
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Open letter to American Latinos

Oh how ignorant my fellow Latinos are. Like sheep you are led to the slaughter by your Democratic masters. What happened genetically to us in the more than 500 years that we Latinos were the masters of the planet.

Now you beg for welfare, food stamps, minimum wage. Our ancestors had the courage to jump on a ship and take strange lands and fight for what they wanted. Now you walk around begging the Democrats to hold you to their tits. Especially my friends in Mexico, where is your revolutionary spirit? Socialism has made you weak and sheep.

You have riches in your own country,  but lack the conjones to take your country back from corrupt politicians and drug dealers. Conservative ideals are what's gonna bring us back. Liberty to pursue the life and riches we want,  not a government telling us how much we can and can't do.

Hillary Clinton just stated yesterday that "business does not create job". Are these the people you want to emulate? Republicans are far from perfect, but they don't seek to control us through social programing like Wendy Davis proports.

You Latinos need to wake up and remember,  you're not a bunch of sheep or commies or socialist,  you're descendants of a culture that ruled the world. Make your own way stop begging.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Not one of my liberal friends have spoken out against the war that began last night. I am for military action against these Islamofacist. This should have been done years ago. The problem with this war is that it seems too little to late. Back to my liberal hypocritical friends. Not one shred of the vitriol that they gave to W came out last night. I expect that code Pink and other far left groups will be and have been vocal. In general what you'll find is praise and pride from most liberals and media. No one will accuse the president that it's a war for oil. No one will accuse him on the left for using this for political reasons. The left will flower him with praises and adoration like the god he is to them.

The Obama administration has even allowed 100 ISIS fighters to return to the US. As we speak hardened Islamic radicals are here and have been here with the knowledge of the administration.  These men and possibly women are planning, plotting and waiting for an opportunity to strike terror in the hearts of Americans.  No one is going to blame Obama for his incompetence. Obama has made it known that he wants open borders at all cost. There is nothing Obama and his cronies would do to create more havoc on the borders and in the country so they can consolidate more and more power to the central federal government. What excuse will the left give him for allowing our borders to be compromised by terrorist?

The current mission to me has some eerie similarities to how Vietnam began. A small force on the ground as "consultants". A limited air campaign. A highly motivated enemy that is loyal to the death to it's leader. None of these issues will be presented in the current corrupt left wing media. Take a look at you Twitter, Facebook,  and other social media threads. Your left wing friends will be as quiet as a mouse.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

How much more can we take

It has been an increasingly difficult to keep my composure lately when it comes to politics and world affairs. I find that the current administration has followed the Alinsky guidelines for radically changing a system by constant crisis to perfection. When I feel that there might be a break or a pause in the continual barrage of economic or social calamities another comes right after. I have heard descriptions of what "Shell Shock" is, especially during the first Gulf War from Iraqi soldiers. The conscripts would say that you felt safe in your bunker for the first few days of the B-52's and B-1 and B-117's hitting them. The lull offered was for refueling and rearming. The soldiers said it would come again and then stop and the same rhythm went on day after day. They began to lose sleep, then lose hope , then they lost their minds. At least for me this is how being under the Obama administration has been.

I began thinking a few weeks ago that maybe we could retaliate through impeachment proceedings. That we as a people could put pressure on our elected leaders to reign in the executive branch and put it back in balance and in its place. The speaker of the house in recent days killed that hope by saying that it was a ploy of the Democratic party. Mr. Speaker it was a cry for help coming from those of us that honor the constitution and the limits it places of the president when it comes to making law. Numerous constitutional scholars and pundits have agreed that the over reaches by the president merit and impeachment. The presidency was never meant to have so much power. Power over business by owning General Motors. Power over our economy by legislation like Dodd-Frank. Power now over your very health through Obamacare. All in the hands of one man and one party.

