just asked a simple question. I asked how does a venture capitol company ship jobs overseas? Questions are the krytonite of talking points. There were no answers to that question as much as personal attacks. That seems to be a common tactic of talking pointer, when all you know is the phrase you insult the subject.

I got the old rhetoric from my friend and Mark. Romney hates the middle class. Romney is going to protect the rich. Romney is going to take your first born child.  I was waiting my turn to ask another question when Mark posted, "Romney when he was at Bain he shipped jobs from steel companies overseas then raided the pension fund then South Carolina tax payers had to bailout the company". Huh? That was different. Being a fan of Reagan I trust but verify. I quickly typed his remarks in to Google and there was the talking point from Reuters. The story of two steel companies that were not doing well and Bain invested in them. Mark made it seem as if there was some hostile takeover and raped the company of it's assets and liquidated it. The facts were that Bain actually held up this company for almost ten years trying to make it a success and just could not. A bankruptcy was declared and the pension was sent over to the Feds to manage. Something that is quite common and happens unnoticed unless your Romney.

As I continued my quick research I found that the company had filed for bankruptcy after Romney had already left Bain. So he wasn't even involved in the decision. So when I pointed this out Mark went for how evil it was to receive dividends from Bain. My answer was simple, are we commies or what? Where the hell did all of a sudden we start hating wealth and success. Damnit Romney used his head and created something. If your so jealous of his wealth and success use your brain and invent something. Take  a course and change your career. Work more, talk less. I am a middle class guy. I am even a member of a union. I want to elevate myself out of my class, but not at the expense of the guy above me. What good does it do our nation to demonise those who inherited or acquired their riches through hard work or ingenuity? We have created a new class in the last four years thanks to Obama, the Cry Babys.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I know Joe Biden and you sir are no Joe Biden

At least the vice-president provided some comedy fodder. From the very beginning you saw the disdain the president has for Romney. Of course the press declared Obama the victor because he had a couple of Red Bulls. The president lacked plans that would accomplish anything different than the status quo. From the very start he was annoyed curt. Romney was the same and had some cojones by going right towards the president. I thought the secrect service was going to have to break up a fight. I was screaming in the living,"fight fight". Romney could have taken him. Funny how the female commentators spoke about how uncomfortable that made them. I was charged up about Romney when he would stare down the president. All the Obama could do was give him a crap eating grin. "Continue Mr. Romney", "let's go on to the next topic". Such weakness by Obama, but he one because he showed he wasn't a robot, or is he?

The bombshells from each each candidate was stunning. For Romney, he proposed eliminating taxes from savings and investments. Imagine the billions of dollars going into the economy just from that. So many seniors who live off their savings and 401K's and annuities will immediately get a raise under the Romney administration. Wealth will return from overseas, almost a trillion will be repatriated. Now for Obama. The shock revelation that now he said he knew all along the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack. That he got on the phone that day and was giving orders. So for two weeks on numerous shows he and his administration LIED to us. I am glad Romney emphasized it, then Candy Crowley had to back the president to rescue him. What I found humorous was that she was wrong also. Obama in the Rose garden speech never called the attacks on the consulate "terrorism". The president was referring to September 11, 2001.   Speaking about Candy, she did and adequate job. Crowley gave the Obama almost ten percent more time and less redirects.

On Facebook I had it 55% 45% Romney. CBS flash had it mostly a tie. No blow out for Obama, which has to be a knife in the heart for the left. Joe Trippi even had it a tie commentator for the left on Fox. This debate solidifies what I have been saying all along. America needs the boring bean counter to run us like a business and make us solvent again. The only one with a chance to do that is Mitt Romney.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Falling on the sword.

I am in shock. Hillary Clinton taking the blame for the Obama administration's failed disengagement strategy. What did the president offer Hillary in exchange for this feigned loyalty? For this proud, savvy politician to take the blame is noble. Yet to me there seems to be a little take on for the team in this one. I would attribute it to win at any cause for the liberals. They would rather continue to be in power than to lay blame where it should, square on Obama's shoulders. This lead from behind policy has brought the middle east to flames. Not surprising since this president believes that America is not exceptional. That we are just a common nation like Greece, Italy, Spain. Not that we have brought the world back from the brink of anarchy and collapse too many times to keep a count of. The bitter enemies Clinton and Obama have made a deal for something. I wonder.

The questions now are interesting. The state department and the administration are still blaming the intelligence community for making the decision of blaming this unseen movie. I have yet to hear in the hearings any member of the NSA state that the information came from them. So who made that call? The state department didn't. The state department was on the phone on real time with the consulate in Benghazi. The CIA was watching the consulate from a drone. The only one that was out of pocket and not briefed was the Whitehouse. The executive branch was out somewhere raising money and missing almost seventy percent of the intel briefings. Now an assessment for congressman Peter King (R) NY, is claiming that Al Quieda is stronger than ever. Remember that the CIA has stated that the have little human intelligence from the region. This is due to the kill them first, ask questions later policy of the Obama government.

