
Friday, May 31, 2013

Free men

What is a free man? There is liberty, then there is freedom. Can we live with restrictions, rules and regulations and still consider ourselves free? Tons of questions on my mind this morning. Silently and not so silently oir government has decided to take away the very core of what we as human beings want; the right to self- determination. I have spoken on this subject ad nauseum, but there is half of the country yet to convince that relinquishing their WILL to a faceless bureaucracy will only lead to misery.

Fear is what rules the left's followers. These puppets would have never crossed the Atlantic for a better way of life. The take no risk in their lives. These zombies wake up, go to work, come home, so it all over day after day. The American dream for them doesn't come from the fruits of their innovation or creativity or imagination. The dream for them is one of safety amd security. They complain about being bored and do nothing to escape the chains of conformity. Instead of putting their mark on time and on society by placing themselves at risk, they never rock the boat and their lives resemble and echo. Their lives start off strong with every intention of standing out but fear quickly comes in and they fade.

Where are the rebels and daredevils that craved their names into the flesh of this country? Those men and women who refused to be controlled, held back and oppressed by governmental tyranny. Are we going to allow ourselves and this country to be turned into a classless society where no one strives to be great or exceptional?  Everyone being equal is a lie that we have to destroy. All of you out there know this, yet refuse to admit it to yourselves. You fight so hard for what you have and see others doing little and still being provided for. I remember working in the projects and some had better clothing and cars then I did working until I got sick some weeks.

The only way to discipline our fellow Americans who promote Socialism for our nation is to take away the drugs they are addicted to; welfare and food stamps. Take away the baby bottle and force those that can to grow up amd eat meat.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera

During his trial convicted terroist Oscar Lopez Rivera stated , "I am an enemy of the United States"! Today that would bring you to a quite little place in eastern Bulgaria with water and a board waiting for you. Back in the 80's it brought him a 35 year prison stint. As founder and leader of the Saul Alinsky influenced FALN, Lopez directed terrorist activities throughout Chicago, New York, and Puerto Rico. Dozens of people were killed and injured by this group and its members until a mass arrest occurred soon aftet the bombinh stopped according to the Spectator magazine.

Lopez is not a Ghandi who's non-violent resistence ties up traffic or pushes cotton price higher. Through the inspiration of Saul Alinsky, Lopez with co-conspirator Carlos Torres led a wave of violence similar to the other Chicago based terrorist organization the Weather Underground. Curious how the teachings of Alinsky only inspire violence and radicalism. Not only was Lopez a tactical commander, he also kept the material to make the bombs used in his apartments throughout the states. Lopez was a hands-on terror leader.

As listed in the Daily News these were among the dead in the 1975 Manhattan bombing. Harold H. Sherburne, 66, whose career on Wall Street spanned four decades, and a young banker, Frank Connor, 33, who had worked his way up over 15 years from clerk to assistant vice president at Morgan Guaranty Trust. Two executives, James Gezork, 32, of Wilmington, Del., and Alejandro Berger, 28, who worked for a Philadelphia-based chemical company, had traveled to New York for business meetings. Sources have FALN as having carried out over 120 bombings during the 70's and 80's.

If it took me twenty minutes to find the information of the murdered and the facts of Oscar Lopez Rivera and have a negative opinion, what did singer Ricky Martin do who now supports his release? I would say that Ricky must be in agreement that murder is a justified means to forward the cause of Puerto Rican independence like the Macheteros promote. Ricky is aligning himself with a personality equal to Bin Laden. Lopez could be referred to as the Bin Laden of Puerto Rico. No he was more like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi who got his hands dirty for the cause.

Lest Puerto Rican forget this terrorist was no Martin Luther King. Oscar Lopez was a lucky man to not be charged with murder or conspiracy to murder, he was smart enough to stay distant enough to have some plausible deniability.

Ricky remember the phrase, "Guilt by association" .

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Half of us could care less but why?

Decades ago these numerous deaths and scandals would have destroyed a presidency. Today comedy segments are made showing a guy with a mic asking random people who the VP is. The litte embarrassment these people feel when they do not know simple current events just shock me. I have never been a man to not "Know". I have been ridiculed and harassed for being a know it all. What could a person be doing that they could not take half an hour to listen or read the news online and know the headlines.