Crazy Geraldo Rivera had it right the other day inadvertently. Geraldo was complaining that Matt Drudge was being irresponsible in his reporting of the border crisis. Geraldo cried that the reporting was stirring up a possible "Civil War". I do not believe we are to that stage yet, however there are rumblings in the radical right-wing that have been seen lately. The Bundy Ranch confrontation recently, the stand against illegals in Murrietta, the current lawsuits from religious groups against Obamacare.  The pot is boiling and there is certainly the impetus on the left to quell these push backs through the use of the IRS and Homeland Security. A decade ago this would have all seemed like an Art Bell Dreamland late night AM conspiracy radio show. Today all you have to do is turn on the TV.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Socialist Wave

What and who is crossing our borders? Have we seen this flood of neurosurgeons and biologists? Since the end of the last immigration freeze in 1964, how many Noble laureates have crowded our shores? The religious and the radicals are wanting us to believe that those that are coming over could be the next Moses. I'm not kidding. That statement came out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi. This is a person who claims they attend church and have Christian tendencies and completely destroys the biblical story that was just for Israel. Par for the course I say. The left will say and do just about anything to get these people here. I began reading "Rules for Radicals" recently and everyone it's as if I stole the other teams playbook. Never mind the acknowledgment to Lucifer at the beginning,  but this is the wholly grail of what the left is and has been doing.

My point is read the book it will get you to understand what the Obamaites are doing to America. Again who is coming over. Let's just say that like they claim that the vast majority are women and children. What will they contribute?  Again the Democratic leadership has made claims that allowing these people to stay will create an economic boom. When and how is my question?  The parent most likely is poorly educated or  illiterate. The child more than likely equal to or less than the parent. What will they immediately need? Assistance! I mean welfare, food stamps, free housing, oh my. Take, take, take. This individuals will not be productive members of society for years if ever. Schools districts in the northeast have already started to make claims that they are being drained by the influx from the previous 5 years. They will break cities, counties,  and maybe a state with their viral drain of resources.

You also have to understand the values and the culture these people have come from. The nations they represent are Socialist enclaves. The people coming are conditioned to vote and depend on those who keep them fat and happy. What party would benefit?  Who has raised the numbers on food stamps and welfare since 2008? Ding, ding, ding you guessed it the stinking Demos. The parents are immediately in the bag and then a few years later the MS 13 bangers would be able to vote. Even if they can't read some Acorn type association will get them to.

People, the saying on the statue of liberty is not in the constitution! I've heard ever leftist wacko quoting it these last few months. Give us your tired, your poor, blah blah blah. We are a nation of rules and laws not of French sayings. America is closed. Learn your history. America shut it's doors for over 20 years after World War two so that vets returning didn't have to compete with immigrants for jobs. After WII we weren't 26 trillion in the hole either. Just thinking about it, we have plenty of vets that are here and are coming home thanks to those battlefield pink slips. Let's not build a wall on the border, let's build a big ass sign, "America is closed to take care of our business".

Saturday, July 12, 2014

When did illegal become a bad word?

I have all sorts of friends online. Since the illegal immigration invasion began I have posted numerous articles about the legal issues, economic issues,  and health issues posed by the flood of illegal aliens rushing in to get the Obama "Permiso". How far has news fallen, when an article that I post is questioned for it's slant. I rarely post articles that are left wing or progressive. These days the media has as good of a reputation as congress which no saying much.

The media has damaged their own reputation by taking sides. Of course I believe the side that the major media takes and cable networks such as MSNBC and CNN take are far more harmful than a Fox News. The mistrust of the media injures what I'm trying to communicate. The dangers of illegal immigration are real. If you are old enough to remember when Castro opened his borders and his prisons in 1980 and the wave after wave of criminal aliens that came into Florida still effect that state to this day. Yes a good amount of those that left Cuba became productive citizens a good portion were not.

