
Thursday, February 28, 2013


Could it be that Saul Alinsky was wrong? I wrote yesterday about how his strategy of allowing economic pain and woes to set about change is the tactic being using by the current administration. How attacking anyone that stood in their way aggressively was what Alinsky called for in his philosophy. Maybe he was thinking Americans were Europeans. I am starting to see with the email threatening Watergate reporter Bob Woodward as the watershed moment when our resistance can have a foothold. Though the press is corrupt and pro leftist, they are beginning to understand they are no longer free. The press is seeing that the fix is in. The president publicly is excluding them from his daily briefings and outings. Now as admitted this morning by the White House a senior administration official did send a threatening email to Mr. Woodward. As just broke on the Drudge Report former advisor to president Clinton Lanny Davis admitted to also be threatened by another senior White House official. I suspect that these attacks will awaken the press to the fact that for over five years they have been pawns and puppets to the overthrow of our way of life.

A friend of mine from Germany made a simple but profound statement to me this morning when I complained about the changes to the US. My friend stated that, "change takes time". I understand that our friends across the pond are basically socialist that can vote so I kind of ignored his comment. As I thought more about it I see the error of the Alinsky and Obama way. I think of the major changes in our country over it's existence. Changes that were gradual did take time, like women's rights and civil rights. There is another side to changes I noticed. Changes that were imposed or legislated rapidly led to one outcome, violence. Think about it, any great overnight change in American history has led to civil unrest and civil wars. Are there causes that are worth the bruises and blood? I agree that some merited the angry uprising of the people, yet would they have just occurred naturally through the evolution of society?

I believe this is the misstep that I hope progressives continue to make, the rapid and forced imposition of their mistaken values on the American public. Though a majority voted for these misguided ways. There is still forty seven percent or more of Americans that did not and will not give in to these destructive policies. Those of us who did not vote for BHO will not sit quietly and hold your progressive hands and sing Kumbayah with you leftist. The shot heard around the world was fired by Ted Cruz in his fiery Senate meeting premier. Now the attack on Woodward may be the shot fired across the bow that may send the media to our side or at least to start being journalist again. Thank you anonymous senior White House officials, thank you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cut em loose

How fast did those illegal aliens run out of those jails when Janet Napolitano opened those cells? I image some world record holders would not have been able to catch up with Sancho Panza when he got his civilian clothes on. Hundreds of "Non violent" illegal aliens were set free by ICE in anticipation of a government shut down. NO, not the sequester, a government shut down that is not scheduled to the end of March. Taco places in Arizona, New York and several other states saw massive increases in tamales to go yesterday. I hope they didn't pay in pesos so that it can stimulate the economy. Today the White House through Howdie Doodie himself Jay Carney denied any knowledge and blamed the head of the Department of Homeland security for this massive amnesty. Reports already going around that some of the illegals have violent records. As reported on Rush Limbaugh, a Jamaican with a record for sexual abuse of a child was among those recently released under this shortfall program. Who knows what else was let loose onto our streets by this administration.

You have to understand that none of these alarming acts are accidents. All of this is a very well orchestrated movement by the administration to instill fear and panic. These are lessons our president learned from his mentor Saul Alinsky and I would not doubt Bill Ayers. In his book, Rules for Radicals, Alinsky states that to create a massive change in the system the people must feel completely lost, fearful, and frustrated. This is when the radical has the ability to change a persons moral compass. Every move this president has made with every aspect of our nation has made Americans more fearful, frustrated and lost than any other president including Jimmy Carter. As I have stated in my previous writings this is just the beginning of sorrows. The only way to combat this sweeping and maddening change to our country is to fight back with their same tactics.

If the president goes to Virginia, a conservative needs to be there too. If a commercial comes on bashing the behavior of the right, two commercials need to come on in opposition. Folks this is not a pillow fight. This is a fight to prevent America from being transform into Greece or Portugal or Italy. Bankrupt from the majority working for the government. No one innovating or creating wealth. Massive bureaucracies of healthcare and welfare sucking the life out of those nations as we speak. Wake the hell up readers. So many of us are just sitting around thinking that nothing will happen to them. Soon the Alinsky plan will effect you and yours. Wake up!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mr. President, shut up and go to work.

