
Thursday, March 7, 2013

In their "Right" mind

A few conservatives finally grew a pair and decided they had had quite enough of this overthrow of the US constitution by the Obama administration. Though the nomination of Brennan for the CIA top job may be a done deal, at least someone drew a line in the sand. Rand Paul and others made a conscious decision to at least tell the American people that would listen that we are in danger. That the current ruling class is no lover of the constitution or the bill of rights. After it took half an hour to finally get Eric Holder to say no to droning citizens for not imminent terrorism within our border, you should have your eyes wide open. Liberal you should understand that they are coming after you too. I guarantee that you left winger in general do not fully agree with everything that has been going on and that makes even you the enemy. Obama demands full allegiance to his manifestoes and sees any deviation and treason. The Senators that stood up yesterday may be the lone voices crying out of the wilderness for the return to the constitutional rule of law. I hope not.
Where did it all go wrong? I believe that we allowed our freedoms to slip away for decades. It may go as far back as Woodrow Wilson and the creation of progressive thought and it's implementation with FDR to pinpoint where we lost interest in our rights. Once progressive began attacking the "individual" as barbaric or old fashion or selfish, it began to erode our spirit to fend for ourselves. The pursuit to legislate helping our fellow man instead of encouraging it created the slippery slope that has now lead to a full blown Socialist takeover of our republic. The drone issue goes back to the desire of progressives to make it evil to have individual liberties. That the "State" and the "people" are more relevant than the one. The individual is the core of what makes our constitution work. The rule and rights within it are for the man or the women to exercise on a separate basis and not as part of a collective or hive. Even the judicial system was based on giving the "One" protection from group accusations.
I watched a few minutes here and there of the filibuster. I was very interested in what was occurring in social media. I saw a five fold increase in the traffic on Rand Paul's Facebook and Twitter feeds. People who even admitted that they were not fans of his were applauding that someone has finally publicly called out the administration on the Senate floor and exposed what they are doing to your individual rights and freedoms. This country cannot survive without the engine that is the individual. If we look back at the greatest achievements of man or in America, they came from the sweat and work normally of one person. Too many chefs spoil the broth or however you say it, it is the guy in the garage (Gates), in the college dorm (Cuban) that has willed America to be better. Whether for fame or greed the individual is what keeps us free. Once we give up our ability to be on our own, we surrender to tyranny and mediocrity. Today let's change "United we stand, Divided we fall" to "I will stand on my own and fall free".

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