The Trump presidency has now completed it's first year in office. Though the madmen and women on the left were expecting an impeachment by now, the rabbit chasing still continue with Mueller. Slick Willie is a moniker for Bill Clinton due to his ability to sail through a scandal. Teflon Trump, Tank man Trump, Trumpinator? Every made up, fake news issue that the media, Hollywood, nevertrumpers have manufactured have been able to dent his progress. If he is not directly attacking the aggressors, Trump eviscerates his detractors with Twitter. The left and other subversives just can't seem to figure out just how the president can continue his bull in a China shop approach, but I love it. Take no prisoners I say.
What has really happened in the last year? No gays have lost their civil rights. Abortion is horribly still legal. The stock market keeps breaking records. Over 100 companies have promised to give hundreds of dollars in raises and bonuses to tens of thousands of workers. The business that I am in is seeing less regulations and more gains and deals being closed. I looked at my 401K which are traditionally very bland and underperforming is up 15%. I see absolutely no harmful effects from any of the changes the current administration has made.
Why is the left so angry? I believe that the majority of it is manufactured or feigned rage. I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but I will. For the last five administration there has been a push to become part of the global community of one worldness. Socialist and globalist were preparing for the coming age of no borders and wealth spreading with the final piece of the puzzle being the Hillary presidency. Those powers that be paid over a billion dollars to her campaign, her foundation and other left-wing groups and they thought it was in the bag for them. The arrogant Americans with their freedom, Christianity and guns would finally and forever put in their place, subservient to masses. Trump shot that plan in the head with a Desert Eagle.50 cal.
Every time I see the left make an aggressive movement like creating Antifa or pussy hat marches or made up investigations, I feel that's the worst that can happen. What I have noticed the last few weeks is the ramping up of people on the left arming and training themselves for confrontation. Though I have to admit the videos are comical and I could probably take on dozens of these yahoos on my own, a little arms training makes them more dangerous. The psychology of these people is what makes them so dangerous. They live in a world where they see already the "evil" impact of what Trump has legislated. These delusions for them are real. Babies are being born against their wishes, government (Washington) is losing power over people, gays are being targeted, and the illegal alien is being shipped back to their "shitholes".
The left is constantly perpetuating this Mad Max world. You see in the news at least once a week about a one of these social justice warriors saying they were attacked, harassed or their Hijab was cut off. As far as I know, not one of these incident were true. Either they never happened or these poor demented souls did it and confessed to authorities that it was fake. The left has gone insane and with that madness I foresee their violence increasing and a true tragedy happening n a larger scale. Remember Senator Paul and Congressmen Scalise. Yeah, its gonna get worse in this mad mad world.