
Friday, December 21, 2012

The beginning of the end of the beginning of the end

In my lifetime I have survived, the cold war, Y2K, the Nostradamus Quatrains, numerous wars and now the Mayan apocalypse. I think it's safe to see we are all here and the universe continues on. We must have some gene that programs us to wish or hope or want the end of us all to come. Not me though. I want to see humanity continue to progress and possibly change to beings of thought and intellect. A Star Trek type world where we seek to better ourselves through positive endeavours for humanity than selfish gain. No hunger, no poverty, and disease has been virtually eliminated. There is only one thing that is prevented that from happening, humans. We are still as much animal in our fallen state, than a being created to converse with God. No one ever will be able to erase the anger and the greed that swim inside one veins. So I predict that we will constantly or until the second coming, will fight, kill, steal, lie, and cheat from each other.

So thousands maybe millions worldwide waited and even prayed for the end to come. What do they feel like now that the sun is shinning and everyday life never stopped? Could people actually feel a sense of disappointment that they are alive? I have only heard of that phenomenon in much older adults. Many years ago my great grandmother in her late nineties broke her hip. The family decided to get her a helper and a special bed so she could stay home and be less active. The family legend is that she told everyone, " No I am done, I will just go home and pass on". Sure enough the next day she was gone, of her own will. Could there be a point in our lives that we just live too long? Could the vampire legends be a warning of what immortality without purity could be like? Can life really tire us out to the point we pray for death?

Even as a lousy Christian I believe in the scripture that says, no one knows the day or the hour only the father. If you know anything about the Christian belief of the end times they are not not even the end of the world. The world survives repaired after some serious calamities and then a thousand year peaceful reign of the messiah. There is no end of the world as much an extreme makeover Earth addition. When it happens it happens I say. Live your life to the fullest. Achieve, invent, love, laugh oh laugh alot. Being human right now is all we have.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The police state cometh

The first thing I noticed when I pulled up to my sons school this morning was the local police department squad car in the parking lot. Though many districts in my state have their own small police force, our school district may have schools in multiple cities. For security I won't tell you their routine but they were there. I remember the times I was assigned to "sit" on an area because of some threat or intelligence. Throughout the year there were days where we were advised to watch our schools and our government buildings a little more closely. First, it was the anniversary of the Oklahoma bombings. Second, the government killing the Branch Davidians. Thirdly on September 11th. Now it seems that this is going to be a daily occurrence to see more and more law enforcement activities in our daily lives. Fear is causing us to give up and give in more and more of our freedoms for the comfort of a nanny state. The creep started twenty years ago. As the Columbines and the Virginia Techs became more common place the simple answer by our elected leaders was more laws, more surveillance, more cameras, less liberty.

So what's the answer? The answer is not looking at every situation as an opportunity to restrict the movements and daily activities of the law abiding. The answer is to look at the situations individually and see how society failed to pick up the cues of why the person wanted to kill. As I discussed on Monday's blog, the young mad man that committed the atrocities at Sandy Hook had numerous contacts with those that could have prevented this. Who failed to see the hints? Hell, what are the hints that would signal the potential violent lashing out by these individuals. Am I the only one that sees that these boys and men have a common agitator? They have been outcast either by their own doing or by the communities doing. They mostly all felt that there was not need for them in our world. They had no stake in what was going on around them. They immersed themselves in role playing and online and video games. They slowly dehumanised themselves so they saw others the same way they saw themselves. So one of the answers would be to seek out these "Lost Boys" and reengage them into the world of the living.

Back to the issue of the police state. Police officers are a paramilitary force. We have a chain of command and rank structures. We tend to be given and follow orders. We are rarely asked to interpret the law instead enforce it in a black and white manner. The key to the police state is that your police officers must follow orders blindly and without question. I can say this from  experience, there are very few men and women on any police department that I know that will take anyone's civil liberties away for some arbitrary reason. Just because the motherland deems it essential to impose a rule I always had it at my discretion whether to enforce it. Most of the men and women on police departments right now would have to be fired and replaced by some brainwashed scabs to bring about some of the Orwellian enforcement that folks on the internet are speaking about. I don't want you to think this won't happen. It will! Just not yet. I am not sure of the time but there will be a moment that we here in America grant a few the abilities to take away a citizens freedom without Habeus Corpus, oh wait that's in the Patriot Act and some new Obama executive orders.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Who are we really angry at?