The people that are immigrating here for whatever reason are not doctors,  physicist, or scientist. The main core of these are very lowly educated campesinos.  Could they add to our society? In maybe 20 years when they are finally educated into the 21st century,  if they choose. I grew up in the Bronx, NY and noticed that even Americans from Puerto Rico cloistered themselves and some even chose not to learn English. Eventually the education system will be pushed to it's limits and break and you'll have regions where school systems will teach English as a second or elective.

Numerous reports from the Border Patrol Union are expressing the medical dangers of these illegals. The president of that union is saying his agents are being infected by diseases they have not seen in decades. This is what an open border does. The open border destroys the orderly and legal process that prevents our country from becoming a Honduras or Guatemala or Nicaragua, God forbid a Mexico.

The thing I find curious is that not one news agency,  maybe expect for some conservative pundits have placed the blame on these third world countries. Not one has told it's citizens to stay and that they will promise to fix the problems. America is becoming the toilet for all of Central and South America's problems. How many times have I said that Mexicans should have another revolution. They've done it before, take charge again. Mexicans have lost their fire, their passion, their courage. Most of Latin America has too, they have been broken by the lie that is affecting America now,  Socialism.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Enough is enough

Since my new position it has been difficult to get a ricantotheright out. I'm typing this one from 33,000 feet on my way to Atlantic City for a trade show. Since my last blog I have lost count of the numerous scandals and controversies that have rocked nearly every facet of our country.  The nation seems to be slowly imploding. Either by design or just sheer incompetence the current elected bodies just cannot right the ship. I will not put the blame entirely on the Obama administration,  however our GOP leaders have had plenty of opportunities to stop this and have not. Compromise it seems is the only way that politicians believe that anything can get done in Washington anymore. I say enough is enough with compromise. What about just sheer use of the old take an stand. How about we distinguish ourselves clearly and plainly for the American public.

How could have we been different in all the scandals? Let's take them one at a time and see if we could have done different. Benghazi, as soon as we would have known that the embassy was under attack scramble fighters from Aviano to provide air support to assist those security forces on the ground. Anyone attacking would have been quickly destroyed withing minutes. No discussing sovereignty or policy,  protect people first apologize later. The IRS. If anyone were to come into the White House asking to meet advisors to discuss how to curb political speech, they would have been immediately fired or placed on leave and investigation called for to see if there are any others involved and a order sent out to all offices warning of and prohibiting this behavior.

The VA. My goodness Barry has been saying he is going to fix the VA since he entered into office. What we don't really understand is the Osama philosophy on the military is as a tool of government expansion. The military he believes should be converted to a force that is only used in extreme cases internationally but mostly for domestic control. That pesky constitution is the only thing currently holding him back. In light of that frustration he is at an alarming rate frustration top brass to push that experience out and inject his virus into the military. The vets coming home injured are an annoyance. We saw that as the news got worse the president decided to do his 176th round of golf. The VA is an easy fix. Call in a special prosecutor and put people in prison and fire anyone that got a bonus while vets died waiting in line.

If I have forgotten a scandal or escapade by the administration forgive me I'm starting to lose track.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Putin Rising

The savy of a former KGB elite is showing in the current confrontation between our community organizer and Putin. The battle isn't even really fair. Imagine the tactics and training that Putin received year after year on how to covertly defeat our country geopolitically and militarily. The discipline it took the Russian to go up through the ranks and become an upper level operative of one of the most successful spy networks in history. What events was the current president of Russia able to influence and change to favor Soviet interest? We may never know but we see the quality of that training in the current Ukrainian crisis.

What kind of man is his opponent? Our president has absolutely no miltary or intelligence or political or tactical experience or training. The president was a lackluster student who professors at the university that he attended can't even remember that or if he attended. As admitted by our president in his book, he spent much of his time looking to socialize with radicals and subversives. The president confessess that in his formative years he spent it talking against and speaking against the American way. During his high school and college day our president shaped his opinion that our nation was defective and needed repair, change, that's what America needed thought Obama even in his youth.