The perpetual motion machine that is the Obama campaign now is traversing the US like a left wing Paul Revere. "The Sequester is coming, the sequester is coming". How disingenuous, it's like the British announcing that the colony's started the revolutionary war. Oh forget about everything the British did, radical taxation, banning of weapons, imprisoning or killing citizens without trails. Wait did I say Obama or the British? Yes I did say the British. The current ruling class seems to forget that these changes and cuts were their idea, their creation. Sequester was birthed in the bowels of the White House. I was for it, before I was against it seems a common stance in Washington. Mr. Obama knows nothing of governance or management when it comes to his role in the executive branch. The President know one thing and one thing only, the con.

The con artist is usually a very well spoken and charismatic character. At first glance the con artist looks just like you and me. Nothing stands out which would give you a clue, except one. The con man can't stop talking. The deception would become unraveled if it were not for the concealment that his speech gives it. Instead of smoke and mirrors, the deceiver uses flowery or emotional discourse to persuade and convince. There is no rest for this type of personality. The "CA", we will call them from now on, must continue to spin the story and keep it fresh. If there is a pause in the conversation, there is time for the audience to do the most dangerous thing that is terrifying  to CAs, think. The CA must constantly keep you on edge and emotional and hypervigilant. The only way this can happen is by a never ending telling of tall tales.

Having bought numerous cars in my life time a salesmen that is considered "slick", is the one that never shuts up. Constantly drilling down for more information about you. The salesmen quickly wants access to your private information in the guise that it's just to help you get the best deal possible. If per chance you are a better negotiator the salesmen quickly calls for others to come in and pressure or bully you. Friends, we are being conned. We are being sold. The current administration has a vast network of CA's and salesmen to convince or bully us into a radical change of our nation. The ultimate goal is to diminish the US and bring us into a global hug feast with nations that want us dead. At their core they have never loved the US, remember Michele Obama saying she "just" started being proud of the US. Remember who the president said was his spiritual mentor. Reverend Wright said, "God damn America". The CA really wants the sequester, not wanting it is the con

Friday, February 22, 2013

America's first "Not my Fault" president

I suggest that Dr. Keith Ablow needs to do a full psychiatric evaluation of Mr. Obama. The current sequester debate has exposed the presidents multiple personality disorder. The president has been "Campaigning" again concerning the negative effects of the cut coming in March. The president is placing the full blame on Republicans in Congress as being the instigators of this policy. WTF! I guess his most recent alter personality doesn't remember that HE created the sequester. Maybe during one of his hundreds of golf outings he was struck by a ball. Perhaps the shock of shooting a shotgun caused a bit of temporary insanity in the president causing this "Sequesternisia". BHO had a team that came up with this nuclear option on their own and when confronted yesterday by Fox News Ed Henry the White House spokesperson Jay Carney had the cojones to suggest the Republicans had something to do with bringing the Sequester to life.

What the administration has become an expert of is very eloquently saying, "It's not my fault". Unemployment went back up, it's was Congress debating what to do about the coming cuts that caused companies to delay hiring. The deficit went up, it's the rich folks fault for not paying their fair share. More people in poverty and on the government dole, it's former President Bush's fault for the economic downturn. "The buck stops here" sign on the president's desk has now been replaced with the LED banner of "It's not my fault". I'm young so I really on the presidencies since Reagan. Yet I cannot remember a time when a president used his opponent from his first term to explain why the country is still failing in his second term. I also have not seen a time when the press has given an administration the ability to dodge any question that calls them on their failures nationally and internationally. "It's not my fault".

