
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Your true enemy is the media

I could not stomach watching the Republican debate on CNBC. You've been hearing all week from the left and right about the black eye that was given to 4th estate. We in the 5th estate have since blogging began detested and seen as suspicious pretty much anything that the mainstream media does. I rarely watch Fox News anymore after the debate where Megan Kelley decide to make herself the focus of the debate. I wish I was able to get One America News in my area. For the few months I was able to see it I found them unbiased and fair. I believe that since the news has become a profit driven medium, there is little room for the "plain" truth and nothing but the truth. Everything today needs to titillate, excite, and tease to make an almighty dollar. As a capitalist I see the success of news as a profitable pursuit part of what makes our country great.  As a person who understands that greed corrupts sees the media being part of the stock market with shareholders and chairmen of the board troubling.

I see that in the last 12 years we have seen the true drive and impetuous of the post Cronkite news. The media has decided not to and is not happy not picking winners and losers and bold faced manipulating the masses into doing what they (media) see is best for their vision for the USA. Look at the major topics just over the last year. Abortion, black lives matter, gun control, LGBT issues, the next president. The vast majority of information on the major networks; and not just news channels but also entertainment, is geared to sway you to champion and agree against conservative views. The fact that this is taking place at all should send you into outright revolution to destroy these businesses. That you are being bombarded with information or what I feel is misinformation to bend what you would rationally disagree with.

The backlash CNBC received was quick and cutting. CNBC within minutes of the debate ending became the laughingstocks of the 4th estate. I kicked the guys when they were down and heckled them for a bit on Twitter. My Tweets were re-tweeted and given a  favorite numerous time, showing just how much frustration for this behavior there is out there. Even if everyone of the debate moderator is fired CNBC made it's biggest profits ever, had it's largest audience ever, and was the buzz of the last few days. Bad press is still press, it's free advertising. Donald Trump uses controversy to get free press that turns into free ads for his campaign. Could it have been a genius plan by the folks at NBC to be just so absolutely in the pocket of the left that it purposely caused a debacle to make money. PT Barnum stated, "Advertising is to a genuine article what manure is to land, - it largely increases the product". Maybe the media needs to be a not for profit venture?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The moment of truth

I have not be alive that long, a little less than 50 years. I don't know about you all but i can't remember a time in my lifetime where the nation was so divided. Of course there have always been political divisions but they all had legal or legislative implications. What I see and sense today is discord on every aspect of who we are or had been as Americans. Faith is under attack with health legislation having to be taken to the Supreme court to express our God given right to not pay for an abortions. Race is under attack with the lies of "Hands up don't shoot" and "Black lives matter" activist. Gender is under attack with gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms. Black is white, up is down wrong is right and my fellow Republicans have no balls to put a smack down on a few of these a-holes. I even saw a video attributed to the Huffington Post where mean are questioning if masculinity is a good thing. All of these idiocies make me think America is truly doomed because we've allowed the crazies to run the loony bin.

Stark contrast was show last week in the Democratic or as I called it the "New Soviet Socialist Party", and the Republican debates. The majority of the time the DemocraSocialist were speaking about what they could take from Americans at the top and share it with this made up bottom. Take your profits to give to workers, take your freedom to give it back to you, take your guns to never give them back. The Bernie Sanders bunch just are consumers, vampires, leeches, sucking the lifeblood of the American dream. In their Utopia no one but the rich pay for anything. Free is the party platform. Get free education, free healthcare, free raises, free leave. The DemocraSocialist plan looks to cost the nation if they are allowed to rule 5 or 6 trillion dollars to a nation that is 18 trillion in hock. I have this constant sense of impending doom that I cannot shake. I have seen only a few courageous political leaders but I have yet to see the angry energy the left has always had that we now need.

Moderate, blue dog Democrats, Libertarians, Conservatives, we are at a moment of truth. The left has dominated the narrative through the mainstream media and their in your face tactics. I think we need our own commando style takeover a Berkeley campus or the Democrat conventions where we had out some ass whooping to hippie left-wing commies. The left easily takes up the march or protest or sit in. Why can't we do something similar. Oh I forget we actually have jobs and are responsible and allow our kids to be born when our wives or partners get pregnant. I don't think I am saying we should emulate their childish takeovers of steakhouses and talk about how sad it is to eat a cow. I guess am I calling on you guys to get a lot more pissed off and involved in not swinging the pendulum our way but nailing that bastard to our side forever.