The Russian president has been creating an image of an exceptional Russia. A Russia that is regaining it's influence regionally and globally. Reports from a friend with family in Cuba state that Russians are making a move to establish bases and post in the Island that is just 90 miles from our shores. Russia has been in Cuba since the late 50's for the revolution and beyond. According to ny source was makes it different this time is the Russians are branching out into Latin America. Stories of these moves by the Russians began coming out about two months ago. All over Europe we see that the military posturing by Russia has brought out the nationalist calling for Russia to rescue them by taking over different parts of Europe.

Obama on the other has been creating an image that America for too long has thought too highly of itself. American exceptionalism is now politically incorrect. Pullback and pullout are part of our growing cultural trends of endorsing mediocrity and malaise. How many times last week did you hear the Vice President and the Whitehouse spokesman talk about how Obamacare gives you a choice to not work? How many millions are on welfare and government assistance? How many businesses have closed since Obama became president? Obama learned all of this well. Obama learned that America needed to be put in it's place at a young age. Why would we expect him to fight Putin? Like he told the former Russian prime minister, "tell Valdimir in my second term I'll have more flexibility". Mr. President you haven't bent America, you've broken her.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to kill a superpower by Barack Obama Part I

The first thing I would do is to convince the general public that for too long the system that had made America great was actually bad for them.  That businesses and the market were the enemy that needed to be crushed by a fundamental change. I would tell a plumber on the street that we need too move the wealth around and make the rich pay their fair share. I would never speak from the heart, my teleprompter is my guide and my soul. I would tell them when they are most afraid that a change is needed and to trust how eloquently I speak and that my race makes me better qualified to lead the nation than my lack of a real resume.

Once I have told you what you wanted to hear about how bad the previous president was and blamed him for policies placed decades before he came into politics, I'd tell you I could save you. I would promise the middle-class that for too long the 1% have been in power and that the government under my guidance needed to takeover and rescue all of the businesses that made poor management choices because they were just "too big to fail". I would refuse to let the market clean itself out by using the power of executive order circumvent bankruptcy laws so you'd give me your vote, and you did.

Once in office because I knew you were still afraid and shell shocked over the economic downturn I would assure you with pretty words that all I wanted to do was to help the common man by taking over 1/6th of the economic might of rhe country, your healthcare system, and promise there would absolutely be no difference in what you have and what we the government will provide you, if you like your doctor you can keep him, trust me. Without anyone reading the law I would have my minions ram it through the legislative branch and use a child as a puppet to help make it seem I wasn't doing this for a more nefarious reason, the complete Socialist control of your health, no I wouldn't.

Month after month I would amass more and more power to the executive branch through the abuse of executive orders. I would begin to ruin the ability of our military to effectively close and win a war by setting a timeline so the enemy could just wait us out and be on the borders the day we decided to run away and just destroy what thousands sacrificed their lives for. I would kill Americans overseas without warrant or jury and try to bring to trail Americans in our spy services who did what they have to to protect us. After a few months I would fly around the world and bow real low to foreign leaders and apologize for American exceptionalism.

To be continued...

Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm president I can do what I want

It's almost expected now that Obama taunts us with the fact we're powerless against him. Obama thumbs his nose at and curses the constitution and we have to take it. I constantly feel politically raped. Every day another slap in face for constitutionalist and federalist. At least in Obama's first term he hid the fact that he was trying to systematically destroy what America is, now he flaunts it. Hundreds of billions of dollars taken out of the private sector and now controlled by the federal government never to be returned. Entire livelihoods being tartgeted for elimination because of fraudulent climate change arguments. Takeovet after takeover. Power grab after power grab and we and our leaders sit impotent, unable to fight back the turning tide.

