
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Obama blinked

It may be the worst loss in a stare down in history. President Obama was not only made to blink in his recent battle with President Putin, but he is now being slapped on the face with insults by the emboldened Russian strongman. Putin bold face calls our secretary of state a lair. Putin cautions us on American exceptionalism. Putin then creates a plan to assist Assad and end a strike. Game, set, match Russia. I hope none of you are even remotely surprised. KGB operative vs ACORN lawyer. Like Bucheche vs a white belt, Google it.

Now we are still the third most powerful nation on the planet, that has to count for something. China, Russia, United States, hey we are still on the podium. This is exactly where Obama and his zombies have wanted us all along. Reduce our strengths both economically and politically so as to bring us inline with the mediocre poltical players of Europe. To Obamaites there is no benefit to being the carrier of the big stick. The big stick offends and isolates and makes other nations feel bad. Just like the school systems want to punish our children into conformity at times, the current administration punishes anything that would make us greater or stronger than the rest of the world.

I heard a frightening quote from Mark Levin the other day. The conservative radio show host spoke about a plan to return America to it Federalist roots. The strategy was sound and methodical on how we can swing the pendulum back to the right through gaining conservative power through state legislatures. What scared me was his comment that will take us twenty-five years to accomplish. I do not think we can survive Socialism in America for a generation.

At least on a global perspective there is hope. Reports around the globe are coming in that liberal governments are being defeated by conservatives. Our shot to turn the tide is a year away. The chemo therapy we need now is defunding the monster that is Obamacare at least that will put us in remission long enough for a conservative transplant.

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