
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Myvoicetv article #8

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Where is the breaking point?

What other violations of our rights and freedoms can be trampled on? What's left of the land of the free and the home of the brave? Our ability to be capitalist is gone. Our privacy is gone. Our decisions over our own bodies is gone. Where is the breaking point? When will the millions of Americans fed up with the Socialist in chief take a stand and push back? We are all really tired, I understand.  What we can do is pause,  but we cannot quit.

I don't know about you all but I don't want to be European. I don't want to be taxed so much I have to sell my car and ride a bus or train everywhere. I don't want to work for the state my whole life. I don't want to be prosecuted for calling someone a name even if it is vulgar or racist as they do in Europe. I don't want cameras every damn where and if I do something unexpected a police officer comes over a loudspeaker and admonishes me like they do in England. This is where the Obamanation is taking us. No more paranoia or conspiracy, Edward Snowden is slowly taking down the rabbit hole and showing us what the Matrix is.

Where are the intellectual rebels and revolutionaries that propelled this country into greatness? The founding fathers saw the tyranny that was oppressing us. Men like the Adams, Jeffderson, Hancocks,  gathered and sat and thought and devised a statement to our rulers. A statement that we are aware and have been awakened to the inequality and unfairness of their rule. Who will awaken to this task? First I felt the Republicans surely will, no. I next thought maybe Rubio. I was wrong. Compromise and the want to stay in office has made these men weak. There are a few crying in the wilderness like Rand, Cruz, and Lee. They are few and need our help.

We need to take the energy of the left has when it "Occupies" things. I know we conservatives have a unique problem, we have jobs and are still trying to rebuild America unlike the hippies in dreads that stank up the streets of our cities. What we do have is money, smarts, blogs, voices, emails. A digital conservative revolution. We already have the airwaves, now we need social media and some guts. The guts to push back this RED TIDE.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Socius mendicium

To believe that everyone is perfectly equal is a lie. To believe that we must have all things in common is another falsehood. There is a not so silent push since the crash of 2007 and 2008 to have our government consolidate key industries of our society. The lie comes in when it is said that it is for our own well-being. That somehow the laws that govern corporate failure are inadequate, and the state now must deem entities "too big to fail". Sounds reasonable and responsible to now allow death to occurr in our major centers of capital growth. What we have to understand is that this is not the end game. The government takes and doesn't relinquish powers and privileges given to it. The lie of Socialism is permeating every part of our governance on a federal amd regional level and we must stop it.

Redistributed wealth, it makes me throw up a little in my mouth. To think of the arrogance it must take for some THING like a bureaucrat to think that he nows best who should have or have not. That the fruits of my efforts and intellect and imagination should be granted by proxy to one that has done none of those. The greed and selfishness it must take to receive what you did not deserve. What type of genetic defect must a human being have that if fully capable and functional feels it his right to take from me when I have not offered to share. Even the very term Socialism is a lie. The term comes from the latin word Socius which means to share or to ally. Both of the terms for the Latin word show a voluntary process, yet Socialism uses political, social, or even military might to institute this sharing.

The majority of the illegal alien population comes from countries that have been practicing this type of rule either from their foundation or for decades. Now leaders from both side are willing to allow people with this defective thought process and value system to enjoy the privilege of being called American. What is being proposed in Congress and may have a chance at passing it the death blow to what being American is all about. This massive legalization of Progressives will give the Democrats power indefinitely and will put and end to American exceptionalism and true American liberty.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sarah Palin speaks the truth.

The "T" word

A few blow hards on both sides of the politcal isle are throwing around the word traitor like it was hello. These constitutional titans seem to have forgotten innocent until proven guilty. Edward Snowden according to them has sold states secrets to China and Russia, and Al-Qaeda has already improved it's ability to thwart NSA spying. The smears on what Snowden was doing began fast and furious. New agencies were releasing silly pictures of him calling them "embarrassing".

The media jumped on his lack of formal education. Yes the hig school drop out was able to gain access to the most secret programs on earth and run, just shows you how much you really need American education. The state is no longet aftet him because he broke the law, they are after him because he has made the NSA and the federal government look weak and comical.

Snowden must be a trekkie, remember the quote when Spock was dying in the warp reactor chamber. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one". Isn't that what this man is doing. Having seen the and understood the illegality of this Orwellian monstrosity, he made a brave choice to expose it. I've heard the argument that he should have gone through proper channels.

What would the government have done to him in secret? Where would he be now after going to supervisors and higher ups complaining of the ethics and legal issues with Prism and 215 and other NSA spying on Americans programs? Gone, disappears, at least now whatever happens the world knows. The US government can't hide behind a rendition. My question to you all is this, how could he have broken the law exposing an illegal program? Are the contracts and agreements he signed to work for NSA worth the paper they are written on if they were based in falsehoods and criminal activities?

I wonder who will represent him in his trial? What happens if he is given asylum? How much more does he have to tell us about what our government was doing to us? Even the reporter is being attacked. Congressman Peter King from New York is asking for a James Rosen type investigation on the reporter that broke the story. We cannot and must not allow our goverment to continue down this road to a police state.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Just following orders. Myvoicetv article.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The falling star

I am almost beginning to pity our president. Bill Clinton's assessment of our president being an amateur is now self evident. The public can now see the results of what a morally loose goverment looks like from the tidal waves of leaks. Nepotism, corruption, hell sex and drugs and rock and roll. You'd think the Rolling Stone were running the country. There is not one part of the government that doesn't  have some scandal being investigated by an inspector general. Blame Bush!

