
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Insane in the membrane

What a mad world we are living in. Crazy times, people, events. It seems as if madness reigns supreme. In the year or more since I have written I cannot begin to detail the sheer insanity the world has seen. Small civil wars all over the United States, assassination  in Great Britain of Russian dissidents. Even just the other day a man associated with an investigation on Hillary Clintons campaign dealing winds up dead. You can't even go on social media without being cursed at, your life threatened or being doxxed like I was. Some insane college administrator who was going after conservatives putting us on a Twitter hit list go her panties in a wad when I exposed her online persona. These left-wingers love doing their evil behind mask and in the dark. They whine like babies when their anonymity is taken. When confronted at work, I told my side and that was that. Better luck next time buttercup.

I can't understand what the left's issues are. If they wanted they would be employed, better paid, less taxed. Fat and happy. However because Trump is the one who's reforms have lowered unemployment to as low as 1969, well that calls for impeachment. For Democrats there's a boogieman behind every Trump move and behind every Trump supporter. They can't see any good in liberty. The can't be happy being more prosperous. For some reason these people fell guilty about our success on this planet as Americans and frankly I am tired of it. I am proud and blessed to call myself and American. Get here legally as fast as you can because there is no other nation on earth that has what we have the way we have it. Prosperity for the left is sinful. Success is immoral. If you happen to be gifted with affluence you're a target for violence. Such large numbers of these people are seen in groups like Antifa, the Occupy and BLM movements. Though American provides them all with plenty, they hate her and want to destroy her.

I was not born in the sixties so I am not sure I can compare the violence of the anti-war movement to todays radicals. Some of those 60's terrorist like Bill Ayers are still around and Neo-subversives like former president Obama foment strife and discord all over the US and Obama no again on a world tour to put down the US. I think there is more violence than 50 years ago. I feel as if there are more focused attacks on individuals through cyberbully and doxxing or swatting. Like that administrator did to me she could not challenge me directly so she decided to try to scare those around me to punish me. That is the height of cowardice to not confront your enemy on the battle field, you try to poison his well instead hurting his whole village.

I have seen physical confrontations between those on the left and right and law enforcement. For a group that has so much anger and hate they sure are embarrassingly weak and unskilled. If there were, God forbid, some kind of civil armed conflict, the "Soys" would lose badly. Just today in South Dakota a man or group was arrested for planning and having WMD's and other weapons in support of the Antifa cause. Again they have no honor nor courage so they plan on injuring their opponents in secret acts of terror. This makes them very dangerous to society because you never know when they will strike. A honorable movement confronts unmasked and unarmed but most on the right believe in the right to defend and protect themselves so the left will mostly fail when they attack.

The left becomes more emboldened every day. Maxine Waters and her ilk calling for her folks to confront us. The left thinks we'll melt, they fail to remember we are dogged and don't change. We are a wall and a force to be reckoned with.