These next 15 months I believe will determine whether we continue to barely exist as the republic we are or if we go the way of Europe and be invaded politically and morally and destroyed. Only you can prevent this. Get pissed. Get politically active. Get our country back!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Rage Rage Rage

I do not know exactly why Barack Obama angers me so. Obama gets me to a level of righteous indignation like no person ever. Not even in my personal life have I had such disgust and disdain for a human being. I have tried to find something good in this man but I've failed. Obama has done more damage to this country than any any of the nations that oppose our values. Almost 100,000,000 not even looking for work. Rising leftist violence as witnessed on Oregon and most recent mass shootings.

Obama is the Anti-American. The man is what America actually fought wars over to rid the planet of. How could so many Americans be such cowards, leeches, Socialist,  Marxist,  Communist? In a span of eight years every military and social gain we made from Clinton going to the middle to two Bush elections have been utterly destroyed. Today hangers-on and baby killers are seen as heros and normal. Riot after riot, liberal cause after liberal cause is paraded and applauded as progress. Have we not learned from the failings of Greece and Rome from decadence?

I wrote two years about a cold civil war having begun. More an more Americans have begun to openly defy the federal government. Wyoming with it's law to jail federal agents enforcement of federal gun laws to crazy Kim Davis not signing a marriage certificate,  people are fed up. Even the media have finally woken up to the Sodom like direction of our nation under Obama. Popular shows like the View are being yanked from TV for their outright hate for anything other than liberal debauchery. People who are moderate and right wing are becoming more and more active and soon I predict aggressive in changing this nation back to a Republic.

I am not talking good Ole days, I'm talking about a system of economic and political values that propelled us to a super power. Obama hates our exceptionalism. Hates that America rules. Hates that America leads. Obama's vision o f America leads us to be equals with the other world nations if not subservient. Obama would be none the happier if we were under some united governmental union of nations where we would be just a cog in global decision making not THE decision makers we no too long ago were.

I no longer care how Obama was made or his mommy and daddy issues. He's far to gone to help. I used feel sorry for him that his daddy was a douche and abandoned him with Commie granny and grandpa. Mom going from relationship to relationship, I know how that can screw a kid up. I'm done feeling sorry for Barry he is just too dangerous to the constitution. Look he's even motivating commentators on Fox News to call the constitution "Bullshit", thanks Geraldo. Go move to Mexico if you think their's is better. Obama has made up, down, black white and has found a way to circumvent our system of checks and balances.

With a year left and nothing stopping him I fear for what will be done or happen next to America. Russia as I predicted two years ago is now flexing it's Soviet might in the middle east and being thanked for it. China is building island bases in the middle of the ocean and Obama just flies spy planes not so secretly around them. After the Oregon shooting he has even suggested that we do a national disarmament like England and Australia. Look at what England has become now. England is a base of operations for European Jihadist. Walk around London like I have this year and ask yourself where are all the English people. Something is coming,  something has to break and I don't know what but I see many quietly preparing and planning. Are you?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Trump Towers

I am not going to say I am in or on the Trump bandwagon. You have to admit that his frankness and downright smashing you in the mouth with his words is refreshing. Trump has ignited a fire storm with his stance on illegal immigration, crime, the economy and now his justified attack against the RINO John McCain. I really don't believe he is close to being a conseervative from his choices and who he has supported in the past, but he believes in something that has been lost. For the last six year Obama and his ilk have been assasinating our American exceptionalism. Conservatives unlike Progressives and other left-wing political ideologies believe that what we have here in America is the best system on the planet and that we should be emulated. The left believe that America through it's strengths acts in an imperialistic way. Just go to Twitter and look up my debate with Phillip Arroyo to see just what modern day progressives believe America is all about. Trump brings that swag back to the discussion. Trump brings back what those black flag douchebags in the Middle East hate about us, that "we are the best and you suck" cockiness that we need back desparately.

