
Monday, June 10, 2013

What we don't know/I'm torn

I find Edward Snowden to be a very courageous man. What he has done could put lives at risk around the world including his. I am not sure if I could have made that moral leap from defender of the government to whistleblower leaving everything behind. The life Edward had and knew is over forever and the NSA and secret operations of the United States will be crippled for some time due to his exposing Prism and the phone monitoring by the NSA. I believe in the rule of law, however when laws exist that violate an existing constitutional right only men like Edward Snowden bring balance back to liberty.

Fear caused us to lose our minds after 9/11. Our cry of freedom changed to the whimper of safety. Many of us chose to protect what we have and forgot our way of life. A free society cannot make a compromise with tyranny and come out unscathed. How many times have we heard since the downing of the Twin Towers that we are giving to much power ti the federal government and that they never give it back?

Even the party that I feel has the best interest of our nation at heart (Republican) have helped to forge the way for the current dictatorship. The anointed and elite have made it there mission to save us fron ourselves. The very laws that we allowed them to use to defend us have been turned inward against us.

Every keystroke now that we right. Every number we dial, every text we send, someone somewhere in the government knows or can know about it. I've had friends argue that they don't care they aren't doing anything wrong. My point is that if we don't push back now on this unreasonable search, what happens when what we're not doing wrong becomes wrong? If we do not make a stand now and take a risk and not be perfectly safe and secure we will create and may have already created that "Big Brother" state predicated by Orwell.

Now the real frightening issue is, we know about Prism, we know about the access to our phone data, what else is there. The tip of the iceberg remember,  underneath there is always so much more. The Obama administration has proved the conspiracy theorists were always right. The Alex Jones, the Art Bell's, with these crazy late night ideas about super secrey surveillance and sinister forces watching our every move, correct on both accounts. Only our imagination now limits us to what our government is doing for us and against us in the name protecting us from terrorism.

I'm torn that he had to break the law to help us be free. Didn't the founding fathers break the law to start this nation?

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