
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera

During his trial convicted terroist Oscar Lopez Rivera stated , "I am an enemy of the United States"! Today that would bring you to a quite little place in eastern Bulgaria with water and a board waiting for you. Back in the 80's it brought him a 35 year prison stint. As founder and leader of the Saul Alinsky influenced FALN, Lopez directed terrorist activities throughout Chicago, New York, and Puerto Rico. Dozens of people were killed and injured by this group and its members until a mass arrest occurred soon aftet the bombinh stopped according to the Spectator magazine.

Lopez is not a Ghandi who's non-violent resistence ties up traffic or pushes cotton price higher. Through the inspiration of Saul Alinsky, Lopez with co-conspirator Carlos Torres led a wave of violence similar to the other Chicago based terrorist organization the Weather Underground. Curious how the teachings of Alinsky only inspire violence and radicalism. Not only was Lopez a tactical commander, he also kept the material to make the bombs used in his apartments throughout the states. Lopez was a hands-on terror leader.

As listed in the Daily News these were among the dead in the 1975 Manhattan bombing. Harold H. Sherburne, 66, whose career on Wall Street spanned four decades, and a young banker, Frank Connor, 33, who had worked his way up over 15 years from clerk to assistant vice president at Morgan Guaranty Trust. Two executives, James Gezork, 32, of Wilmington, Del., and Alejandro Berger, 28, who worked for a Philadelphia-based chemical company, had traveled to New York for business meetings. Sources have FALN as having carried out over 120 bombings during the 70's and 80's.

If it took me twenty minutes to find the information of the murdered and the facts of Oscar Lopez Rivera and have a negative opinion, what did singer Ricky Martin do who now supports his release? I would say that Ricky must be in agreement that murder is a justified means to forward the cause of Puerto Rican independence like the Macheteros promote. Ricky is aligning himself with a personality equal to Bin Laden. Lopez could be referred to as the Bin Laden of Puerto Rico. No he was more like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi who got his hands dirty for the cause.

Lest Puerto Rican forget this terrorist was no Martin Luther King. Oscar Lopez was a lucky man to not be charged with murder or conspiracy to murder, he was smart enough to stay distant enough to have some plausible deniability.

Ricky remember the phrase, "Guilt by association" .

1 comment:

  1. Dear Partner,

    International law gives Oscar Lopez Rivera the right to do what he did. Most of what is attributed to Oscar in this article are lies. The United States government is the one that is the unrepentant terrorist!

    After the approval of the 33rd United Nations’ resolution by consensus on June 23, 2014 asking the United States (US) to immediately decolonize of Puerto Rico, we should work together to force the United States government to comply with it.

    The facts that the United States government has maintained Puerto Rico as its colony for 116 years, has had Oscar López Rivera in prison for 33 years for fighting for Puerto Rico decolonization, and has ignored 33 UN resolutions to decolonize Puerto Rico, confirm that the US government has no intentions of ever decolonizing Puerto Rico. Therefore, we need to form a tsunami of people to force the US to comply with the 33 resolutions.

    We should peacefully protest at least 3 times a year until we achieve our goal. The first one will be a march up to the US Courthouse in Puerto Rico on the Abolition of Slavery Day on March 22. The second will be another march in Puerto Rico on a day before the UN’s Puerto Rico decolonization hearing. The third one will be a protest in New York City on the same day the UN holds its Puerto Rico decolonization hearing.

    These 3 protests are indispensable, because those who have colonies don’t believe in justice for all.

    José M López Sierra
    Comité Timón del Pueblo
    United Partners for the Decolonization of Puerto Rico