The power that Trump has unlike any other candidate is his ability to say, "I've built a business". Not since Truman have we had a president with the experience of running a business and Truman's business was a failure not a 10 billion dollar empire. So many other Republican candidates are out there afraid to speak boldly or frankly, speaking in political correct speak. Political correctness is the high of cowardice, I dare say un-american. Trump gives the finger to that type of passive aggressive pusification of the American politcal system. I hate to say it but he seems even more masculine than the other candidates. I  could see Trump smack a guy in the mouth for being disrespectful. A few days ago he took on Lawrence O'Donnell the MSNBC hack you dared questions Trump's finances. Trump is uber media savvy and digest a lot of news throughout the day and heard O'Donnell calling him out. Trump quickly shot back with betting O'Donnell a year of the anchors salary if he could produce verifiable proof for his claim. O'Donnell like the pussy he is apologized and walked back the claim.

I think that is one of my favorite parts of Trump's personality. Unlike Obama who uses the IRS or EPA or other political cronies to do his dirty work, Trump takes you on himself and wins. There has not been a radio or television interview where the interviewer didn't get a smack down when they tried to make him look like and elitist, racist, gun nut. Now that Trump has the lead, I think unless another candidate becomes as outspoken and animated, they will have a very difficult overcoming the lead. Unless there is some body buried somewhere or an insane skeleton in the closet, not even the debates will stall his advance. What other candidate is as polish or powerful with the media? The crowds are growing and growing and I noticed when Trump attacked McCain on his military record it wasn't immediately a negative. I saw Rick Perry posted a condemnation of Trump on his Facebook page, what happened next was fascinating. The majority of the comments were angry citizens advising the former governor to shut up and mind his own business. Thousands of people defending Trump for going after the RINO McCain. I believe that was not what Perry was expecting.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Victori Spoila

Phillip Arroyo of Florida became involved in an altercation last week with a couple of Dixie loving Battle flag displaying Anglo-Americans. Mr. Arroyo, who just recently moved from Puerto Rico to Florida last year felt it was his civic duty as a new transplant to call to the patriots attention their error in displaying the Battle Flag. To make a long story short, Mr. Arroyo pulls up and gives a dirty look to a couple of good ole boys in a monster truck. Mistake number one in his logic. The driver of the truck ask Mr. Arroyo what his problem is and (mistake number two) begins to tell them how racist they are by displaying the battle flag. The men get out and allegedly according to Mr. Arroyo who is a young upstart left-wing activist and lawyer, punched him right in the mouth.

In my expert law enforcement opinion, he deserved it. In Texas there exist the term "fighting words". These are words that prosecutors can use to say that an incident was provoked by language so inflammatory that any "reasonable" person who be moved to action. I consider myself a reasonable person and if you pull next to me and call me a racist, yes I'll smack you in the mouth too. Liberals like Mr. Arroyo are dificient in understanding what Dr. Thomas Sowell calls, "The rule of unintended consequences". These people as Mr. Arroyo feel that they need to rescue us from oursleves and see themselves as specialy gifted or anointed to take the blinders from our eyes.

With the lowering of the Battle Flag and the coming federal ban on the Battle Flag in Federal cementaries thre left is winning the game of narrative and activism. Conservative prinicipals and American history are being wiped off the face of the earth for political correctness sake. I find it interesting that no matter how many times you bring up the real name and history of the Battle flag, or that the civil war was not primarily fought over slavery, it was taxes, tariffs and states right, the liberal stays the course and rewrites history. I blame us conservatives for this problem. We have failed to be violent. Violent in the sense that we attack our opponents in the arena of ideas and information. Conservatives are always playing catch up. We need to start winning these front line battles and I believe a general for our war has come but I'll talk of that later.

 I spoke (argued) with Mr. Arroyo through Twitter about his racist and uneducated views of what he was actually doing. I called him the same thing he called the men in Florida, "racist". If the shoe fits, right? You are Hispanic, going up to a truck full of whites, and call them racist. Mr. Arroyo was being a racist just by this confrontation. In his ignorance of history of which I tried to educate him, that flag had nothing to do with slavery or anti-black sentiments historically. There is a famous picture of the KKK marching in Washington all holding...the American flag. Are we now going to ban the American Flag? Idiotic, weak, and foolish those who are progressives and leftist have become. Mr. Arroyo is young and has little life experience so I'll caulk up his ideas to the poor educational system in Puerto Rico.

