
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Guns and the American way

The of the most distinctive aspects of the American constitution is the right to bear arms. Not many democracies have the ownership of a firearm as a principle of it's values. How gun rights came into becoming a core part of what the founding fathers is fast becoming a heated debate these days. The right is being seen as antiquated and primitive. While discussing the murder suicide of an NFL player yesterday, Bob Beckel of the Five commented that because the constitution is almost three hundred years old the amendments are no longer valid today. This premise of traditional values is one that progressives and liberals constantly ridicule those who are more conservative.

"Holding on to their guns and religion", said then candidate Obama during his first campaign for president. Anyone seen as having these classical views is mocked as backwards or primitive by the left wing aristocracy. Yes their evolution of values have brought us such contributions to society as abortion, metro sexuality and the breakdown of the nuclear family. They are constantly changing so as to never really have any values at all. OK back to guns. Our founding fathers were at war. They had no real standing army and the citizenry was needed to fight the British and gain our independence. Done deal, war won, freedom acquired, turn our guns into decorations. One of the astonishing aspects of the constitution is it's ability to time travel. Yes I said time travel. So many of the writings have survived the test of time to be applicable today.

The founders wrote about the need of the people to bear arms in the anticipation. They thought of the when, not the what if. The "WHEN" our government would become so oppressive as to need to be reconquered by the common folk and returned to it's basic and common constitutional principles. The writers of our founding document foreshadowed the need to once again take up arms and battle a monarchical rule where one man attempts to centralize his power. The presidency has been gaining more unauthorized power for decades. The balance and checks of the other branches are being taken away by executive order. Rebellion is such a taboo subject and little legal guidance is given for the when and where and how.

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