
Saturday, July 12, 2014

When did illegal become a bad word?

I have all sorts of friends online. Since the illegal immigration invasion began I have posted numerous articles about the legal issues, economic issues,  and health issues posed by the flood of illegal aliens rushing in to get the Obama "Permiso". How far has news fallen, when an article that I post is questioned for it's slant. I rarely post articles that are left wing or progressive. These days the media has as good of a reputation as congress which no saying much.

The media has damaged their own reputation by taking sides. Of course I believe the side that the major media takes and cable networks such as MSNBC and CNN take are far more harmful than a Fox News. The mistrust of the media injures what I'm trying to communicate. The dangers of illegal immigration are real. If you are old enough to remember when Castro opened his borders and his prisons in 1980 and the wave after wave of criminal aliens that came into Florida still effect that state to this day. Yes a good amount of those that left Cuba became productive citizens a good portion were not.

The people that are immigrating here for whatever reason are not doctors,  physicist, or scientist. The main core of these are very lowly educated campesinos.  Could they add to our society? In maybe 20 years when they are finally educated into the 21st century,  if they choose. I grew up in the Bronx, NY and noticed that even Americans from Puerto Rico cloistered themselves and some even chose not to learn English. Eventually the education system will be pushed to it's limits and break and you'll have regions where school systems will teach English as a second or elective.

Numerous reports from the Border Patrol Union are expressing the medical dangers of these illegals. The president of that union is saying his agents are being infected by diseases they have not seen in decades. This is what an open border does. The open border destroys the orderly and legal process that prevents our country from becoming a Honduras or Guatemala or Nicaragua, God forbid a Mexico.

The thing I find curious is that not one news agency,  maybe expect for some conservative pundits have placed the blame on these third world countries. Not one has told it's citizens to stay and that they will promise to fix the problems. America is becoming the toilet for all of Central and South America's problems. How many times have I said that Mexicans should have another revolution. They've done it before, take charge again. Mexicans have lost their fire, their passion, their courage. Most of Latin America has too, they have been broken by the lie that is affecting America now,  Socialism.

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