We need to each as conservative and Libertarian thinkers fight the political correctness war that has been raging for going on twenty year now. I have seen a Meme that some people are posting which I think is apropos, "Good morning America, what are we going to be offended by today"? Mr. Arroyo claimed to not be an activist for left-wing ideas, but upon further research you find his speeches, his affiliations, his associations are with anti-American organizations. The whole incident with Mr. Arroyo seems like a setup. What should be our counter offensive? I think Donald Trump has something. Be bold, tell it like it is, keep telling it like it. People will be angry at first, then people will listen to you because they want to catch you in something, then as they are listening to you angry they start to learn. Now after a week of blasting the Mexicans Trump drew Bernie Sanders number in Phoenix of all places. Let's do that let's just tell it like it is. Let's win some spoils for our ideals.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Coming Race War or is it?

If it bleeds, it leads is as I understand it and old journalism saying. If it is sensational, provocative, evokes a knee jerk reaction squeeze every single drop of ratings out of it. The horror and outright hate killing by a psychopath this week shows us who are aware and awake the real and true colors of those on the left especially the president. The main stream media being mostly in the pocket of Democrats and liberals fans the flame of a fictitious current or impending race war. The president and his ilk want it. The press helps to expand the narrative that blacks in America are being hunted. Rahm Emmanuel said is best, "You never let a serious crisis go to waist". Pulled right out of the Alinsky school on subversion, one must manipulate and take advantage of anything that advances the cause. Just like true Alinsky disciples, the Obama administration decided to not let the poor victims be buried before he used them as the martyrs they they didn't ask to be.

Gun control, gun control. Take our guns away. Take them all that's the cure. If no one had guns no one would die. Racism and guns are the big problems in society today according to Obama. I always go to the numbers on these matters though I hate quoting stats, they are like buttholes everyone has one. Is there are war against the black man in American. The numbers from the government themselves are quite clear that hate crimes are proportional to the population. There are no more hate crimes towards the black community than there are towards any other group. All of these facts are useless because they are constantly over shadowed by rants and pundits and race baiters. The truth is constantly under attack by skilled messaging done by those that want to turn America into a European style Socialist Democracy.

The crime should be address by the facts. A crazy psychopath drawn to left wing ideology and hate for his country was through whatever means lead to commit this racist hate crime. Not the white race, not gun lovers, not Republican, not Tea Partiers a lone less than human who had delusions that he alone could purge the problems he had in his life. The one fact that many of these mass murders seem to have are psychiatric drugs or drugs in general. The question is asked in passing and fades away with the relentless cry of whites killing blacks. From Sandy Hook, to the Colorado theater shooting, the Gabby Gifford shooting, to Charleston every one of those killers were on some type of psych drug. Attacking the psychiatric community doesn't sell commercial on TV stations so it will never lead. The president waisted no time attacking our rights and who America is as a whole. The president never addressed the issue of why so many mentally ill people have easy access to weapons.

A woman on the street heckled a reporter and went on a rant that blacks in America should take up arms and start a race war. Some community organizers say it already exist. I dare say that yes there is a race war and it has caused thousands of death over the past few decades. The war is black on black violence. Just look at the cities with the most violent streets, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore. The common denominator is cities that have not been able to reach the American dream due to Socialist policies of there Democratically elected officials creating a system of dependency. Generation after generation kept in poverty, with no Al Sharpton to champion the true cause of black rage, dependency. Imagine all of those cities run by people who believe in freedom, less regulation, love of capitalism. Those cities would come alive again with businesses and jobs and opportunity.

Why do some many of us allow ourselves to be manipulated by Obama and the media? I keep thinking about the relative of one of the innocent victims during the charges hearing for the murderer. "We forgive you", she said. That lady reclaimed the power he had over her and her family by his absolution. What strength, what courage, not allowing the news, the baiters, the narrative to steer her into hate and revenge. Let's fight a war over the true problems in our minority communities instead of being led like sheep to slaughter each other.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I get it But I don't get it

I am just gobsmacked (love that word) that for his honest, polite, pro-police stance a principal in Miami-Dade Florida lost his job because of racism. Yes I said it. The administration sided with the mob and decided that they would rather appease the minority community rather than defend the mans record of achievement serving children of that area. The race baiters are winning round after round in the false narrative of rampant police brutality. Does police abuse happen? Yes! Does it happen as often as the Sharpton, Farrakan, Obama and the black community declare, absolutely not. Anyone able to do a Google search nowadays can get access to thousands of independent studies that show that police mistreatment is a fraction of what is being suggested. There is no vast conspiracy to keep the black community down. Are there racist cops? Probably. Do racist cops get caught and then freaking fired? I have seen it myself. I have seen people go as far as fien police abuse after noticing that news cameras were recording the information. In the incident in Mckinney, TX it wasn't a racist cop, it was a cop who was in the heat of controlling out of control brats and when he felt surrounded over reacted a bit.

