
Friday, November 22, 2013

Che would be proud

It was written into the senate rules for a reason in 1789. Thomas Jefferson continued his enforcement of checks and balances into the legislative body by creating the filibuster rule in the congress. Constantly the founding fathers sought to make sure that one part of our government or one party could not lord their rule over the country. The Democrats are no fans of the founding fathers or founding principles. Liberals and progressives see the Declaration of Independence and other original legal principles as outdated archaic prose from a time long dead.

  In our form of government this is the beginning of a Coup d'etat that Che Guevara would be proud of. The public and poorly informed Americans probably just shrugged their shoulders and went about thier day. Political nerds like myself shivered at the amount of sheer force now the party in power holds.

Silly conservative my lefty friends must be thinking as they read this addition of ricantotheright. The question was asked time after time yesterday, what happens when Republicans are in power and they want some uber radical ultra right-wing judicial nominee that wouldn't be objective? What happens now is that each party will pick the extremes. Each party will go for the jugular with its elections for these positions the filibuster process would have stopped. Washington, already partisan, will become a political war zone with each party trying to balance the scales with more and more hyperpartisanship. Oh where are the Libertarians when we need them?

Rumors this morning concerning the delay of the individual mandate makes all of these moves suspect. The left is using the ancient tactic of bread and circuses to appease the masses. Even if the website and the mandate is delayed, the killing strokes for the economy and our nations healthcare system will still come around eventually. Does anyone out there still believe Obama has our best interest at heart? Anybody?

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