
Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm president I can do what I want

It's almost expected now that Obama taunts us with the fact we're powerless against him. Obama thumbs his nose at and curses the constitution and we have to take it. I constantly feel politically raped. Every day another slap in face for constitutionalist and federalist. At least in Obama's first term he hid the fact that he was trying to systematically destroy what America is, now he flaunts it. Hundreds of billions of dollars taken out of the private sector and now controlled by the federal government never to be returned. Entire livelihoods being tartgeted for elimination because of fraudulent climate change arguments. Takeovet after takeover. Power grab after power grab and we and our leaders sit impotent, unable to fight back the turning tide.

We have become a country of shell shocked citizens. Numb to anything but our day to day existence. Years have gone by with great improvement in the jobs market and the economy. The media applauded the lowering jobs number not stating the fact that as is goes lower it means more of your neighbors have just quit trying. Herman Cain posted on his Facebook page that fourteen percent of adults 24-34 are still living with their parents. Imagine the shame and disappointment both parent and child must feel. They both lived what they thought was the American dream and worked, saved, sacrificed and struggled to get kids out of school into a career. Year after year we told our children, work hard go to college and the skys the limit. Now adult children return home, undereducated, in debt, and with little hope of a lucrative career.

What's the solution? I propose we turn the table on our progressive friends. I suggest the same strategy they are using on our political philosophy. The total annihilation of the Democratic political way. In church it's said hate the sin not the sinner. The modern politcal sin is Socialism masking itself as the Democratic party. Few on the left even the blue dog dems have dared to challenge this Alinsky takeover of the donkey. Political careers seem much more important than a countries future healthy existence. The 2014 elections must serve as a death blow to the left. They must lose every possible election to stop this arterial bleeding of freedom. Generations depend on what we do to tge left in these next few years. If we compromise we die and America becomes a European style classless conglomerate. If we win we will see the boiler reignited and a Reagan style prosperity return.

The choice is simple slave of the state or mastet of your own destiny.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Oh oh O'Reilly spanked Obama

The day after the president made the grand statement that there was not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS, the Dailycaller reveals that emails from the now retired Lois Lerner show secret plans to target conservative groups. Emails prove that the IRS chief and her minions were actually creating policies and processes within the IRS to keep Tea Party groups from gaining 501 3(c) status. On capitol hill there are currently six separate investigation by the justice department into the scandal.

Having watched some of the interview the president gave to Bill O'Reilly, I found the president to be arrogant, dismissive, and accusatory. The president rarely has the ability to take blame for any of the events that have haunted him,like Benghazi, the IRS, Obamacaregate and Fast and Furious. The president enjoyed pointing his finger squarely in the face of FoxNews and asked them to thank him for their profitability. The height of arrogance is always passed by Mr. Obama.

I find it curious that half of the American public still believe a thing he says. Could it be that due to the poor economy and the chronic joblessness in American, desperate and generational benefit dependants don't dare question him in fear of not being rescued. There is a growing class of dependency being created by the Obama administration to support the current Democratic rule for years to come. There is no doubt that with the words of the president during the state of the union speech that there is now an open coup d'etat by the president to like he promised, fundamentally transform our country.