I worked dozens of crime scenes in my eleven year career as a Dallas police officer. I responded numerous times just as people were breathing their last breath. I have every deceased persons image in my head and I can go through them in chronological order. I could go back to every one of them and if I could draw express in exact detail everything as it was. Death burns a permanent place of the event into my mind. One of the crimes I never, ever had to be at was the murder of a child let alone twenty. Those images were one of the causes of my retirement from law enforcement, I pray that the departments working that nightmare have the programs and staff to be able to debrief and counsel those first responders. This is a war scene scenario. The kind that soldiers come home with seriously life hindering cases of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or shell shock as they called it back in the day. To those men and women I ask we send up our prayers because their lives have been changed forever.

A sick young adult went into a school and did the unimaginable. Though events like this have happened numerous times all over the planet, we neuro typicals cannot image taking up arms against defenceless women and children. As a father I can barely spank my kids without guilt and remorse. What type of damage or birth defect or evil could cause a human to cease being human and cause this kind of carnage. First, this is not about gun control. The killer could have as easily taken an ax to the door then set a classroom on fire but we are not going to make gasoline illegal if that were to occur. What this massacre is about is community. Your scratching your heads, I know. I say community because they had friends right? They had family, right. They had neighbors, right? Your telling me that someone, anyone, didn't have a suspicion that something was wrong with the shooter and his mother. Numerous news agencies are reporting that the mother was becoming a doomsday prepper. Making statements about the coming global demise.

The massing of weapons and storing of food. I am not saying that that type of preparation is not without it's value or unusual. What I am saying was the change and short time period in which the mother of the shooter began to prep should have had the community wondering why. Now his profile as a child and as a young adult and there were clear signs he was a person that should have been on someone's radar, but it seems he wasn't. Ultimately it was he that pulled the trigger and made the physical decisions to commit these evil acts. However, there is blame to go around. Parents, teachers, friends, neighbors we all failed him. In our world of social media and portable computing we have insulted and isolated ourselves. Rarely do we now engage those around us whether positively or negatively. Obama says we have to change. That's left speech for get rids of guns. You can confiscate every single gun from every single source you can think of and the next day there will still be murders and robberies and rapes and mayhem.

What we have to change is our human condition. We value nothing profound or ethereal. We thumb our noses at faith, call them forms of control. We fail to pause just to look within because we are so busy doing things to improve how we look to the outside. Arrogance, greed and selfishness are the values that are looked up to and striven for buy our species today. For some reason the opposite values are what help to calm us or keep our more animal impulses at bay. The guns, the guns, the guns, is what I keep hearing and seeing being posted and said worldwide. Dr. Keith Ablow was one of the first to call into question the mental health care that the shooter did or did not receive. What if, the shooter had from the moment he was noticed to be mentally different attention from the community. The kids mother or father doing everything they could possibly do. The schools being nosey and talking to him talking to his parents, never quiting or passing the buck. If he ever received counseling, the clinicians calling, checking, being proactive. The community failed the shooter, he failed himself, he killed.

Where do we go from here? What we need to do is focus on the whys and not the with whats. Doesn't that make more sense. Why was this individual created by our society? Hurts right. The shooter came from us. What is wrong with us, and who are we so angry at? Our culture spawned this tragedy. The elements for him to manifest the ills and demons inside him are partly the responsibility of the American way. Bob Costas said it was a gun culture that was to blame. Take the "Gun" away I say it's the culture. Broken homes, men just acting as studs procreating with anything and everything, then hitting the road. Violence viewed as cool and hip. For some as I heard the rapper The Game say on the Howard Stern show that when he was young going to jail was a badge of honor and manhood. For the love of the Lord it is not the gun laws that are broken world it is WE as individuals that are breaking. Let us as a nation and as a global society focus on ourselves first. Heal what has been breaking within our countries for decades now. Then you know what, after each of us has looked within. Get your noses out of your phone or tablet or laptop and look around. Have a human interaction, a look, a gesture, a conversation with someone around you. Let's be people again not cyborgs.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Declare Mexico a terrorist state.

