
Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I am so sorry I have not been posting. Life has thrown some curve balls and I am learning how to fight those pitches off. I have put the important people in my life and myself first so I have had to put down the quill and take care of them. I am a fighter a survivor, so I am in my element in this new personal battle in 2013. I will win most and lose a few but I am fighting a war, not a battle. So I hope you will pick me up again on your tablet or desktop and welcome me back into your homes and offices. I can't promise I will be writing on a daily basis, but it will be more frequent now that things have stabilized.

As I began to pickup again on Ricantotheright I went over the post of some of the last few months. There are eerie predictions on government oppression that within the last few days as reported in the major media have come to pass. I told all of you my readers back in October that we will slowly become a police state. Now as reported the President will issue executive orders to suppress our second amendment rights. In Orlando, Florida the police have launch drones to patrol over the city and New York will force all gun owners to report all of their weapons to the state. There seems to be nothing anyone can do to stop the Socialist march of the current administration. Conservative forces and voices seem to be overwhelmed by the negative sentiments after the election and Newtown. Outside players like George Soros are pouring billions to radically change our society forever. The change is snowballing and no opposing forces in mass have gathered yet.

I am beginning to sense that we are coming to a period of our citizenship where we will have to in the near future make a choice. The choice will be to just allow ourselves and our country to be infiltrated and converted from within, or to take a political and defiant stand against those that would eliminate our republic. Remember what the government now has control of, industry ie. GM and insurance companies, your healthcare, the value of our currency. These are entities that either private sectors or the states had control of now in the federal governments hands. Now with the energy of the tragedy in Newtown, the president will try to eliminate the right for the common law abiding citizen to bear arms.

On my Facebook page someone posted a Meme with a Japanese internment camp. Geoge Takei has a play called Allegiance that talks about how Japanese descended American citizens were rounded up a placed in these concentration camps without due process and just because the government felt they were a threat. The caption was, "because the federal government would never come after it's citizens". Will history repeat itself with the gun debate? Will Americans be arrested for exercising a right the founding fathers gave to us just for the moment when a government foreign or domestic would become so oppressive as to impede the constitutional rights of our citizenry?  

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