
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Walking Dead

Has anyone noticed that there is absolutely nothing new that our president is saying. I found it shockingly funny that clips played from all his other State of the Union addresses sound exactly the same. I think we are covertly being hypnotized by all of these constant repetitions by Obama. "Rebuild bridges", "raise the minimum wage", "rich pay more". I feel like a walker in the Walking Dead. Since this presidency has begun my higher brain functions seem to be eroding and millions are only operating using their brain stems. Yes I have become addicted to the Walking Dead, but that was a good analogy damn it. The only issue that was somewhat new was the call for a vote on gun laws. Though the topic is an old progressive ploy, so yawn Mr. President. The president seems to be content with being mediocre and keeping the status quo and of course his zombies just have a one track mind, to keep their bellies full.

So keeping with this undead theme let's take a look at how Obama followers and the undead are similar. The dead herd together. The followers of the anointed one see their fate intertwined with the masses. A very Socialist binding is what they feel is necessary for our country. That it's not the individual that fuels creativity and invention but the group is the saving grace of the country. The dead do not think they react. The Obamanation is constantly looking for that next social injustice to try to correct, they are reactive not proactive. The masses follow the loud bang or the glow of the fire. Right now just like the series, the gun is your salvation or you death. The gun attracts the undead or can finish them off. As Realist we must conserve our ammunition use weapons that are quiet when we can, like the filibuster or the holding off of appointments for Obama to win our fight for the second amendment. Having rallies with the AR over the shoulder sound patriotic but it just brings the meat bags closer.

The dead feed on the living. The Obama philosophy is parasitic. Just like a parasite it enters it's host and feeds of the engine of what makes it alive. In America's case businesses and industries. The banking business is infected, it's disease is Dodd-Frank. The car business is infected, it's disease is the bailout. The housing business is infected, it's disease is government regulation. This viral contagion could have been prevented decades ago. How long have we been talking about balanced budget amendments? How long have we been talking about making government smaller? How long have we been wanting to reform our branches of government? To what avail? Talk talk and more talk. When are we going to each become more active in the fight? Every character in the Walking dead has two roles. The secondary role is a cook, cleaner or mechanic. Our everyday professions. The first and most important role is that of a warrior. To pickup arms if necessary to defend the lives of the living. The defense can be done passively by building a barrier ie writing a letter encouraging your representative. Or the defense can be active like running for office. You are just the next victim and soon the change will come if you don't stay alive long enough for the cure to come. Remember, we are all infected.

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