We live in a self-centered introverted society. To our down fall technology is becoming our friend and our god. Even today I was shocked that the manager of the local coffee shop where I write this blog remembered my name. "Hey Arnaldo". Was all she said and I was startled. Even as extroverted as I am for someone to be personal in that way seemed unusual almost intrusive, but it warmed me to be recognized. How little contact does a person have to have to make themselves the center of their lives and consider no others?

Little is shocking but everything is offensive. For a people that have so little concern for what happens to our fellow human beings we are really stinking touchy. Don't like gay rights, you're a homophobe. Don't support gun control, you're a domestic terrorist. Don't support abortion, you hate women. Today if you disagree your idea is not flawed it's evil. We have become islands unto ourselves.

The acts of tyranny will continue because half of our country is too selfish to care anymore. The stress from the economic downturn has put us in survival mode and we running around like a disbanded pack of animals. Until we understand that who we were as a people, that our original values needed no evolution, that being conservative or "Real" can mean being modern also; we will be taken advantage of time and time again.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The new normal

America is being reduced to a laughing stock of a nation. Out of control poverty and dependency as rarely seen before. Yet the stock market is at all time highs almost daily. Millions of people completely out of the work force. The government claiming unemployment is down. A president constantly claiming his is the most transparent and fair and for the people. Then we see he is directing an attack on nearly every constitutionally guaranteed  freedom we have.

Think about these last four plus years of what this president has come after. If you're an American overseas,  you'd better make sure that you don't even give off the impression that you're committing a crime or you'll get a Hellfire missle up your rump. If you own a weapon you'd better now go to a shrink because Obamacare compels them to rat cause your mad that your wife nags. If you're a member of the media you'd better not try to get the truth out about all the scandals surrounding Obama, because your mom and dad will end up bugged.

I now will say that if you support Obama and his policies you're mentally ill or a subversive. Even the slick press secretary Carney can't remember all the stories and lies he has told and is having a hard time with the once friendly press. If you back this administration you have no idea what America really is about and should leave for France or Italy or some partially socialist country immediately. America is not to be changed. The constitution is not written on a dry erase board where you can wipe the ideology you despise away.

This new normal that we are in is not America. What we are living in is some imposters costume. Uncle Sam's been kidnapped by Uncle Stalin and the real patriots have to rescue him from the gulag he is being held in. There are a few out there with the courage to smack this regime in the mouth. Names like Paul and Cruz have taken a stance to prevent this high tide of the radical left from becoming a Tsunami.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Change is bad

I don't think that in my life a president has so fundamentally tried to change oir way of life. I find that every time I turn around there is a new rule or regulation or executive order changing our way of doing things. Not just macro parts of our lives, but the micro. What we eat, what we drive, what we wear is being taken over by the federal government or any government for control and change. Even here in free Texas the state is trying to regulate Yoga, come on really? Are we that weak and dumb of a people that we need constant care and protection from Nanny Samantha? Makes me want to go out and buy some Depends and a bottle and sit on the Capitol steps crying whaaaaaa! Change me after I soil myself since they love change so much.

This is not a change to protect us from some kind of danger or negative consequence. The change is a change for creeping and constantly more control of who and what we are as free men and women. Sit and think a minutes about this. Look around yourself and try to find even one thing you do or own or is around you that some type of political entity doesn't touch. As I sit in a coffee house not even the floor my dirty sandals are on is free from a politicians touch. The question I always ask is, "Does the government in my life make my life better"? What I have deduced is that it makes my life more expensive and I have a better chance of breaking some kind of unknown law.

People will say that cars are safer, food is safer, drugs are safer on and on. Wouldn't they have been anyway with market pressure? If we find out a car is unsafe or a restaurant is dirty do wr keep going or driving it. No! I guess it's the rebel in me that hates being told what to do. I give the majority of the human race the credit for knowing what to do and not do. I also know that when you do something that someone doesn't like or agree with there are consequences.

So why such rapid change? There is only one answer, power. In people likr Obama there exist a belief that they have been endowed or destined with a superhuman ability to lead and save their fellow man in a pharaohic manner. Would, "Let my people go" , be too much?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The politics of a disaster

There is no lower form of humanity than the person who uses a tragedy to either joke or further their politics. I understand being critical of responses or actions during the event, but to wish ill or blame an act of God on the politics of a person are subhuman. So I present the co- creator of the Daily Show, Lizz Winstead and Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. While the bodies are still being pulled from the rubble of the city of Moore, Oklahoma these "Things" decide to espouse their type of madness onto our nations airways.