I have been surrounded like that in the Deep Ellum area of Dallas in a similar situation with a drunk female school teacher. The crowd just saw the aftermath. The school teacher, this itty bitty lady, jumped into the street in front of my squad car onto the street. I blew my horn and she gave me the finger. I jumped out of my car and went over to just give her a warning and that's went it turned into a side show. Now I'm 6'2 250. Cops all get specialized defensive tactics training that is blessed and backed by the city. As I approached the lady I simply yelled to her if she realized she almost got killed. The answer was, "fuck you pig, I'm going home". The teacher wasn't really walking as much as falling forward ungracefully. That lady was drunk as hell and was going to end up killed or raped walking around alone like that. I jogged up to her asking her to stop. The white lady was 5'2 maybe, a buck ten wet. I got her to stop and turn around and she quickly walked up to me and began to poke me in the chest. I could smell the bar hop on her and without hesitation I told her that she needed to spend some time in detox. That is when the alcohol called on the spirit of Floyd Mayweather and this dwarf of a woman being punching me in the gut.

I was literally frozen in shock and awe as I watch her hit me as hard as she possible could. After like three seconds I realized that this was actually pretty hilarious because her fist were bouncing off my body armour and I couldn't feel a thing. I grabbed her and did the old, "calm down ma'am". I could here her say something about her boyfriend being a cop or something of the sort. all the while I am pulling her easily with me to the car to get her cuffed and in until a female officer can come search her. As we got into the intersection there she was able to somehow trip me. I stumbled and she and I both fell and she began to struggle and fight more so I decided just to cuff her while she was down. Now within seconds of me starting to cuff her some people walking away heard the commotion and yelled, "hey look at that fat ass cop beating that lady up". Crap I thought, I'm not fat just big boned. No hell no I thought crap they're coming this way. The crowd quickly built from 2 to 10 to about 100 calling me names and I was surrounded. I hadn't fully handcuffed the lady so I put my knee in her back to control her struggle. That made the crowd even angrier and they moved forward. I had a hand on her one cuff armed and I reached up to call for an assist officer and my location. The crowd lurched forward I pulled my gun and yelled the most menacing thing I could think off. I can't remember what, then it rained police.

About 10 to 12 card raced in to help me controlled this situation some of the crowd had to be sprayed with OC spray and we all decided to throw this still struggling school teacher in my car and get the hell out of Deep Ellum. A female officer jumps in the back with my female prisoner because we have a rule that a male officer cant ride alone with a female. I threw Nanny McPhee into the front passenger seat and went around to get to drive out of there. As I put the car in drive this lady decides that she is flexible enough to get her cuffed hands onto the door handle and open the door and jump out onto oncoming traffic. Immediately she is struck at low speed by some little foreign car and lands on the hood. I said some words of astonishment and went to see if she was dead or hurt. Miraculously she had her alcohol shields up and didn't get a mark on her. we grabbed her, tied her down with the seat belt and race to jail.

I only tell this event so that that people can understand why I understand and am sympathetic to officer Eric Casebolts plight. The roles were reversed. A minority cop fight a young small white women in an area where other young people were and they had the same reaction, defiance. What made those young people and especially that young black girl think that at any time in their lives it was acceptable to defy a law enforcement officer. What type of parenting? What types of social circles? What type of education leads a young person to think, oh I'm not going to listen to a person in authority. I get it but I don't get it. Why doesn't the black community look deep within itself to find the reasons why events like Ferguson, Baltimore, McKinney keep happening. My mother used to tell me if people often don't like you, maybe you are not making yourself likable. Do we need to address the issue of police abuse? It is already being done. I have been to internal affairs, those guys are no officers friends. The issue I believe is a systemic breakdown of the nuclear black family. The same problems are an epidemic in the Latino community. Too many men feeling it's cool to run around making babies. Too many single young moms. Too much focus on the idea of the "man" keeping me down and not how do I arise.