Over fifty percent of the American people just give him the pass. They bury their heads in the sand and pray that it all works out. Not one true challenger yet has called this incompetent commander in chief on his flip flopping and schizophrenic behavior. Of course he has the main stream media to challenge him. Not even close, they complain about not having coverage of him playing golf with Tiger Woods, yet not one real question on Fast and Furious, Benghazi, unemployment, but it's not his fault.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stupid is as Stupid does, Senator Scott Brown

I was listening to Kilmeade this morning on my Android app, which I love since my Sirius is out. I heard a moderate commentary on gun control by an at first unknown Senator. The unnamed Senator was very moderate and careful with his idea of what gun control should be. Then he stated that in his state there was an assault weapons ban and that he voted for it. I thought wait, Kennedy's dead who the heck is the Senator, must be a state Senator. Then Brian challenged him to a run and it hit me, oh cool it's Scott Brown I kind of like him. So Kilmeade then changed the subject to the shooting at Newtown. What I heard next I could not believe. To the best of my knowledge this is a highly educated individual, but the words that came out of his mouth sounded like some dark ages peasant watching the local beheading.

The Senator went and stated, "he (Adam Lanza) is a coward, he should have just killed himself". The Senator then vomited, "he is such a coward, he should have gone for help". I do not know if he is running again. I would like to apologize on behalf of the party that I am affiliated with, for Scott Browns statements. These statement show as much of a level of ignorance for what is happening with the mentally ill in our country, as much an ignorance as during the civil rights movements. What was Senator Brown thinking? That he would garner support from the anti mentally ill caucus? I am going to ask a million more questions. What right does he have to say that someone should end their own life? Has he never had anyone affected by mental illness in his family. Millions of Americans suffer from some type of mental sickness on a daily basis, and this monster would want them dead instead of helped.

Senator Scott Brown now poses a threat to those who are or will become ill in the future. Maybe he HAS been to the library lately and taken out a few Sanger or Megele manuals on what to do with these "Cowards" as he calls the mentally ill. I pray that no one in his family develops a mental illness. I don't think assisted suicide is legal in Massachusetts.

Adam Lanza was wrong. Adam Lanza did an evil thing. Adam Lanza's murders were a monstrous act. Adam Lanza was not fully to blame! There were parents. There were neighbors. There were students and teachers. Maybe even doctors and lawyers who all knew what this kid was capable of and not one damn one of them had the courage (yes Senator the non mentally ill are cowards) to speak up, make a call, voice concern, strap him down and ship him to somewhere by force where he could have, would have, should have been helped. You all to busy with your reality shows and game consoles and own hides to give a rip for another human being you knew was on the edge. Senator your to blame. Senator Brown your indifference to the mentally and their plight helped cause this. Look at your hands Senator, there is blood.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ain't nobody got time for that

This is the latest catch phrase around the internet. Maybe I am little late in joining in the craze of the lady who was being interviewed and made just an outright wise statement. Now she has been dubbed and edited and made fun of but what she said is the core of what is happening with fifty percent of the population. We are just too busy to care. Our lives are filled with noise and static. The Bluetooth in the ear. The smartphone in the hand. Wireless laptop, IPAD and coming soon Google glasses that scan the faces of those around you and provide you with their online personas. I have spoken about this before how we keep ourselves busy just to be busy.

Why don't we have the time to care about what is happening around us? We are becoming addicted to digital interactions. Not human interactions. Human interactions take time to develop, to nurture and grow. You have to go out of your way physically and emotionally to establish who you are to who you want to know. Effort is not something we are used to anymore. We want the quick fix, the fast food, the channel surf. I became addicted to the internet a few years back. I thought that having a thousand Facebook friends meant that I actually had friends. When I woke up months later I was more isolated and alone.

I do not remember a time since I have been active politically, that people have been so apathetic towards changing the current political climate. I have to assume that most of us are on survival mode still because of the current economic climate. It would be hard for me to care about what's going on in Washington if I didn't know where or when I would be getting my families next meal. Shouldn't that make us even angrier and more reactive towards our leaders. That we are in such a state of alarm, that was created mostly by politicians, that we worry about our welfare. The fact that policies were put in place to create the economic downturn, should make us angry enough to storm the battlements of DC. When decadence grew in France in the eighteenth century the hungry rebelled. In America, ain't nobody got time for that!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mother American and Uncle Sam

Term limits. Why doesn't the entire government have term limits. The president does, thank goodness. Every sector of the government including the judiciary should have an expiration date. The majority of our problems are with multiple bodies of the government staying power way too long. The whole idea of being a life long politician doesn't make sense for a republic like ours. The only systems you see these life time appointments are in totalitarian states and monarchy's. What does a man know about his constituents if he spends the majority of his time in the capitol, or in Senator Menendez case Santo Domingo. This entrenchment leads to stagnation then to corruption. Our citizens should be the makers of our rules and regulations, not a politician. Politics should not even be a profession, it should be a hobby or temporary duty like jury duty. You're called, you serve, your out.

