
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

War to save face?

I just can't believe what I have heard the last few days from both Republican and Democratic political leaders. Senator John McCain was the the most prominent leadet to raise a really idiotic issue. This very vocal group of Senators and Congressmen want to fo to war with Syria because if we so not it will "make us look bad" to our allies and the international community. I am not kidding you Google it if you want, but these men want to use our blood and treasure because we might look weak if we don't intervene when we said we would. When did America become beholden to what less developed countries or the world thinks of us?

It is such a laughable argument to hear the Secretary of State mention morals when it comes to human life. A man and an administration where their pundits thank God for abortion openly in speeches to Planned Parenthood and tens of thousands of viable humans are snuff out every year, buy American's morals would be questioned if we can't avenge 1500 killed in a civil war. Hypocites! Broods of vipers! Pictures and articles began to surface this weekend from the British press showing Kerry having a very cozy dinner four years ago with Dr. Assad and his wife in Damascus. Reports are coming in that this bromance occured over five separate dinners. Four years ago Hillary, Obama, Kerry and others referred to Assad as a reformer. Maybe Assad didn't give Kerry a kiss after their dates.

Saving face, what a crock. We don't even have that concept in our culture. Yet Senators Graham and McCain are beating their chest over America's reputation being preserved. The logic isn't even flawed, it's suspicious. Instead of focusing on evidence that would suggest that these chemical weapons could or are headed our way or against our allies, they promote a feeling. As I stated in last weeks article we need to end our reign as the world's police. We have done our share for over a hundred years and it's time for some r and r. A libertarian approach is needed in the Syrian crisis. That region needs to be responsible for it's own and we nees to focus on the rebuilding of our economic prowess.

If we begin to wean the planet from our tit of intervention and assistance, just like a child they will learn to fend for themselves. We always reserve the right to come back and spank them if they rebel. We need a break. Go to time out!

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