I do not believe that the Secretary of State taking responsibility five weeks after the attack will quell public outrage. The president should have immediately gone on and informed us that there has been an attack, then told us what he was going to do about it. I don't think the View or Letterman were the appropriate or presidential place for this discussion. What's next? A saxophone solo on Leno?   

Monday, October 15, 2012

You can tell

You can tell that desperation  is in the air for the left and their anointed. After the insane performance by their heir apparent they went into the it's not our fault mode. On the Sunday talk shows the sounds of David Axelrod accusing Benghazigate of being a creating of the Romney campaign. The man said that if it were not for Romney getting involved in the beginning it would be a non issue. Imagine the stones it takes to say such a thing. You have to be a fanatic or pain extremely well to do it. To suggest that the death of an ambassador and three other Americans in a US consulate by terrorist could have or should have just been swept under the rug. Move along now, nothing to see here. This move of panic is coming straight from the highest levels of the party. They must see an opening with some of the population? They must have polled that someone would believe them?

So my Democratic friends began posting Memes about the cuts in funding and I know not everyone is a new hog as I am, but please that was dispelled in the hearings. Come on guys try harder. There are so many holes now and so many stories the general public may get confused and overwhelmed. That may be just the strategy that the lefties are looking for. Make a subject so complicated and convoluted that people lose interest in our fast food and channel surfing culture. This points again to the cowardice of liberals in the administration, even when it is clearly their crisis and fault, they just can't muster up the stones to say,"My bad". Who knows when if ever we will get to the bottom of why time after time when the request were made for extra security they were denied. Who knows when if ever we find out who gave the order to blame the video.

I say it's too close to the election for anyone to take a fall on this. No low level or higher ups will ever be seriously investigated right now. They will be sent to a desert island somewhere if the administration thinks it will cost them a single vote this November.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Joker

That had to be the most unwatchable and annoying debate I have ever seen. Karl Rove had it right. Who put the Joker juice in Biden's water. From the very beginning it was obvious he Biden was sent in to be the anti-Obama. If Obama waited his turn, Biden interrupted, eighty-two times! If Obama didn't insult, Biden said Ryan was cow dung. If Obama was detached, Biden was point his finger getting in everyone's face. Biden looked like a mean, grumpy, hateful, old man who shoots your dog for peeing on his yard. The behavior seemed very unsettling. I thought there was something psychologically wrong with the vice president. All the faces and mugs and gestures. This is the best the left has? Ryan was calm, polite, respectful, factual. Ryan even went as far as thanking the VP. A gestures that was not returned. Even at the end the VP continued to be abrasive by complaining to the moderator that she didn't give him enough time. What an a hole.

Then I started thinking. This is the guy who is a heartbeat from having his hand on the football. For all of you who aren't aware of that term. The president no matter where he goes has access to the nuclear triggers to defend our nation. The president is never out of communications. That the completely insane, anger man at the debates could potentially have that control almost gives me a heart attack. Now I pray nothing ever happens to the president in the next few month until he is voted out. I would not even have a handgun around the lunatic I saw on the debates last night. Ryan is definitely a better man than me. I may have thrown a few shut the hell up Joe's at the VP after being interrupted the first twenty times. I am just shocked that Biden is really a leader over a part of America. Has he always been this goofy and wacky or is it age? Joe Biden scared me last night and remember I've been shot at.

The left wing base loved it. They ooo'd and ahhh'd all over the mass media. I tell you this if my candidate would have acted that way I would have decided to change my vote within the first ten minutes of the debate. Ryan was truly the one who seemed presidential. Paul Ryan was steady, articulate, thoughtful. The left wanted blood and they got it. Ryan came to fight fair and Joe Biden came to win at any cost. Joe Biden snuck some brass knuckles in his boot and got some licks in. The problem for the VP was that Danville isn't east Philly or Pittsburgh projects and it wasn't a street fight. The event was a debate between two members of government who represent us. So sorry Joker I don't want to hear the story of where you got your scars. What was so funny Joe?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Phasers on stupid.