If you have been under a rock for the past forty years, you may have not noticed how the federal government is slowly centralizing it power. The states are losing their independence and autonomy by being blackmailed by federal funding. The federal government gives itself more and more of the power that our founding fathers believed were the states. The nanny state has been in place for about thirty years, we are now coming into the era of "Mother America". This is a dysfunctional and codependent relationship that is evolving since the arrival of his majesty BHO. "Mother America" will do everything for you. Feed you, clothed you, medicate you and bury you if needed. Your new mother will watch you from the sky, over your computer, and will take you weapons so you can't hurt yourself. Your mother will never let you grow up and take a risk by fending for yourself. I suspect that like a mother of old "Russia", our new American mother will tell you where and when to work.

See what we need is our good old Uncle Sam back. We all had that uncle. The uncle that would hear your mom tell you something, then he'd tell you about real life and the real world. The uncle who'd teach you how to ride a bike without training wheels because you'd learn faster if you knew you where going to fall. Years later you had scars on your knees that were like war medals and you were proud you succeeded. Uncle Sam would let you work along side of him, but you'd better work hard and earn your keep. The harder you worked the more you made. As you got older he'd rarely interfere, but if you came to him in a pinch, he would straighten you out then send you back out on your own. Uncle Sam we need you more than ever.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sonic Boom

The universe reminded us what real power was last night in the Urals region of Russia. Something not very big traveling really, really fast created a sonic boom and a few creators eighteen feet deep. Hundreds of people injured and the meteor didn't even strike a populated area. Shows just how little power we mortals have when compared to the vastness of the cosmos, there, that was my Carl Sagan moment on to things I am familiar with.

NAH! Let's stick with the subject. What if we have a near extinction moment. Maybe just a country or a continent is effected. I won't pose a scenario just that a large portion of the world's population is in trouble. Could we all put politics, religions, money, prejudices and hates aside to help? During 9/11 I wasn't surprised to see the Palestinians cheering in the streets over the falling of the twin towers. There was barely a tear shed in any of the middle east. Would Saudi Arabia come to the rescue of China or China of the USA or would it just be seen as chance to gain a foothold once the dust settles. I have become more cynical of our species as I have gotten older. I tend to see the evil in us first until I am proven otherwise. When the crap hits the fan very few run to the panic and the destruction to help, most run and scream every man for himself.

Is it our animal natures, is it sin? Whether you place the blame on nature or the supernatural, there is a flaw in our kind, the flaw is self preservation. Flaw? That may be harsh. That survival instinct is so strong that it invades many parts of our lives not just when it's kill or be killed. Christians call it the flesh. That base part of us that seems to take over when we are at our worst. The hero though finds a way to place that aspect of himself on the back burner. In general we let it affects our businesses, our relationships, our hopes and dreams. Some people, and I admit that I am like this, live in a perpetual state of survival. There is a difference between surviving and living. So a catastrophic event as a meteor strike shows us in a sense who of us has evolved or transcended our human frailty.

As a police officer I knew real quick which one I was. My first gun shot, I ran to it. The fear was taken over by the urge to be of help to rescue, maybe stupidly to be the hero. I remember one New Year's a bullet struck right in between myself and my partner from someone shooting there gun in celebration. We heard the ricochet and my partner found that round. I remember him handing it to me and saying Happy New Years. I never once thought man I could have been killed. I went right to if only I could find the bastard that shot this. I consider myself brave, not arrogantly, I have had to be numerous time in my life. I would have preferred never being in those positions but life and the Lord allowed me to be in them and most of the times I responded honorably. I had to place aside my prejudices and at times my personal religious beliefs to help a fellow human. What makes me different? Could you be?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Walking Dead