The black community has so many great examples of both men and women who have made it. Gosh look at Dr. Ben Carson. Go read his story of where he came from and the circumstances and where is he at now, running for president. I have not heard one great black business leader or captain of industry come out ans say anything about police abuse being an issue. The comments I have heard is that the community needs to start taking a look within. Look at Chicago as an example, 1000 shot so far this year. The vast majority i s black on black violence that has nothing to do with police brutality. Where are the Sharptons in Chicago? Nowhere to be found. In my own life I have suffered discrimination and rose above it without violence and playing the blame game. I feel the black community need to latch onto leaders like Carson, Sowell, Keyes, instead of Sharpton, Farrkhan, and Nzinga.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

What a Ride

I have been pretty much traveling all over the the US especially the east coast on business. After being retired for three years and having taken care off a disable ex wife, (who's fine and on her own), and my autistic son, who's doing much better, I have over the past year been able to now focus on a career. Since the last time I wrote a column for Ricantotheright the world changed in my opinion for the worst. Though there have been some conservative victories in Europe and even here in the US, the Socialist, Marxist, Islamist freight train continues to roll unopposed.

Spain, Greece, Italy, continue towards a path of unsustainable spending and government dependency. Though a conservative crushing of the Labor Party in the UK is promising, we see a strengthening of nationalist separatist movement in Scotland potentially bringing another referendum for independence in the near future. Germany still is an economic bright light in the region but I suspect that it's Socialist tendencies of high income taxes to provide benefits will someday soon come to haunt them as it has others around the globe. The most frightening problem that is only whispered in Europe is the Islamization of the region by the ever growing wave of legal and illegal immigration from Africa and other Islamic countries.

Since the last Ricantotheright ISIS and other Islamofacist groups have conquered a number of strategic and previously liberated cities and I dare say countries. Yemen is gone. Syria is under siege. Major Iraqi cities where the US has spent precious blood and treasure have fallen to the ISIS hoard. The US has not been immune from the scourge with the recent failed attack in Texas. LOL, Texas where everyone often has not one gun but three and are expertly trained. Attacking Texas is like attacking the 82nd Airborne's while in training. We currently have strongholds taking place in Dearborne, MI and in Tennessee. I feel that due to the current administration's love for reconciliation instead of violent destruction of an enemy we are exposed and been hit more than the public really knows under Obama.

Economically the Obama tribe has eviscerated our ability to grow a post recession economy with over regulation, using the IRS to attack citizens and business, and the continued surveillance of our communications. All of these factors have caused a chilling effect on our potential and the numbers came out that Obama has the worst GDP growth of any president since World War II. The Socialist takeover of car companies and the healthcare system have completely failed to bring and real change or improvement to those situations. GM brings a profit here and there and Obamacare exchanges are crashing and failing all over the country with cost overruns and corruption. The use of executives orders as a means to create or change the rule of law here in the US has caused the courts to begin to openly challenge the president on key issues as immigration, but the wheels of justice turn much slower than Obama's pen and phone.

Americans though that with last years change in congress and the senate the president would be completely stopped in his tracks. The complete opposite has happened under Boehner and McConnell those houses have become rubber-stamps for Obama's agenda seeing passage after approved appointment after capitulation for his agenda. I am truly disgusted with the RINOs and wish them ill. Luckily we have some true conservative and Libertarian voices rising above the clucking of the status quo. Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Walker all have risen to the challenge of the call to fight the tide of Socialism we have seen destroy the great cities of Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore. If you ever want to understand what letting Democrats run it all will do, just go take a ride around those aforementioned cities where they ran the house for decades. I remember living in New York under Dinkins, it was a good place to be from.

We have seen the boring and common attacks coming from the left as conservatives rise. The typical calls of "Racist", "Cold-hearted", poor hating right-wingers are seen all around the common sources like CNN and the other major TV news channels. Anchors like Cuomo and his peers are teaming up with Islamist calling for a law to be created to restrict free speech to hate crimes. Now with the event that was held in Arizona that whether you agree with it or not and the incident in Garland, whether you agree with it or not, have helped to expose some of the players in the countries elite left-wing political circles. I see more and more commentators being invited on these media outlets and being asked if events like these should be outlawed and if they are outside of what is protected free speech. The low information voter may not see the subtlety of what just asking the question does. I suspect that is why I started Ricantotheright to tell you the truth of what is being done to us.