If I hear Big Bird one more time I am going to cook him. The Obama administration thinks they are just so clever to continue the discourse of governor Romney's comment. It shows just how inexperienced they are at business that they didn't get what he said. I heard this. "I love public television, I love Big Bird, I love you Jim, but I am not going to keep borrowing money from China for things we don't really need"! Ok I know I didn't college, but what I understand from that statement is that we are broke and can't keep borrowing from the Chinese. I do clean my ears every day. I don't do drugs or drink excessively. So, how did the Obamanation hear "Kill the Bird"? The whole weeks campaign seems childish and flippant. No mention of the current crisis in the middle east. No mention of the deficit or debt. No mention of the continued employment dilemma with twenty three million un or underemployed.

Over sixty seven million viewed the debates and understood who the real businessman was. A man who has brought companies from the brink of disaster by making tough financial choices. Subsidies are some of the tough choices that need to be address. The government can no longer afford to give anyone, especially a business that generates hundreds of millions of dollars as does the corporation for public broadcast. As a 501 (3C) I applaud PBS for asking the Obama administration for stop using it's property for partisan games. The Obama administration is placing them in immediate risk due to the law that states those types of non profits cannot be involved in political activities. What really sickens me is to hear the laughter of the crowds at these Democratic rallies who just find the whole topic so funny. The belly laughs that you hear when the president tells one of his teleprompter jokes. Imagine what good the savings from stopping subsidies could do.

So stopping subsidies for anything that is not food or fuel would save billions and billions of dollars annually. Not just on the lack of providing the funding but on the interest we would have to pay the Chinese and others. The continuing path of Socialism being driven by the president will leave this country bankrupt. If trickle down economic was said not to have worked, how can trickle down government? Just look at the states where there are high numbers of welfare and public assistance recipients, Mississippi for one, generations of a family stay unemployed and unmotivated. Puerto Rico where you have almost half of the territory either working for the government or on public assistance, you have the potential for a Greece like melt down.

Isn't it just logical in our own homes that when we are tight we cut back on those things that just are not absolutely needed? If you can't buy milk you don't go to the movies. If you can't pay the car payment you don't buy a diamond ring. Sure we have the addiction of credit in this country that have led millions to financial ruin. I would chose a person who has had to balance a ledger a few thousand times in his lifetime. Someone who has built a company from scratch rather than a community organizer. Doesn't that just make sense? Maybe a race of aliens descended quietly to earth four years ago and set their phasers on stupid on us. Beam me up Scottie I can't take it any more.

Monday, October 8, 2012

D for Dependency

Maslow's hierarchy of need list the need for food, water, and shelter as the base or the most powerful of needs that must be met. At the core of every human being these are the most primitive. Understanding these needs must be fulfilled before any higher one can be achieved. So what if I could addict a people to these most basic needs? I would do it by constantly oppressing them through taxation and regulation. Taking from the successful and giving to the underachievers. Making, forcing everyone to pay their "Fair Share". I bet you think I am speaking about our current administration. I'm implying it, but countries like these do exist. Scotland today stated that nine out of ten Scots receive government assistance. Venezuela was awash in government benefits buying Chavez his third presidential victory.

Imagine how easy a population would be to control if you made it completely dependant. Housing, food, occupation totally in the government's hands. We are not far from this now. General Motors is government control. The FDA controls what we ingest at will. The bailouts have taken over billions in mortgages. The economic disaster has allowed those who would lord themselves over us to come into power. Millions taken by the fear of being without. Millions sought a false savior who was little prepared but to quell their fears through flowery words. Without the teleprompter the empty suit turned into an empty chair. Little solutions but more and more government. We are slowly being injected with the addicting drug of neediness and we are failing to seek rehabilitation.

Friday, October 5, 2012

October surprise

How I hate the current unemployment reporting system. It is a number that can be easily manipulated for good or bad. So the unemployment rate fell below eight percent for the first time in forty-four months. So you know Barry will be spiking the football today celebrating his administrations creation of 114,000 thousand jobs in the previous month. Of course giving no credit to the companies that create these jobs. So let's look deep into the numbers. More people are working part time jobs, so many have just quit looking for full time work. The number who have quit looking for employment did not change one bit. Those returning to the labor force did not change. My worry is that the sheep of us will look at the number and be swayed. Former GE CEO Jack Welch accused the Obama administration of manipulating the numbers. Let's see lied about transparency. Lied about Fast and Furious. Lied about Benghazi. Sure Jack I feel you.

The only problem with the October surprise Mr. President is that the surprise was for a courageous act by others. Your taking the credit for the blood, sweat and tears of job creation is brave it's brazen.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

O that was ugly

I don't know if anyone else has these types of reactions to embarrassing situations on television. Since I was little, I could not bare to watch when someone was humiliated or had something embarrassing or awkward happen to them. I could feel their pain physically and had to change the channel. My son who is Autistic has the exact same reaction, expect he has to leave the room. As I was watching the debates last night I had some surprising reactions. As the debates warmed up I felt a sense of vengeance. I felt like I was cheering on the winning team. I kept hooping and hollering and bandwagoning. Twenty minutes went by, thirty minutes. I began to have the same reaction I had when my sons team is blowing out the other. I felt sorry for Obama. Finally, up against a real businessman not a politician per se, he was out classed and out gunned. So many exaggeration and outright  lies were exposed and challenged and corrected.

