
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If you can't beat them, lie

It never ceases to amaze me. The amount of just sheer lying that is done during political campaigns. Not exaggerations, not embellishments, just flat out, bold faced lies. I have seen political attack ads in the past, however I have never seen ones accusing candidates of killing someone or throwing people over cliffs as in this election. What is this win at all cost attitude put on by those on the left? It's simply they have no record of any success to stand on. The presidents minions keep claiming they have created jobs for twenty seven straight months. No they haven't the private sector has. The current administration claims they have stabilized the jobs market, yet unemployment continues to rise.

The question all of us should be asking is why give Obama another chance if he has failed? The housing market is still depressed. Our trade deficit is the highest ever. The national debt as I write this just hit sixteen trillion dollars. That means more than a third of the national debt has been added under the Obama administration. Sure a little help from Bush. I give him a trillion of it, but that leaves Mr. Obama with 4.4 trillion on his books. A brand new tax ie. Obamacare, bowing to other leaders and diminishing our power internationally and insulting our allies like Israel. What else does a man have to do to not get reelected?

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