
Monday, September 30, 2013

Mia Culpa

One of the hardest things for any person is to admit fault. Pride is such a powerful master. Even in the smallest circumstances we struggle to just blurt out I was wrong. How much easier it would be to admit your mistake quickly and learn from it and move on. I so respect people that take an error in stride and man or women up and admit fault. I have never seen people more tortured by the possibility of saying they were mistaken than politicians. Do they have some mysterious organ that science has yet to discover that keep them from confessing their errors.

The majority of Obamacare is a huge mistake. Not having tested it was a huge mistake. Not doing the math right was a huge mistake. This is not like spilling a cup of coffee on yourself, this is job ending, life ending, changing America for the worse kind of mess up.  No one wants to admit anything is wrong. Even though the sky is falling in this case no one even wants to look up and move out of the way. The left is refusing to see the impact this legislation has already made on our economy. The majority of jobs created this year have been part time jobs because employers can't afford to keep their doors open because of the massive rise of healthcare due to ACA. Now there are even theories that the legislation was created to fail, and to injure our economy so Americans cry for a single payer system.

The public was wrong in thinking this man, Obama, could bring us together or rejuvenate our economy. The public should take responsibility for the greater racial divide we now have. Obama supporters have led us to a near civil war type sentiment in this country. County after county around the country is voting to susceed from their liberal states. The conservative media is under attack, the federal government is spying on everyone on the planet. There are more conspiracy theorists running around than ever before. This is not what you leftist wished for, or did you?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cruz control

You try it. You all try to do what Ted Cruz did. Would you sacrifice your health, your family time, your reputation, to try to stop an oncoming crisis? On my radio show we had to do an hour of speaking and that wasn't even straight with callers and commercials. I remember being the one true conservative on the station coming home with this impending sense of doom. That for the stand that I took that day, something awful would happen. Sometimes that feeling would be there for days and days after wondering when the other shoe would drop. I just spoke from conviction amd from the heart and sometimes those words attack and offend others to the point they want revenge.

This morning as reported in Politico, Congressman Peter King (R-NY) has continued his attack of Senator Cruz because he is being attacked by conservative supporters from around the nation. What does the congressman expect? King has become the congresses McCain. All these rhinos want is to get along to get along. Politicians like king compromise not out of conviction but to keep the system intact and their political positions secure. We are in a time and place in our nation where no one on the right should be giving any quarter or taking prisoners. The fabric of our entire nation is being ripped apart our reputations are worth the sacrifice.

I sense the tide in turning, even if its just a ripple. Numbers and data and statistics are coming in from all over the country. Ted Cruz quoted them ad nauseam in his 21 hours filibuster. What is blowing my mind is that liberals are insisting that all those numbers from all those sources are wrong. How can a group be so blinded? What am I saying, history is littered with the bodies of followers of false leaders. The president said we'd pay $2500.00 less, now it's $7500.00 more. That we'd keep our doctors, hundreds of thousands are being kicked off their companies medical plans, doctors are quitting. Everyone would have insurance he said, 30,000,000 still won't have access. Shame on you all for being fooled twice.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

As the blood flows

Another week another massacre by radical Islamist. A startling statistic came out this week. More people have been killed by Jihadist since 9/11 then in the 250 years of the Spanish Inquisition. The group responsible comes from Somalia but as the Kenyan authorities are suggesting are a multinational group some say including Americans. There are even unconfirmed witness accounts that a female British national is among the dead terrorists. The stories that emerge are horrific, with the very pregnant wife of a famed British architect being shot point blank after being unable to recite a verse from the Koran. The world is dripping with the blood of innocents, their lives snuffed out in Syria, Philippine, Indonesia, England and I could go on. The Muslim world clamouring for freedom to practice their faith and run their countries as they please make little efforts to defend or speak out against the killing of ethnic and religious minorities.

What does it say about a cause when a brutal dictator like Bashar Al-Assad protected Christians in his country better than the Jihadist that now claim to be freeing it? Name a massacre of Christians that occured during the Mubarak presidency initiated by the government of Egypt. I notice that the people of the Muslim faith bring up 9/11 as a reason they feel oppressed in our country. That since that gruesome day they have been presecuted. What America wants to see from our Muslim American brothers and sisters is a united call in public, on the news, in Mosque, in social media, that they are sick of the Jihadist and the killings and that they will clean up their faith and make it the faith of peace they are constantly saying it is. My question is, why hasn't that already happened?

I never understood why is death so necessary to so many major faiths? Submit or die has been used in the Christian faith as well as Islam? What finally ended it for Christianity? Since the Reformation there have been very little calls for violence to be used by Christians on nonbelievers. There has been Christians vs Christians violence as we saw for decades in Northern Ireland and even that has chilled. In the twelve years since 9/11 why hasn't there been a call for introspection within the global Muslim community? Even the Catholic have councils, though few and far between, to set dogma and policies and modernize their religion. How much more blood must flow before the moderates rise up to reign in the radicals that are creating a universal disdain in some cases for their faith? I do not think the world can take much more before there is a backlash worse than a dirty look on an airplane.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The walls are crumbling down

There is not a part of the liberal agenda that is not crumbling around them and us. Healthcare is imploding. Radical energy policy has caused over a thousand days of over $3.00 gas. Healthy school lunch by Patrick Ewing, I mean, Michele Obama caused districts to loose millions and children to go hungry. Gun grabs have failed and citizens are so angry that they have recalled their politicians and thrown them out on their asses. All of these events show the start of the American spring. I suspect this revolution will be won by the recall and not the rifle. The blood that will be shed will be due to the inability to quickly erase or defund some of the policies that the socialist were able to con the American people into passing.