I'll say it. We have a terrorist state just south of us. Mexico is a terrorist state like no other. The drugs that are imported from there poison and kill are citizens every day. For years now their violence has killed more U.S. citizens than 9/11. The Mexican government is constantly corrupt and inept. The citizenry does little to improve the status quo. The drug cartels hold entire cities hostage and have police and politicians in their pockets. Let's look at the comparison between Mexico and countries we actually have declared terrorist nations.

Cuba is on the list of state sponsors of terror people, Cuba! A nation frozen in the 1950's who people are starving and swim over to the Keys everyday to get the hell out of there. When was the last time you heard of Cuba terrorist kidnapping our citizens on US soil and torturing and killing them, never! Go to El Paso, Laredo, Brownsville, hundreds of cases, most unsolved where MEXICAN drug cartels have taken our citizens some never to be returned. Syria is also on the list, through Hezbollah, has killed a handful of our fellow Americans. I am not trying to diminish the death of those Americans my thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims.

What direct impact has any of those nations on the list has had to our homeland that can compare to the damage that our alleged allie Mexico? As we speak they are holding some of our patriots in prison under the threat of torture and death if a ransom is not paid. These are the prison officials calling the family of former Marine Jon Hammer. As reported on Fox News Jon was headed to a trip to chill in Costa Rica and wanted to do a little hunting so he brought a sixty year old Sears shotgun with him. Jon declared the weapon on both sides of the border according to his attorney and family. Then these scumbag Mexican officials arrest him for having a "Military" style weapon. For a time he was even chained to his bed because they feared his Marine training. Other then Iran with the hikers that crossed their border a few years ago, name me any other country on the list who is doing this.

Recently there was the case of the Texas trucker who got confused at the border and was trying to turn around while hauling ammunition for his company. How many month's did he have to spend in that God forsaken country's jails? If I were president I would make a phone call and tell them to free him immediately. If he wasn't on the border in twenty four hours I would have SEAL team 6 go into the prison and rescue the former Marine who deserves not to be left behind. The congressman for the Hammer family stated this morning that the state department is slow walking any effort to bring our Marine home. I blame the Obama administration for projecting weakness to these rogue nations. Would Realism advocate an invasion of Mexico? I have to think about that one.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I just want to be free.

Looking through most of my post you'll find language specific to a particular party or political philosophy.  I guess I use those words mostly to sound intelligent or articulate. I am out here to try to impress all of you that read ricantotheright. If you get down to the marrow of what I am trying to say. When you really look deep into what I right it is basically about being free. Freedom from being told what's right or wrong for me. Freedom to do anything I desire as long as it hurts no one but me. It's not a lack of rules or anarchy that I want, it's less hand holding and babysitting. I don't want to keep looking over my shoulder trying to figure out what new rule or law I may be breaking in my private personal life or business. Look around you. Everything we do, say, wear, eat has a law or regulation. We are completed controlled.

Freedom to so many sounds reckless. Why would a person not want to have rules? There are rules, natural ones. If I hit you you hit me back. If I take from you, you'll use force to take it back. We are built with these natural boundaries only the mentally ill or evil have an issue with these inner controls, but doesn't nature weed out the defective? Really it is mind boggling how so many of the things we do to enjoy ourselves or just live are managed by some type of government agency or bureau. So another person has control of what I can or can't do and that angers me. Marriage, divorce, birth, death, a piece of government paper for all of them. This morning it's being reported by AP that numerous government agencies are unleashing thousands of new regulations now that Obama has won reelection. Not only are these new regulations intrusive they are expensive. It seems that new laws are created to give someone a job rather than to protect our well being.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

North Korea 1 USA 0

Though we have killed thousands of terrorist around the world using mindless robots, we are losing the war on intelligence and assertiveness. Late yesterday North Korea launch a powerful rocket successfully over Okinawa. We did nothing, we prevented nothing. North Korea wins. Now Kim Jung Un has grown a pair and will seek to miniaturize his nuke to mount it on top of this weapon. Even if he doesn't he still has a dirty bomb alternative or easier a chemical weapon choice. War is a dirty hands on business. Blood, guts, gore everywhere, or at least it used to be. The Obama administration has chosen to run this antiseptic war from afar costing us valuable intelligence. Sure we have drones and satellites and spy planes, but there is nothing like boots on the ground human intel. What happened to the wonderful world of renditions? Grab a guy fresh from the field, do a little sleep deprivation, a little hunger if hue doesn't crack there is always the good ole technique of water boarding.