Winstead decided that conservative ideals were to blame for the tornado targeting Moore. Whitehouse decided to blame this non-science of global warming on conservatives. I just do not understand and wish that my liberal friends would help me to understand why liberals do this. Liberal according to Dr.Thomas Sowell are constantly looking for a poster boy for a cause. Yet what in their psychology or in their upbringing causes them to want and desire a tragedy to forward a cause. a study last week out of Europe blame physical weakness on males having left wing ideals so what's Winsteads excuse?

Americans have for the most part been help first then criticizes later. in the last twenty years it has become more common place to criticize during and after. What both of those low lifers should have been Tweeting and saying is, how can I help and how can I get others to help? These people are the height of passive aggressive cowards and should be shunned and made to pay for their callousness and insensitivity.

So unlike them please go to and find a center to either donate blood or funds. If you have a local charity you prefer go to them.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This captain does not go down with his ship.

In sailing lore it was seen as honorable for a captain to be the last off a sinking ship. The captains ultimate duty was to see that his passengers and his crew were all safe and sound or die trying. We have seen modern examples like the wreck of the Costa Concordia where a captain left the ship while it was still in peril.  The captain was quickly arrested and chaired with a number of maritime crimes. The excuses and lies given by the skipper of that ill fated ship bare a similar resemblance to the anointed one, president Obama.

The ships captain of the Concordia was asked if he was on the ship leading the rescue efforts. The man lied as the Italian coast guard could hear the engine of his life raft. Obama states that he was leading the effort to help those in Benghazi. No one can really tell us where exactly he was for many hours during the attack. We know for a fact that next day he after knowing four Americans were dead he went to a fund raising party. The coast guard pressed thr captain for information on what part of the ship he was in. The captain reluctantly confessed to, "directing efforts from outside the ship".

Obama when pressed stated that he was not certain who was responsible for the attacks and that it may be a video that caused a spontaneous riot. Last week deputy secretary of state Hicks testified that he told Hillary Clinton at 2 AM that it was a Terrorist attack. Later that afternoon the Libyan president even names the group responsible.

Ultimately the Captain of the Concordia refused to go back onto the ship and lead. Passangers and crew did their best to save each other in spite of being leaderless. For the last two days the president has refused to revisit or admit blame for any of the three huge scandals that are tarnishing his presidency. The media is speculating that a fourth scandal will come out Friday concerning illegal campaign donations.

What was the captain doing that caused that ship to crash into the rocks. The captain was busy partying with his model girlfriend and showing off his power as a captain. The distractions are what ended his career and caused dozens of deaths. Obama has played over 125 rounds of golf, had numerous multi-million dollar vacations, dozens of fund raising partys and non stop campaigning. Is that the "I" word I hear in the wind.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Skeleton in the closet, no a whole cemetery

Now the administration has done it. They have gone and ticked off the most powerful media organization on the planet. Now it's revealed that they spied on the AP's reporters. The Justice department is claiming they were looking for the source of a leak that occurred in 2011, by wire tapping 200 reporters? My questions is, who was the judge who signed that warrant? The AP stated that never in it's history has it's organization been so broadly persecuted. I am surprised that news organizations never saw this coming.

Why should they have seen it coming?  Since the installation of this president the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been constantly on the attack. Private businesses have been taken over by the government. The government has seized 1/6th of the nations economy with Obamacare. The right to bear arms is being relentlessly assaulted. Privacy is almost a thing of the past with the the Department of Homeland Security drone programs.

The media placed Obama and his kind on a pedestal and now even they are being betrayed. Did they not understand that they are also the enemy of the agenda our socialist president believes in? In the Obama theory they must have control over every aspect of our lives. The government will care for you from the cradle to the grave.

Now the administration has a problem. The media will now dig deeper and deeper into everything the Obamas are doing. They have cut their nose off to spite their face. This may be the beginning of the end

Monday, May 13, 2013

My voice article numero cuatro.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Talking points

I never really understood the power of the talking point until yesterday. I have been having some really interesting conversations and arguments with an old high school friend. My buddy has been in the military for many years and has served his country well.Surprisingly my military friend is a sold out sticking liberal. We have started to communicate more and more with each other over the last couple of months over Facebook, initiated by my constant political ribbings of the left on my wall. I guess he had had enough one day and decided to start challenging my post. My pal being a New Yorker is blunt and to the point like I am and we both go for the jugular right away. Not everyone is a political news junky like I am, so I never expect most of my friends to be up to the minute. Yesterday was different.