That may be a good question to ask. What is the Obama body count? In the weak war on terror Obama has 73% of troop deaths under his watch. The Nobel Laureate decided that a stalemate in Afghanistan and drone strikes in Pakistan were the road to peace instead of victory. The health care reforms have caused 30,000,000 Americans to be without health insurance instead of the 25,000,000 that was said to exist under the previous system. Now death panels will.determine if you're worth saving. The push for alternative energy through wind turbines has caused the death of hundreds of species of birds of prey especially bald and golden eagles. Where's PETA when you need them? Eating quinoa probably.

Liberal ideals have destroyed entire cities with the largest municipal bankruptcy and the darling of liberal ideology, Detroit, now just a shell of its former self. When you look at cities and regions that have recently failed the common pattern is that of years of control under a liberal or Democratic local government.

The next big fall looks to be Chicago. With some of the toughest laws prohibiting second amendment rights as of today they are the deadliest city in America. The liberal fails to see the correlation between the criminal and the gun. No matter how many laws against guns you make the criminal will find a way to get a weapon to use against the weaponless.

These acts are deliberate. The goal of the left is to make things so intolerable that we surrender ourselves to the god of government. I've seen that before and it wore a symbol of peace.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

They just don't get it

It's the mentally ill issue you stupid liberals. I just can't stomach the idiots like Piers Morgan and Diane Feinstein. Even before the evidence came out that the weapon used was a Biden approved shotgun, these haters of civil liberties were going after the AR-15. The FBI proved them wrong and they can't even admit they are wrong. Let there be no mistake there is going to be a call to disarm Americans by the left-wing of this country more than ever. The Neanderthal mayor of DC wad blaming thr tragedy on the sequester. This administration should be referred to as the shake your head presidency. During, freaking during the incident the stinking president had to attack the opposing party instead of postponing his speech and reflecting on the event.

This is the issue. If any of you have been reading since the beginning I spoke of the mental health shortfalls during the Sandy Hook tragedy. Again we have a person who had been mentally ill for a number of years, people knew and did nothing. Family, friends, co-workers had the clues right in front of them and failed to act. There were numerous times this guy should have been through the system and the system either failed or were fooled by the shooter. Since 2001 the shooter has been complaining that something was wrong. All the signs were there, no sleep, voices, paranoia. Let's not even start with the failure of law enforcement in Oregon and Texas to prosecute him for gun crimes.

Little attention on educating the public on recognizing the signs of mental illness will be given in the days and weeks to come. The media will turn their attention to an inanimate object. Little attention will be given to the fact that the family didn't pick up the signs of his downward spiral. Little attention will be given to the failure of the Navy and it's background check process. What will dominate the news will be a gun. How did he get it? What type? Who sold it? The left will drone on and on about a piece of metal and plastic.

What we need to do is pay attention to our families and loved ones. As the father of a special needs child who is prone to aggression I have become aware of what sets him off and have been able to predict and intervene before he overreacts. I seek the help of professionals to make sure we teach him the skills to help manage his emotions. The problem with our country is that we've stop caring about one another. Now I'm not saying it takes a village, but at least people start noticing each other again. The mentally ill can be managed but they need to be noticed. You can't do that with your face stuck to a tablet.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Obama blinked

It may be the worst loss in a stare down in history. President Obama was not only made to blink in his recent battle with President Putin, but he is now being slapped on the face with insults by the emboldened Russian strongman. Putin bold face calls our secretary of state a lair. Putin cautions us on American exceptionalism. Putin then creates a plan to assist Assad and end a strike. Game, set, match Russia. I hope none of you are even remotely surprised. KGB operative vs ACORN lawyer. Like Bucheche vs a white belt, Google it.

Now we are still the third most powerful nation on the planet, that has to count for something. China, Russia, United States, hey we are still on the podium. This is exactly where Obama and his zombies have wanted us all along. Reduce our strengths both economically and politically so as to bring us inline with the mediocre poltical players of Europe. To Obamaites there is no benefit to being the carrier of the big stick. The big stick offends and isolates and makes other nations feel bad. Just like the school systems want to punish our children into conformity at times, the current administration punishes anything that would make us greater or stronger than the rest of the world.

I heard a frightening quote from Mark Levin the other day. The conservative radio show host spoke about a plan to return America to it Federalist roots. The strategy was sound and methodical on how we can swing the pendulum back to the right through gaining conservative power through state legislatures. What scared me was his comment that will take us twenty-five years to accomplish. I do not think we can survive Socialism in America for a generation.