We have become a country of shell shocked citizens. Numb to anything but our day to day existence. Years have gone by with great improvement in the jobs market and the economy. The media applauded the lowering jobs number not stating the fact that as is goes lower it means more of your neighbors have just quit trying. Herman Cain posted on his Facebook page that fourteen percent of adults 24-34 are still living with their parents. Imagine the shame and disappointment both parent and child must feel. They both lived what they thought was the American dream and worked, saved, sacrificed and struggled to get kids out of school into a career. Year after year we told our children, work hard go to college and the skys the limit. Now adult children return home, undereducated, in debt, and with little hope of a lucrative career.

What's the solution? I propose we turn the table on our progressive friends. I suggest the same strategy they are using on our political philosophy. The total annihilation of the Democratic political way. In church it's said hate the sin not the sinner. The modern politcal sin is Socialism masking itself as the Democratic party. Few on the left even the blue dog dems have dared to challenge this Alinsky takeover of the donkey. Political careers seem much more important than a countries future healthy existence. The 2014 elections must serve as a death blow to the left. They must lose every possible election to stop this arterial bleeding of freedom. Generations depend on what we do to tge left in these next few years. If we compromise we die and America becomes a European style classless conglomerate. If we win we will see the boiler reignited and a Reagan style prosperity return.

The choice is simple slave of the state or mastet of your own destiny.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Oh oh O'Reilly spanked Obama

The day after the president made the grand statement that there was not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS, the Dailycaller reveals that emails from the now retired Lois Lerner show secret plans to target conservative groups. Emails prove that the IRS chief and her minions were actually creating policies and processes within the IRS to keep Tea Party groups from gaining 501 3(c) status. On capitol hill there are currently six separate investigation by the justice department into the scandal.

Having watched some of the interview the president gave to Bill O'Reilly, I found the president to be arrogant, dismissive, and accusatory. The president rarely has the ability to take blame for any of the events that have haunted him,like Benghazi, the IRS, Obamacaregate and Fast and Furious. The president enjoyed pointing his finger squarely in the face of FoxNews and asked them to thank him for their profitability. The height of arrogance is always passed by Mr. Obama.

I find it curious that half of the American public still believe a thing he says. Could it be that due to the poor economy and the chronic joblessness in American, desperate and generational benefit dependants don't dare question him in fear of not being rescued. There is a growing class of dependency being created by the Obama administration to support the current Democratic rule for years to come. There is no doubt that with the words of the president during the state of the union speech that there is now an open coup d'etat by the president to like he promised, fundamentally transform our country.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

What Obama could learn from Christie

Not being a fan of Christie I come from an unbiased viewpoint. Oh Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. I have some good things happening so I have been a little occupied. Please make sure to go to to check out my articles on the news side. I have a lot more latitude there to opine so please venture to myvoicetv. Back to Christie and whats being called bridge gate.

What top aides did to block traffic on the George Washington Bridge was in my mind criminal. Reports say that the fake traffic study may have caused the death of an elderly person in an ambulance. If we are to believe the governor he asked his aides several times for months if they had anything to do with these lane closures. Each time all his trusted advisors denied responsibility. E-mails released by the press show it went right to the top of those in Christie's staff. What the governor did today is what makes him more of a leader and a man that Obama will ever be.

Upon confirming the guilt of those responsible the governor quickly fired who he could clearly be responsible. The governor took responsibility and let the press question him for 107 minutes. Gov. Christie then to a trip right way to Fort Lee, the city most impacted by the jams and had what is called a productive meeting with the city's mayor. For all his faults I commend the governor for how he handled this scandal.

Unlike the president who has yet to take responsibility over the Benghazi murders, the Fast and Furious murders, the NSA ease dropping, the IRS scandal, Governor Christie quickly let the chips fall where they may by just saying everything he knew, what happened, and how he would take care of the problem. No one had to create a commission. No one had to be served a subpoena. No one had to go through a slick press secretary who lies wihout remorse.

No matter what happens from here forward to Christie, he may not get my vote but he has my respect for manning up.