
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The politics of a disaster

There is no lower form of humanity than the person who uses a tragedy to either joke or further their politics. I understand being critical of responses or actions during the event, but to wish ill or blame an act of God on the politics of a person are subhuman. So I present the co- creator of the Daily Show, Lizz Winstead and Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. While the bodies are still being pulled from the rubble of the city of Moore, Oklahoma these "Things" decide to espouse their type of madness onto our nations airways.

Winstead decided that conservative ideals were to blame for the tornado targeting Moore. Whitehouse decided to blame this non-science of global warming on conservatives. I just do not understand and wish that my liberal friends would help me to understand why liberals do this. Liberal according to Dr.Thomas Sowell are constantly looking for a poster boy for a cause. Yet what in their psychology or in their upbringing causes them to want and desire a tragedy to forward a cause. a study last week out of Europe blame physical weakness on males having left wing ideals so what's Winsteads excuse?

Americans have for the most part been help first then criticizes later. in the last twenty years it has become more common place to criticize during and after. What both of those low lifers should have been Tweeting and saying is, how can I help and how can I get others to help? These people are the height of passive aggressive cowards and should be shunned and made to pay for their callousness and insensitivity.

So unlike them please go to and find a center to either donate blood or funds. If you have a local charity you prefer go to them.

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