The fatal blow was struck after Obama stated Romney had received tax breaks by shipping jobs and businesses overseas. Romney countered, " I have been in business twenty five years and I have no idea what your talking about". "Maybe I need to change accounts", was what got a giggle out of the crowd in a Reagan vs Mondale moment. Just like Reagan's quote in that debate about Mondale's, "Youth and inexperience" which got a laugh and changed the election tide for Reagan, this was a Romney moment. No longer was he the dorky, nerdy religious dude. This was a powerful, successful, articulate chief executive giving a business class to a novice. The president was powerless to challenge the facts about Romney's business prowess and expertise.

That meekness even showed itself physically by Obama. Rarely a look or a body language message that would confront Romney. Looking down, looking away, looking disinterested and disengaged. This train wreck was impossible to watch. It seems that Obama was perfectly happy to just debate talking points and not the detailed important parts of the nights topics. At every turn when Obama used his talking point, Romney trounced him with counterpoint and details. Tax reduction for the reach, Romney said no I won't but this is what I will do. Take away benefits from seniors, Romney left hook. Tax the middle class, Romney right hook. Every blow was to the head and the referee just let him get creamed. Sean Hannity brought up the I quit moment of the night for Obama. During one of his responses on healthcare that he was getting destroyed Obama stated, "Now Jim, I know you want to go on to the next question". That has never been used by the incumbent president in any debate. That was the Roberto Duran "No Mas" for Obama and yes Mr. Obama no mas no mas.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The cowardice of Liberalism

It does not take much courage to be a true blue liberal. Since everything is permissible and there are no taboos, there is not much to take a stand for. There are no limits to the government. There are no moral limits. There are no limits to the amount of freedom and liberty that can be taken from the individual. For me it's a philosophy of surrender. They fall for everything which means they stand for nothing. Are there degrees of liberal, sure. I respect those that have Libertarian ideas as I, however the blue blood liberal is a creature to be pitied.

What we can't do is trust that there can be any leeway with the liberal. We conservatives are seen as truly evil by them. Conservative thoughts are the only things they will not allow. Though everything is permissible, somethings are not profitable. Though my stances have softened over the years through thoughtful reflection, I still feel that the moderate or conservative way is what truly separates us from the animal. The liberal constantly sees us a creatures of nature and not evolved beings that have escaped the chains of the flesh. Unlike the animal we can choose what we are or feel. We are the caretakers of the earth not the earths to use.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Over 2000

This weekend saw the 2000th death in the war in Afghanistan. I believe another three were killed right after we hit that horrible mark again blue on green violence. The current trend in the murder of our soldiers in the region has been for Afghan soldiers or police to turn and kill. Unfortunately this is a tactic that will be difficult to stop due to the culture of deception that is bred in the Jihadist Muslim. The Koran has a verse which they interpret to mean that lying to an infidel is morally correct. This religious permitted sin will make it difficult to vet those enlisting in the Afghan security forces. I question whether the Afghans have the heart or the stomach to want to be civilized or free or modern. Could a people live so long under oppression that they actually depend on it? Could tyranny be just to ingrained in there psyche that they are helplessly programed to be slaves?

I have heard that during the long captivity by our POW's in Vietnam a similar phenomena took place. That after the many years of constant brutality and torture, the soldiers never expected any better and just decided to exist instead of live. So the question that has been asked over the years needs to be asked again. Is it worth it? Have we given enough or too much to the endeavor to bring some sense of liberty to a country that may not want to be liberated? Over two thousand lives, billions of dollars the American heart seems to know no bounds. I subscribe on Facebook to the ISAF NATO forces in Afghanistan. A picture this morning is swaying me to say yes it is worth it. The image below of children running to what I am assuming is a school. What is more powerful is that fact that it is a little girl running to school. Who will she be if we stay? That's up to her.  What will happen to her for certain if we leave is she will lead as a second class citizen, no better than a slave.

Pax Americanus. If there is such a thing we should give others the ability to translate that peace into their own language. I am not suggesting a Pax Romanus where we conquer to create peace. What I am suggesting is war to allow freedom to take root. I believe in American exceptionalism. I feel that our way of life has improve human beings lives on a global scale. So a little exporting of baseball and apple pie and democracy doesn't bother me not one bit. Make the sacrifice that those young men and women worth it by staying the course and giving freedom a chance to not only take root but bloom.