
Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Apologies for my disappearance. Success in life brings it's own challenges and those  challenges took my attention away from politics to making my family great again. I've seen my wife blossom to am amazing mother to my children. I've seen my oldest rise to and thrive in college creating his own political blog. My daughter becoming a leader in nearly every student academic club in her high school. My younger two getting healthy and wise.

My months have been spent become an expert in the current field I earn a living in. I'm  sought after and respected and get to fly to nice places and do things I could never do before. I thank God for this opportunity. I have not been ignorant of what's been occuring they last nine months since I last shared with you all. Our country has taken many steps backwards due to BHO. These last nine months we've seen the rise of a terrorist movement here in the states. The Black Lives Matter movement may have started as a benevolent group to bring awareness to black issues in America. Now BLM is synonymous with black racism and murder.

"Pigs in a blanket, fry them up like bacon", has become a rally cry to the anarchist and communist that have taken over this movement. The culmination of their depravity was seen in Dallas with the death of 5 cops, one my former trainer. The leaks have come fast in furious as people take the lead from Edward Snowden.

To be continued...