I could not stomach watching the Republican debate on CNBC. You've been hearing all week from the left and right about the black eye that was given to 4th estate. We in the 5th estate have since blogging began detested and seen as suspicious pretty much anything that the mainstream media does. I rarely watch Fox News anymore after the debate where Megan Kelley decide to make herself the focus of the debate. I wish I was able to get One America News in my area. For the few months I was able to see it I found them unbiased and fair. I believe that since the news has become a profit driven medium, there is little room for the "plain" truth and nothing but the truth. Everything today needs to titillate, excite, and tease to make an almighty dollar. As a capitalist I see the success of news as a profitable pursuit part of what makes our country great. As a person who understands that greed corrupts sees the media being part of the stock market with shareholders and chairmen of the board troubling.
I see that in the last 12 years we have seen the true drive and impetuous of the post Cronkite news. The media has decided not to and is not happy not picking winners and losers and bold faced manipulating the masses into doing what they (media) see is best for their vision for the USA. Look at the major topics just over the last year. Abortion, black lives matter, gun control, LGBT issues, the next president. The vast majority of information on the major networks; and not just news channels but also entertainment, is geared to sway you to champion and agree against conservative views. The fact that this is taking place at all should send you into outright revolution to destroy these businesses. That you are being bombarded with information or what I feel is misinformation to bend what you would rationally disagree with.
The backlash CNBC received was quick and cutting. CNBC within minutes of the debate ending became the laughingstocks of the 4th estate. I kicked the guys when they were down and heckled them for a bit on Twitter. My Tweets were re-tweeted and given a favorite numerous time, showing just how much frustration for this behavior there is out there. Even if everyone of the debate moderator is fired CNBC made it's biggest profits ever, had it's largest audience ever, and was the buzz of the last few days. Bad press is still press, it's free advertising. Donald Trump uses controversy to get free press that turns into free ads for his campaign. Could it have been a genius plan by the folks at NBC to be just so absolutely in the pocket of the left that it purposely caused a debacle to make money. PT Barnum stated, "Advertising is to a genuine article what manure is to land, - it largely increases the product". Maybe the media needs to be a not for profit venture?