At least on a global perspective there is hope. Reports around the globe are coming in that liberal governments are being defeated by conservatives. Our shot to turn the tide is a year away. The chemo therapy we need now is defunding the monster that is Obamacare at least that will put us in remission long enough for a conservative transplant.

Monday, September 9, 2013

War sells, but who's buying?

The Obama war machine is now part of the presidents never ending campaign. The same mechanism that brought you "yes we can" and "foward" is now taking it to the next most violent level of "bomb Syria". Pundits on the major media blitz are now pushing the false narrative that the president never made the statement about a red line over the use of chemical weapons.

Obama even went to Sweden and said the now infamously stupid walk back, "I didn't set a red line, the world set the red line". I think the sheer embarrassment of this president is starting to even wear on the Democrats who are running completely away from the president on Syria. I wonder what genius came up with the new idea to have the Syrians give up their chemical weapons to international control. As of this morning it is being reported that Assad has accepted the Russian offer and will give it's weapons over for monitoring. The headline on Drudge is checkmate.

I remember even up to early this year when I was critical of the president on social media I would receive at least a couple of jabs from my liberal friends, now all I hear are crickets. The new liberal Goddess  Hillary, Hillary is starting to be adored and the church of Barry is losing it's members. How can the left survive the shear weight of scandel after after, mess after mess? I will give you the answer and you're going to think me a conspiracy theorist, poverty. Keeping the population constantly under the stress of unemployment, underemployment, dependency, illegal immigration, will keep his base attached and the rest of us too busy to pay attention.

Can anyone remember the last time a US president was schooled this well by a foreign leader? Carter? Well I give up I can't think of one. The country has rarely faced this kind of portrayal of weakness and ineptitude from a presidential administration. The are making policy and strategy as they go. The community organizer once said he would be willing to sit with anyone and resolve the worlds issues. The great healer has turned into the great heel.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Would they even thank us?

After so many years now going on decades, you don't really hear of any of the niddle eastern countries we have helped be greatful. When was the last time you heard from the prime minister or president of Iraq? When was the last time you heard from any of the dozens countries we send military, financial, or food aid say thank you? I can't remember not one time or read an article, a damn tweet would be nice.

Why are the people we help so ungrateful? I know why, because they know we'll just come to their rescue. The world has become one giant housing project living off American welfare. The first of the month rolls in and there comes the government cheese with no expectation of anything in return. Times they need to change.

We for decades continue to teach the world to not control themsleves. Oh don't worry Uncle Sam will take care of things if we get in a jam. Uncle Sam is getting older and he's sick right now and needs to go to rehab. I have to admit that we have to take a part of the blame for how co-dependant the world has become.

I understand that at one time we were the wealthiest nation, but those days are over for now and it's time to break up with the world for a bit. World it's us not you. We have to go on an aboriginal walk about and find ourselves again. I am not sure with the current wave of Socialism in America we will any time soon, but those who's eyes are open should try. Try to slowly get involved and effect change.

Disengagement is going to really hurt them and us. I predict that there will be more hate directed to us. Like we are not already the target of every radical on the planet. America it's time to be selfish. What we need to do is look within oursleves and our country for a time to focus on our people and our problems. Do you think Russia or China are going to come to our rescue?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

War to save face?

I just can't believe what I have heard the last few days from both Republican and Democratic political leaders. Senator John McCain was the the most prominent leadet to raise a really idiotic issue. This very vocal group of Senators and Congressmen want to fo to war with Syria because if we so not it will "make us look bad" to our allies and the international community. I am not kidding you Google it if you want, but these men want to use our blood and treasure because we might look weak if we don't intervene when we said we would. When did America become beholden to what less developed countries or the world thinks of us?

It is such a laughable argument to hear the Secretary of State mention morals when it comes to human life. A man and an administration where their pundits thank God for abortion openly in speeches to Planned Parenthood and tens of thousands of viable humans are snuff out every year, buy American's morals would be questioned if we can't avenge 1500 killed in a civil war. Hypocites! Broods of vipers! Pictures and articles began to surface this weekend from the British press showing Kerry having a very cozy dinner four years ago with Dr. Assad and his wife in Damascus. Reports are coming in that this bromance occured over five separate dinners. Four years ago Hillary, Obama, Kerry and others referred to Assad as a reformer. Maybe Assad didn't give Kerry a kiss after their dates.

Saving face, what a crock. We don't even have that concept in our culture. Yet Senators Graham and McCain are beating their chest over America's reputation being preserved. The logic isn't even flawed, it's suspicious. Instead of focusing on evidence that would suggest that these chemical weapons could or are headed our way or against our allies, they promote a feeling. As I stated in last weeks article we need to end our reign as the world's police. We have done our share for over a hundred years and it's time for some r and r. A libertarian approach is needed in the Syrian crisis. That region needs to be responsible for it's own and we nees to focus on the rebuilding of our economic prowess.

If we begin to wean the planet from our tit of intervention and assistance, just like a child they will learn to fend for themselves. We always reserve the right to come back and spank them if they rebel. We need a break. Go to time out!