Is it politics or fear that drives the current administration's spy community to be so passive in it manned covert missions? Why did we not know that that missile could fly? If we had the ability to insert Stutnex into the computers of the Iranian nuclear computer program and destroy hundreds of  centrifuges, how come we could not sabotage ONE missile? It is because we (Obama) doesn't believe we are a global super power who projects it's influence. The current government wants to submit and subjugate America to the globalist will. America no longer leads it follows. This is very embarrassing for us. We could not even protect our allie, Japan. Yes they do have the ability to defend themselves, as it flew over it's territory we should have taken the lead to destroy it as a show of solidarity with the Japanese. I suspect they stood down because we chose not to take action. What this must do to our military command staff. To be emasculated, and stand around powerless.

Could there be a Patton or a MacArthur in today's military? Those loyal but rebellious strategic geniuses who initiate then inform. There most be dozens of these men and women who know exactly how to end these conflicts all around the world, yet have their hands tied behind their backs by our less than courageous politicians.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bah humbug

I am no where close to having the Christmas spirit. I celebrate the birth of the Messiah all the time not just the twenty fifth. This year is particularly difficult with all of the changes that are occurring in my life. The business that I am trying to build is being effected by the recession. The product I created are a luxury and folks are still for the most apart in survival mode. So the trinket I sell is an afterthought. I won't quit though, it's always been for the future. Like this blog it's something to leave behind to my heirs to say they remember I was here. I want to be immortalized by something, anything being handed down to future generations. I tell my oldest son, that when the business is successful I want him to at least continue to have a part in it and hang a picture of me and remind others who started it all.

At Christmas time I tend to reflect on what the year was or wasn't. I under the tree and think, how did I provide for my children. This year is a lean year so the tree will reflect it. Having been poor and hungry a bit in my life as compared to me my children are all very well provided for. New homes, good clothing, games, tablets, computers, phones, food never runs out, what more could a child want. Being behind the scenes I make sure they never notice the bills I juggle from time to time because an unexpected expense came up. Or my poor math skills cost me a fee. I only tell the bigger ones when times are lean. Funny even when dead broke and a negative balance in the bank, God has always provided a way to feed my children and have a roof over their heads. I have never doubted Him in that, my path or walk or direction, well that's another issue.

Maybe it's that just today it feels like winter for the first time. Having grown up some of my life in New York I'd be already freezing and wearing a freaking parka. There may have been some snow already and the trees would be bare. Just a few days ago I was wearing shorts. I miss some of the Puerto Rican traditions of my past. My whole family making pasteles. Pasteles are like giant Mexican tamales wrapped in banana leaves. Oh yes they are better than tamales hands down. I was always assigned to the grating green bananas. Dozens and dozens of different roots and bananas would be grated and made into the paste that makes up the body. On the stove top would be all kinds of different meats stewing to be the filling. Our family would make hundreds. We'd always eat two or three at a time. Yeah, that would put me in the spirit.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Year America Begged

I am voting 2012 the year America Begged. Uncle Sam for the first time got down on his hands and knees and asked other countries for help. The forty or 50 million Americans on government food assistance shows that we are just like the guys on the corner with the cardboard sign. Though we now have plastic cards to resemble ATM cards so as not to shame our poor, more and more of the population is in the federal governments pocket.  A old scripture come to mind, " I have never seen a child of God begging for bread". What does that tell us about what's happening in our country morally, not religiously. Basic conservative economic and social principles have been abandoned for the Keynesian  and the Alinsky schools of social control. There is no question that we are being made into something completely against what the fathers of this nation would have wanted by the Obama hoard. As predicted in my blogs last month China is on the war and economic warpath. A new aircraft carrier and a news story reported this morning about China buying up billions of American housing loans and aircraft manufacturers. You should be alarmed. You should begin to question and start your political resistance to this change if you haven't already.