I follow all many different streams of news information, online, radio, TV. On Wednesday I started seeing some chatter from the left complaining about the Benghazi hearings being just a political show. The chatter started on Facebook and then spread somewhat to Twitter. A meme was made that showed all of the terrorist attacks on our embassies and consulates during the Bush administration. The meme gave the place and the number of dead and then made some sort of statement about republicans not caring then so why now. The meme may have changed fonts or background but the content stayed the same.

Going back to my friend I posted, "The media cares more about Obama's legacy than four dead Americans" . Soon after that he posted the talking points from that viral meme. I didn't think anything of it until this morning. The power of the talking point. How those words turned into facts which turned into an offensive political weapon. I don't even think he realized that the points he was making came from a meme. I think that's a little frightening,  almost like the subliminal ads from the fifties that made you go by more popcorn. This technique seem much more invasive and more hidden. The only way to combat this type of propaganda is through critical thinking. We Americans are so busy now that we even now want our facts spoon feed through social media instead of researching the facts for ourselves. 1984 has become reality.   

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The media's treason

For the last twenty five years the mainstream media has sold their souls to left wing ideologies. During the era of Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and Tom Brooks it was an unspoken loyalty to the liberal cause. Back then they still believed in the appearance of neutrality and a hint of spin in the story. The facts were what was important in a story. That scoop of what other media outlets missed was the trophy to be won in the news wars. News anchors were seen as pillars of truth, even if the truth was painful. Decade after decade the American public believed and trusted their evening newsman, then as they began to understand their real power they became corrupt, absolutely. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mr. President I have a dolly.

I could not believe that the president of the United States was, (and this is going to be vulgar) whinning like a little bitch! I have never seen an American president act passive aggressive when challenged by a reporters question. By now we all have heard the president saying that he should just pack up and go home after being asked if he had the "Juice" to push his agendas and policies forward. Instead of projecting strength and confidence he looks down at the podium and complains and pouts. Imagine how that image played to our allies and enemies. That a sitting president get pissy when a member of the press ah presses him is the hight of his liberal arrogance.

Last year I wrote about how the president constantly blames others and takes little responsibility, my idea has been now been picked up by Rush Limbaugh. What a compliment to my pure genius to think like a great mind as the Rushbow. The president seems like one of those guy you played street basketball against who would call a touch foul. Mr. Obama I got a good truck and a dolly let's start packing.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cruz rising

As reported on the Drudge report this morning a brand new political light is shining over conservative presidential wishes for 2016. Ted Cruz didn't take time to be a freshman senator from Texas and came in to slash and burn the establishment. Already being hated by both parties for his tea party and conservative stances, I think he stands a shot. Looking on Facebook convinces me that this may be my guy for the next election. My left wing friends online really really hate him, which makes me really really like him. I watched Ted Cruz debate Diane Feinstein and got a little man crush. Senator Cruz plays smash mouth politics, he's not in it to compromise. Compromise is something the Republicans have done way too much of lately and it should end.

You all need to go to and take a look at his record and credentials. This man is no intellectual or legal lightweight. Reading his bio is like looking at the Tiger Woods of politics. Either he was the youngest to do this or the first in Texas to do that. My Liberal friends have no clue about the phenomenon this man is. Graduating with honors from Princeton and Harvard. I am feeling a Chris Matthews tingle shooting down my body. What a family story too. This isn't a spoiled brat who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Ted's dad, like my stepfather fled Cuba in the late 50's and came here without a damn dime to his name. Rafael Cruz washed dishes, worked hard and started a small business. Ted's mom was the first in her family to go to college. If liberals boo hoo Obama's background they should be crying buckets over this families realization of the American dream.

Ok I am calling it. I say we have a Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio ticket for 2016. Cruz/Rubio, I just fainted. You have the best of all worlds with that pair. Ted with his true conservative, small government passion. Marco with his immigration fixes and soothing demeanor. Republicans would be inoculated from the left wing racial attacks. The party would gain market share in the Hispanic community. The Cuban vote in Florida,done! The Tea party on it's side, the moderate for Rubio. Come on, what's to hate. Oh yeah they're not giving away phones.