Could it be that Saul Alinsky was wrong? I wrote yesterday about how his strategy of allowing economic pain and woes to set about change is the tactic being using by the current administration. How attacking anyone that stood in their way aggressively was what Alinsky called for in his philosophy. Maybe he was thinking Americans were Europeans. I am starting to see with the email threatening Watergate reporter Bob Woodward as the watershed moment when our resistance can have a foothold. Though the press is corrupt and pro leftist, they are beginning to understand they are no longer free. The press is seeing that the fix is in. The president publicly is excluding them from his daily briefings and outings. Now as admitted this morning by the White House a senior administration official did send a threatening email to Mr. Woodward. As just broke on the Drudge Report former advisor to president Clinton Lanny Davis admitted to also be threatened by another senior White House official. I suspect that these attacks will awaken the press to the fact that for over five years they have been pawns and puppets to the overthrow of our way of life.
A friend of mine from Germany made a simple but profound statement to me this morning when I complained about the changes to the US. My friend stated that, "change takes time". I understand that our friends across the pond are basically socialist that can vote so I kind of ignored his comment. As I thought more about it I see the error of the Alinsky and Obama way. I think of the major changes in our country over it's existence. Changes that were gradual did take time, like women's rights and civil rights. There is another side to changes I noticed. Changes that were imposed or legislated rapidly led to one outcome, violence. Think about it, any great overnight change in American history has led to civil unrest and civil wars. Are there causes that are worth the bruises and blood? I agree that some merited the angry uprising of the people, yet would they have just occurred naturally through the evolution of society?
I believe this is the misstep that I hope progressives continue to make, the rapid and forced imposition of their mistaken values on the American public. Though a majority voted for these misguided ways. There is still forty seven percent or more of Americans that did not and will not give in to these destructive policies. Those of us who did not vote for BHO will not sit quietly and hold your progressive hands and sing Kumbayah with you leftist. The shot heard around the world was fired by Ted Cruz in his fiery Senate meeting premier. Now the attack on Woodward may be the shot fired across the bow that may send the media to our side or at least to start being journalist again. Thank you anonymous senior White House officials, thank you.