The Valarie Jarretts of this movement want to reduce us to a second rate power like France or Italy. They want to make us part of a world community that has no distinctions or borders. A world where everyone is equal and we indiscernible from one another. Sound wonderful and communal, signing songs around the campfire. Screw that! I hate happy joy joy songs, I love my solitude. I love being unique, different and eccentric. If I want to blow all my money on the ponies, up yours it's what I want to do. If I want to jump out of plane because it gets me off, hoorah! That spirit of individualism is what sets America on fire. That I can dream or invent or create anything is the coal in our steam engine. I want to be like no one else anywhere at any time on the planet and I will die fighting against anyone who will subjugate me to be a clone or drone. The Tea party started this new peaceful revolutionary movement. The problems were it fractured quickly into hundreds of different factions. A united Tea party would have been a formidable force for the return to individualism. We have become too nice, too politically correct. When is someone with our ideas of what America should be rise up and get really damn pissed off at the other side and fight back? Have they all lost their our "balls"?

Almost fifty percent of the population said no to Obama and Jarrett. We are still a force to reckon with. This is not the time to sulk or compromise. This is the time to make some bold "No's". As the philosophy that can really get our country going again we need people to stand up and draw lines in the sand. Start with your family. Draw a line around them by teaching our children the power that is the individual. That each of us can be different and unusual and that is good. We should teach them to work as hard as they can to be whatever THEY want to be. To fight against the naysayers the conformist. Teach your children to reject group thinking and group speech. They should be like that famous Nazi picture floating around. In the picture there are hundreds of people giving the Nazi salute and in the middle there is one guy, just one guy with his arms folded. This is not the time to join in or sell out. Our country needs us voice in opposition to the trending wave of Socialism.

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's gonna get worse before it gets unbearable

What a way to lower unemployment Mr. President. To send the American economy into being barely on life support. More than half a million Americans just said F it I can't find a job. Imagine, 540,000, a mid-sized city in the United States completely without work. Also those 540,000 have little if not any means of support their unemployment benefits have dried up. An entire city now broke with little hope on the horizon for a rescue. What would a city look like if it's citizens were unemployed in that fashion. Oh wait Detroit! Detroit has almost twenty percent unemployment. The city is bankrupt. The population is jumping ship. Detroit has not been this empty in a hundred years. Today Michigan is so desperate that it has passed a right to work law just to attract businesses back. I think it will help now that unions can't force you to be a part of them. Rampant crime and terrible corruption is what's happening in Motown today. That could be the future for many cities here. The rust belt first, then California.

Drudge reported today that the unemployment fell for a specific sector of the job market, government workers. Am I crazy or does this sound exactly what crazy Socialist countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal did. Government became those countries main or first line employer for the population. Extravagant hiring and benefits for those workers destroyed the once deep pockets those countries had. Now sadly they are killing themselves in the streets because of the loss of hope in circumstances changing. With all of the writing on the wall for everyone, this administration continues to drive us towards that grand canyon, I'm sick of the work cliff. Socialism has failed in every country it has infected. Why oh Lord, why did half of our country think that it could possibly work here? I know why. I blame it on one hundred percent pure cowardice. Our citizens have become fearful and weak. We have lost our pioneering and innovating ways.

I am not sure if we will ever get it back. We have become to cut off and sheltered with our smartphones and tablets. Look around your home, your work place or even walking the street. Do you see anyone talking or interacting with anyone else? If it isn't through a machine we don't want to communicate. These amazing technologies that were made to enhance our lives is now robbing us of the ability to reach out on an emotionally human tactile manner. I believe that if we just take the Bluetooth out, turn of the Droid and IPhone off and just look up and around our minds and imaginations would begin to work again. We would look at our fellow man again in the face and learn empathy again. That empathy would lead some out there to have compassion which leads to ideas on how to get us out of this never ending nightmare. I just had a curious thought. I have never seen pictures of people like Steve Jobs, Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, actually carrying around and using the technology so many of us are addicted to. It is because it is the mind that creates not the creation.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm Batman Pt 2