No, blame the man at the top. Was it Truman that said, "the buck stops here". Does the president have enough guts to fall on his sword and say that it's on him. What does taking full responsibility mean today? Just a couple of decades ago it meant that the person in charge screwed up and that it was time to go. What's the alternative, Biden? Oh hell no. I am now asking seeing that his approval rating is still relatively high, what more must happen to bring this president down? So far everything that could destroy a president and some say a country has happened.

The presidents feigning of ignorance seems to resonate with half of the American public. I tell you he must have the strongest trap muscles with all the shrugging he does. Are the Americans that support him just so hypnotized that they can't be snapped out of their spell? For the last few months I've heard pundits from my side say that Obama could rob a bank full of witnesses, on video, be caught red handed, and still fifty percent of us would not believe it. I am starting to see why that analogy is being made.

What has made presidents fall? Nixon a cover up of a burglary. Clinton, a cover up of sex. Carter,  a failed economy. Bush the second, a war. Obama has all of these and he still is mathematically intact. I may have to start looking at the supernatural. Any weird birthmarks?

Monday, June 10, 2013

What we don't know/I'm torn

I find Edward Snowden to be a very courageous man. What he has done could put lives at risk around the world including his. I am not sure if I could have made that moral leap from defender of the government to whistleblower leaving everything behind. The life Edward had and knew is over forever and the NSA and secret operations of the United States will be crippled for some time due to his exposing Prism and the phone monitoring by the NSA. I believe in the rule of law, however when laws exist that violate an existing constitutional right only men like Edward Snowden bring balance back to liberty.

Fear caused us to lose our minds after 9/11. Our cry of freedom changed to the whimper of safety. Many of us chose to protect what we have and forgot our way of life. A free society cannot make a compromise with tyranny and come out unscathed. How many times have we heard since the downing of the Twin Towers that we are giving to much power ti the federal government and that they never give it back?

Even the party that I feel has the best interest of our nation at heart (Republican) have helped to forge the way for the current dictatorship. The anointed and elite have made it there mission to save us fron ourselves. The very laws that we allowed them to use to defend us have been turned inward against us.

Every keystroke now that we right. Every number we dial, every text we send, someone somewhere in the government knows or can know about it. I've had friends argue that they don't care they aren't doing anything wrong. My point is that if we don't push back now on this unreasonable search, what happens when what we're not doing wrong becomes wrong? If we do not make a stand now and take a risk and not be perfectly safe and secure we will create and may have already created that "Big Brother" state predicated by Orwell.

Now the real frightening issue is, we know about Prism, we know about the access to our phone data, what else is there. The tip of the iceberg remember,  underneath there is always so much more. The Obama administration has proved the conspiracy theorists were always right. The Alex Jones, the Art Bell's, with these crazy late night ideas about super secrey surveillance and sinister forces watching our every move, correct on both accounts. Only our imagination now limits us to what our government is doing for us and against us in the name protecting us from terrorism.

I'm torn that he had to break the law to help us be free. Didn't the founding fathers break the law to start this nation?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bread lines

The goverment has taken over many aspects of our lives.  They have taken over our car companies expect for Ford. Obamacare now takes over 1/6 the of our economy and now has control of our healthcare.  A bad experience at Wal-Mart inspired my hetero life mate to compare that company to the bread lines in the old Soviet Union and Eastern Block countries of thirty years ago. Then it hit me. That food is the last part of our general welfare that the government has not officially taken over. Not that efforts are not under way. I was relating a story this morning to some very loyal fans here at Starbucks about how in New York City salt shakers have been removed from restaurant tables. That in NYC you can't buy a Big Gulp anymore or that pizza companies can't deliver drinks larger than 16oz. These anointed leaders would have been laughed at and ridiculed just ten years ago for proposing these infringements, now they boldly take control.

Could the government or would the government make a play to control the nation's food supply? Yes, it could be tied simply into proper management of Obamacare. That caught your attention. Through the department of Health and Human services food is already being rationed through the food stamp or SNAP program. The federal government could make the argument that to reduce the ever skyrocketing cost of healthcare,  it must manage what we eat to keep us healthy. No more foods that have possible heart disease causing ingredients. No more cigars or cigarettes. Coffee is out, salt, fats, sugar. Without choice or freedom to eat whatever we want, why have more than one place to shop for groceries. What chain in America is near everyone? Yes I am going Alex Jones on you all but who ever thought GM or our healthcare would be owned by the government? Wal-Mart could be seen as so large that it could be deemed important to national security or if it has a bad run in a strong economy, too big to fail and in comes comrade Sam to save the day.

Go ahead giggle at the idea. If you are over forty start to think of what the government didn't control when you where a kid to what's in it's death grip now. When I was about 8 or 9 we were very poor. I remember standing in a food line with my grandmother from the USDA for a free bag of groceries for low income persons at the local community center. That was 35 years ago. The systems are already in place to monitor food intake. The EBT cards that are used in place of food stamps keep a detailed account of what recipients eat and drink. All we need now is a food scare or crisis. Oh man did I say that out loud.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Passing of the guard

With this Ricantotheright reaches it's 200th post! Thank you all so much for the encouragement and support over the years. There are now 38 countries that read Ricantotheright and I value all of you. I hope to bring you more liberating articles in the future. Please take a look at my new articles for