
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Americas cold civil war

I remember growing up during the cold war. The Soviets were our enemy anything red was seen as evil or subversive. When I entered the Air Force we had some basic training on what the Soviets were about and why they were bad for the planet. The 80's to me were the height of spy dramas and movies and spy exchanges on foreign borders. People were truly dying under the cover of night and on clandestine missions. For me it seemed romantic and intriguing to go to the lengths of death to defend our way of life against a mysterious enemy. My dream had always been to be in intelligence and learn Russian and be a spy or wetworks. I was pulled in another direction and do not feel cheated for taking a more gentle path for my life. I think I would have been a great spy.

Using this analogy I declare that we are in the midst of an cold American civil war. The sides here are Socialism again and Federalism. The economic collapse of 2007 has given those enemies of true liberty and upper hand to entrench themselves in our federal government. Why do I call Socialist enemies? The greed that is needed by a social elite to take power over the citizens of a society are truly evil. To control lives from the cradle to the grave give off the stench of covert slavery. To pick winners and losers, steal from the haves to give to the have nots, so against what  America was founded on. We must start to fight philosophically and economically and politically against this disease.

The lefts official declaration of this cold war began with the inauguration speech of the current president. The speech was filled with verbal shots across conservatives bow. Now today Senator Diane Feinstein has declared war on the founding document of our nation, the constitution. Instead of targeting the symptoms of the problem, they use it as way to manipulate the public. This fake compassion is all for a future power grab that we all need to start rebelling against peacefully.

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