We looked at the similarities to other totalitarian countries and their evolution to some of the current feelings and beliefs here in America. The first word that come to mind is a term that began in the late eighties. I remember it was  Rev. Jesse Jackson who I first heard use the term disenfranchised. Webster's defines it as depriving an individual of a right or power. The term is normally used in denying someone's right to vote. The dangerous difference in which Jesse Jackson used it was in economic situations for minorities. Let's think about that. Out there there are citizens who believe that it's a human right to be provided with a job. That society owes them a living just for existing. In the years that I have heard Jackson or others with the same social justice beliefs speak you never hear them talking about "Earning" a living. Even today's unionized workplace workers hold their employers hostage with their demands. Demands? The latest example was the Hostess debacle where a few hundred workers helped cause the lose of thousands of jobs. I say helped because there was also upper management issue that attributed to the bankruptcy.

In one of Bain's speeches in the Dark Knight Rises, he commands the average citizen to go after the affluent and demand their fair share and steal it back. These types of mindsets assume that the wealthy played no part in earning their wealth and status. That somehow the rich attained their worth in some criminal or oppressive manner. The disenfranchised belief system creates a boogie man out of the wealthy white and spawns a psychosis in those that hold to it precepts. As in the movie where the upper crust were put on trial simply for being, Obama put the top earners on trail in the public eye. Starting with Joe the Plumber and his spread the wealth comment. The "you didn't build this" statement, paying their fair share is the current mantra against the one percent. The middle class has been sent into such a frenzy that they pay no attention to the data and the facts that those that earn $250,000 and more pay the lions share of the tax revenues. Just like sharks in a frenzy that attack each while feeding, Obama has set the middle class off to attack the very drivers of our economy.

Just like in the movie there is an ulterior motive to set off the middle class. Those being manipulated think that it's all for their benefit. We saw yesterday on numerous news outlets the video clip of the Detroit council member. The speech she gave was that such a vast majority of those in the city of Detroit and the county it is in voted for Obama that now he owes it to them to bail them out of their situation, Quid Pro Quo. I suspect that bailout may not come, for what I suspect is his next step there needs to be much more suffering and economic pain. That next step is what is really driving the administrations policies. The current administration wants to kill democracy. Yes I just said that. As R'as a Ghul wanted to destroy Gotham because it grew corrupt (wealthy), this administration sees capitalism and democracy antiquated and corrupt. The only way they can convince the American public to buy in is to keep the pain coming. To keep reminding us that is was the greed of capitalism that has brought us to the fiscal cliff. Where is our Batman? The man that even with all of our flaws sees our system as what makes us powerful and unique as a country. Where is Batman? I'm Batman

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm Batman Pt 1.

What an amazing movie the new Batman movie was. It had me going the whole time. I won't give away the end so no spoiler alerts here. What did strike me was the message the movie was not so subtlety sending. The message is familiar especially in the current age of the occupy movement. Simply the rich are bad and the middle class and the poor must rise up and steal back what's been taken from them. That affluence and status are stations to be scorned and destroyed. Somehow anyone who has more than you got it through deceit and corruption. The mindset of the "Fatcat" who is a glutton seems to be pervading into our twenty something generation. Though the Occupy movement had little effect on the economy or our culture, it it my opinion was a virus and not a bacteria. A virus can enter the body, give some symptom of the disease then lay dormant for weeks even years.

It's the fear of economic ruin that is what is helping the infection spread. The housing collapse and the chronic unemployment are causing even level headed folks to contemplate operating in the moral gray. We can look at the birth pains of a rise in crime in cities like Detroit and Chicago, where multiple slayings occur daily. The entire city of Detroit is weeks away from insolvency and it's leaders are already crying out to Obama to save them. I suspect it will fall on deaf ears. I know I am a bit of a conspiracy theorists, but why would the current administration want our economy to prosper? I line that the character Bain from the movie struck me. It was part of Obama's first  campaign. Bain said, "you can't have suffering without hope". Once a person surrenders to the fact that there is no way out of their situation they become complacent. To truly make someone suffer they must always have that perception that they may be able to change that circumstance.

