One of the hardest things for any person is to admit fault. Pride is such a powerful master. Even in the smallest circumstances we struggle to just blurt out I was wrong. How much easier it would be to admit your mistake quickly and learn from it and move on. I so respect people that take an error in stride and man or women up and admit fault. I have never seen people more tortured by the possibility of saying they were mistaken than politicians. Do they have some mysterious organ that science has yet to discover that keep them from confessing their errors.
The majority of Obamacare is a huge mistake. Not having tested it was a huge mistake. Not doing the math right was a huge mistake. This is not like spilling a cup of coffee on yourself, this is job ending, life ending, changing America for the worse kind of mess up. No one wants to admit anything is wrong. Even though the sky is falling in this case no one even wants to look up and move out of the way. The left is refusing to see the impact this legislation has already made on our economy. The majority of jobs created this year have been part time jobs because employers can't afford to keep their doors open because of the massive rise of healthcare due to ACA. Now there are even theories that the legislation was created to fail, and to injure our economy so Americans cry for a single payer system.
The public was wrong in thinking this man, Obama, could bring us together or rejuvenate our economy. The public should take responsibility for the greater racial divide we now have. Obama supporters have led us to a near civil war type sentiment in this country. County after county around the country is voting to susceed from their liberal states. The conservative media is under attack, the federal government is spying on everyone on the planet. There are more conspiracy theorists running around than ever before. This is not what you leftist wished for, or did you?