
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The falling star

I am almost beginning to pity our president. Bill Clinton's assessment of our president being an amateur is now self evident. The public can now see the results of what a morally loose goverment looks like from the tidal waves of leaks. Nepotism, corruption, hell sex and drugs and rock and roll. You'd think the Rolling Stone were running the country. There is not one part of the government that doesn't  have some scandal being investigated by an inspector general. Blame Bush!

No, blame the man at the top. Was it Truman that said, "the buck stops here". Does the president have enough guts to fall on his sword and say that it's on him. What does taking full responsibility mean today? Just a couple of decades ago it meant that the person in charge screwed up and that it was time to go. What's the alternative, Biden? Oh hell no. I am now asking seeing that his approval rating is still relatively high, what more must happen to bring this president down? So far everything that could destroy a president and some say a country has happened.

The presidents feigning of ignorance seems to resonate with half of the American public. I tell you he must have the strongest trap muscles with all the shrugging he does. Are the Americans that support him just so hypnotized that they can't be snapped out of their spell? For the last few months I've heard pundits from my side say that Obama could rob a bank full of witnesses, on video, be caught red handed, and still fifty percent of us would not believe it. I am starting to see why that analogy is being made.

What has made presidents fall? Nixon a cover up of a burglary. Clinton, a cover up of sex. Carter,  a failed economy. Bush the second, a war. Obama has all of these and he still is mathematically intact. I may have to start looking at the supernatural. Any weird birthmarks?

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