Has anyone noticed that there is absolutely nothing new that our president is saying. I found it shockingly funny that clips played from all his other State of the Union addresses sound exactly the same. I think we are covertly being hypnotized by all of these constant repetitions by Obama. "Rebuild bridges", "raise the minimum wage", "rich pay more". I feel like a walker in the Walking Dead. Since this presidency has begun my higher brain functions seem to be eroding and millions are only operating using their brain stems. Yes I have become addicted to the Walking Dead, but that was a good analogy damn it. The only issue that was somewhat new was the call for a vote on gun laws. Though the topic is an old progressive ploy, so yawn Mr. President. The president seems to be content with being mediocre and keeping the status quo and of course his zombies just have a one track mind, to keep their bellies full.

So keeping with this undead theme let's take a look at how Obama followers and the undead are similar. The dead herd together. The followers of the anointed one see their fate intertwined with the masses. A very Socialist binding is what they feel is necessary for our country. That it's not the individual that fuels creativity and invention but the group is the saving grace of the country. The dead do not think they react. The Obamanation is constantly looking for that next social injustice to try to correct, they are reactive not proactive. The masses follow the loud bang or the glow of the fire. Right now just like the series, the gun is your salvation or you death. The gun attracts the undead or can finish them off. As Realist we must conserve our ammunition use weapons that are quiet when we can, like the filibuster or the holding off of appointments for Obama to win our fight for the second amendment. Having rallies with the AR over the shoulder sound patriotic but it just brings the meat bags closer.

The dead feed on the living. The Obama philosophy is parasitic. Just like a parasite it enters it's host and feeds of the engine of what makes it alive. In America's case businesses and industries. The banking business is infected, it's disease is Dodd-Frank. The car business is infected, it's disease is the bailout. The housing business is infected, it's disease is government regulation. This viral contagion could have been prevented decades ago. How long have we been talking about balanced budget amendments? How long have we been talking about making government smaller? How long have we been wanting to reform our branches of government? To what avail? Talk talk and more talk. When are we going to each become more active in the fight? Every character in the Walking dead has two roles. The secondary role is a cook, cleaner or mechanic. Our everyday professions. The first and most important role is that of a warrior. To pickup arms if necessary to defend the lives of the living. The defense can be done passively by building a barrier ie writing a letter encouraging your representative. Or the defense can be active like running for office. You are just the next victim and soon the change will come if you don't stay alive long enough for the cure to come. Remember, we are all infected.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Droned to death

"It is legal and wise". With those words the administration opened up th door to killing Americans opposed it rules without the need for the rule of law or the courts. Now we are talking about Americans who have turned their backs on this country and decided to support terrorism, a slippery slope has now been created to eliminate "enemies of the state". The previous term makes the hair stand up on my arms. Those words can be used just for disagreeing with the current ruling class. We are awaiting to see the specifics of the memo that ratified and justified the warrant less kill vs capture, I suspect it leaves a very broad definition of what a terrorist is and when the state can act.

Sure I understand the killing of Anwar Al-Alki in a drone strike, but why did his sixteen year old son deserve to die? This boy was an American citizen and deserved due process to determine the extent of his involvement if any. Collateral damage of an American is unacceptable, especially I minor in the fight against terror.

Strange bedfellows me and the ACLU we both agree that without imminent danger to America, a citizen overseas should be brought to justice and that should be the rule not the exception. Too often are we now relying on kill them first let GOD sort them out. Where are the days of boots on the ground intelligence gleaned from live subjects. Renditions have been a staple of our counterintelligence strategy because of their silence and effectiveness. A person disappearing in the middle of the night doesn't give Al-Jazeera footage like a ten foot deep crater in Pakistan does.  What state wants to be known for the court less execution of it's citizens? Are we now third world savages at best? Are we proud that we are now equal in justice to China or Saudi Arabia? I would like to know who decides who goes on that kill list. What branch of the government will now be in charge of executing American citizens abroad? Will my tax dollars pay for those executions?

I want to see terrorist out of business just as much as anyone. What I do not want to see is more power given to the executive branch. Especially the power of life and death over a citizen, until they have been through a judicial process if possible. We have to begin to make clear rules of what the battle is being called these days. Does driving around picking up the laundry for a terrorist make you a terrorist? Should a Hellfire missile rain down from a Predator on an American citizen, even openly defiant against his country?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Can they be stopped?

