
Monday, December 3, 2012

Out of our misery

I can't take another pundit talking about the fiscal cliff. Will we go, won't we go. Every other news story is about going over this cliff. Let's just do it. Let's go over the cliff like lemurs together. I just can see what we need to do is just destroy it all and start over. Go the way of Greece and Italy and other European nations. We slowly see the liberals failing all over the place with their tax and spend strategy. Using France as an example, they raised taxes on the wealthy and just thought they would stick around and take it. Well the great thing about being rich is having the means to split when things like this happen. Which unfortunately in France's case they are jumping like people on a sinking ship. The French are having to use marketing gimmicks to sell idea over and over. A report came out last week that the British lost fifty percent of it's wealthy when they significantly raised taxes in the eighties.

Let's just blow it out and do everything we can to prevent the economy from growing. Why not come up with new types of taxes. Let's double taxes on persons who own homes over 4000 square feet. Double taxes on those who have more than two air conditioning units on that home. More taxes if you drive a car that is more than $50,000. If your children go to private school raise taxes. If you where suits that are more than $500.00. If your shoes are more than a $100.00. I think why don't we just raise the tax rate to 90% to anyone that makes a million dollars or more. Even if we were to do that it would only pay for about eight days of our government spending, them we're bankrupt. Those union leaders and left wingers in the middle class would be laid off to overcome the profit loses and then they realize the error of their stupid ways. Would that really dissuade the current administration? No they are already all in in the Socialist game. I think they would make a forceful power grab and then a revolution.

Oh you say that seems far fetched. Would you have thought that hundreds in Greece would be shooting themselves in public to commit suicide? Marches and protest everywhere begging for the government to save them. The government will try and exhaust every resource they have, which are our resources. The military would be hamstrung with all the automatic cuts that would be instituted. The United States would be sitting ducks to our more powerful foes ie China, Iran, Russia. So let the end come, let's just put this horribly prosperous country out of it's misery. 

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