We find ourselves in that very situation for the last four years. The unemployment rate goes down then back up. The stock market does up and then back down. There is always that ray of sunshine that is coming though our cell window, but is just above our reach to be able to touch or feel it. With this constant emotional roller coaster you have the ability to sway or brainwash entire populations. The people become exhausted of fighting the trends and so give up their hope to their leaders. Once that hope is surrendered that's when a true dictatorship is created. Look at the great countries that when from a semblance of a democracy to a autocratic government. All of former USSR, Cuba, China. At one time these countries had some freedoms, we can debate at what amounts later, but there are similarities to what is occurring here.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Guns and the American way

The of the most distinctive aspects of the American constitution is the right to bear arms. Not many democracies have the ownership of a firearm as a principle of it's values. How gun rights came into becoming a core part of what the founding fathers is fast becoming a heated debate these days. The right is being seen as antiquated and primitive. While discussing the murder suicide of an NFL player yesterday, Bob Beckel of the Five commented that because the constitution is almost three hundred years old the amendments are no longer valid today. This premise of traditional values is one that progressives and liberals constantly ridicule those who are more conservative.

"Holding on to their guns and religion", said then candidate Obama during his first campaign for president. Anyone seen as having these classical views is mocked as backwards or primitive by the left wing aristocracy. Yes their evolution of values have brought us such contributions to society as abortion, metro sexuality and the breakdown of the nuclear family. They are constantly changing so as to never really have any values at all. OK back to guns. Our founding fathers were at war. They had no real standing army and the citizenry was needed to fight the British and gain our independence. Done deal, war won, freedom acquired, turn our guns into decorations. One of the astonishing aspects of the constitution is it's ability to time travel. Yes I said time travel. So many of the writings have survived the test of time to be applicable today.

The founders wrote about the need of the people to bear arms in the anticipation. They thought of the when, not the what if. The "WHEN" our government would become so oppressive as to need to be reconquered by the common folk and returned to it's basic and common constitutional principles. The writers of our founding document foreshadowed the need to once again take up arms and battle a monarchical rule where one man attempts to centralize his power. The presidency has been gaining more unauthorized power for decades. The balance and checks of the other branches are being taken away by executive order. Rebellion is such a taboo subject and little legal guidance is given for the when and where and how.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Out of our misery

I can't take another pundit talking about the fiscal cliff. Will we go, won't we go. Every other news story is about going over this cliff. Let's just do it. Let's go over the cliff like lemurs together. I just can see what we need to do is just destroy it all and start over. Go the way of Greece and Italy and other European nations. We slowly see the liberals failing all over the place with their tax and spend strategy. Using France as an example, they raised taxes on the wealthy and just thought they would stick around and take it. Well the great thing about being rich is having the means to split when things like this happen. Which unfortunately in France's case they are jumping like people on a sinking ship. The French are having to use marketing gimmicks to sell idea over and over. A report came out last week that the British lost fifty percent of it's wealthy when they significantly raised taxes in the eighties.

Let's just blow it out and do everything we can to prevent the economy from growing. Why not come up with new types of taxes. Let's double taxes on persons who own homes over 4000 square feet. Double taxes on those who have more than two air conditioning units on that home. More taxes if you drive a car that is more than $50,000. If your children go to private school raise taxes. If you where suits that are more than $500.00. If your shoes are more than a $100.00. I think why don't we just raise the tax rate to 90% to anyone that makes a million dollars or more. Even if we were to do that it would only pay for about eight days of our government spending, them we're bankrupt. Those union leaders and left wingers in the middle class would be laid off to overcome the profit loses and then they realize the error of their stupid ways. Would that really dissuade the current administration? No they are already all in in the Socialist game. I think they would make a forceful power grab and then a revolution.

Oh you say that seems far fetched. Would you have thought that hundreds in Greece would be shooting themselves in public to commit suicide? Marches and protest everywhere begging for the government to save them. The government will try and exhaust every resource they have, which are our resources. The military would be hamstrung with all the automatic cuts that would be instituted. The United States would be sitting ducks to our more powerful foes ie China, Iran, Russia. So let the end come, let's just put this horribly prosperous country out of it's misery.