Being somewhat a person of faith, especially Christianity I am beginning to question whether any of what the president is doing can be stopped. I am not a devote follower or follow my faith blindly. I question, rebel, challenge myself to think and use logic and reason along side my beliefs. I do believe that there are forces in the universe that one cannot explain or see or comprehend, IE. dark matter, strings and the smallest sub atomic particles. Yet science through mathematics and theory seems to believe these objects do exist. Throughout my life I have had physical experiences with the divine that I could not explain through logic and so I put them, at least in my mind with those universal mysteries yet discovered but not thrown away as superstition. This leads me to make the point that the situations that are occurring on a global scale may not be able to be stopped or prevented.

I know I am asking a lot from you all. I am not trying to relate a particular religious belief as much as a sense that something is happening and this change socially and economically is becoming increasing difficult to combat using our Realism or conservative thought. The masses are so stressed and desperate that they are clinging to every act of control being proposed by Socialist who are currently controlling much of the world's government. If we go back a hundred years or so, would we have allowed any of the legislation on surveillance, denial of civil liberties, confiscation of private property? Wars have been started for less, yet on a global scale average citizens are becoming more and more convinced that the way to secure their ways of life is to give up more and more control of their lives to a central government. This centralization of power is spoken about literally and metaphorically in the Judeo-Christian faith and it gives me pause.

I challenge you to tell me an act that our president has pushed for that has not been passed or been ratified using an executive order. This is not on a bipartisan level either, Obama uses the masses to steamroll his agenda over those of us that oppose it. Even with small defeats at the circuit court levels with his recess appointments, I have a suspicion he will when on appeal. More and more power is being focused on one branch of our government than ever in history. The presidency in the last twenty years has taken too many powers away from our legislative branch with little if any resistance. Quietly and slowly president after president has gained more leverage to declare war, raise taxes, and create law where as in the past these were powers of the peoples representatives. Why is is so easy lately? Has the American public changed that profoundly from just four or five years ago? These are generational changes that are taking place in a blink of an eye, and like a thief in the night we are about to lose our liberty.

Monday, February 4, 2013

When does the campaign end?

I have never seen a president so hate staying at the White House. The president seems to enjoy waisting our taxpayer dollars on moving his teleprompter from state to state, country to country. During such an economic disater as we are currently having one would think that the president would take the lead and help save some bucks by doing some of his political damage from the crib. Maybe it's because he knows that if he stays in Washington he might actually have to do some work for the people. Obama just might have to meet face to face with congressional leaders and try to make legislation, start a budget and pass it, and maybe make a decision without it being written down for him. this president has a one track mind and it not set on defending our way of life as much as a a systhematic and fundamental change to what our country has stood for.

Through history you see how the political machine that wanted to completely take over it's countries governmental process have always gone to the people to envoke emotion instead of debate. To constantly criss cross the nation is a well planned machine set to stir up the weak minded and uninformed. To stir up the groupie and the misguided. Let there be no doubt that all of these moves are well calculated and tested and scripted for maximun effect. Every word said is to raise the blood pressure of his minions and to make the opposition seem evil or insensitive. The Obama machine wants to destroy any opposition to this radical change by demonizing or dehumanizing those that believe differently than they do. Their goal is to turn brother against brother, father against son and so on. Until every American is forced to plegde allegiance to this new world order.

I understand how unbelievable it may sound. Look at the current gun debate. Sandy Hook has become their poster child, where anyone in disagreement is branded uncaring. Every current study shows that criminals do not obey gun laws. The CDC even posted that the previous gun ban had little or no effect in crime rates. That more people are killed with fist and hammers tham semi auto's. They have even recruited victims to serve their purposes. Congresswomen Giffords husband was making the rounds spewing bad policy about guns. Not one conversation leans towards getting guns out of the mentally ills hands and the hands of criminals. Weapons in the hands of law abiding citizens are the problem. The current tactic is to when someone speaks out against any ban they cry Sandy Hook Sandy Hook and the conversation ends.