
Monday, February 4, 2013

When does the campaign end?

I have never seen a president so hate staying at the White House. The president seems to enjoy waisting our taxpayer dollars on moving his teleprompter from state to state, country to country. During such an economic disater as we are currently having one would think that the president would take the lead and help save some bucks by doing some of his political damage from the crib. Maybe it's because he knows that if he stays in Washington he might actually have to do some work for the people. Obama just might have to meet face to face with congressional leaders and try to make legislation, start a budget and pass it, and maybe make a decision without it being written down for him. this president has a one track mind and it not set on defending our way of life as much as a a systhematic and fundamental change to what our country has stood for.

Through history you see how the political machine that wanted to completely take over it's countries governmental process have always gone to the people to envoke emotion instead of debate. To constantly criss cross the nation is a well planned machine set to stir up the weak minded and uninformed. To stir up the groupie and the misguided. Let there be no doubt that all of these moves are well calculated and tested and scripted for maximun effect. Every word said is to raise the blood pressure of his minions and to make the opposition seem evil or insensitive. The Obama machine wants to destroy any opposition to this radical change by demonizing or dehumanizing those that believe differently than they do. Their goal is to turn brother against brother, father against son and so on. Until every American is forced to plegde allegiance to this new world order.

I understand how unbelievable it may sound. Look at the current gun debate. Sandy Hook has become their poster child, where anyone in disagreement is branded uncaring. Every current study shows that criminals do not obey gun laws. The CDC even posted that the previous gun ban had little or no effect in crime rates. That more people are killed with fist and hammers tham semi auto's. They have even recruited victims to serve their purposes. Congresswomen Giffords husband was making the rounds spewing bad policy about guns. Not one conversation leans towards getting guns out of the mentally ills hands and the hands of criminals. Weapons in the hands of law abiding citizens are the problem. The current tactic is to when someone speaks out against any ban they cry Sandy Hook Sandy Hook and the conversation ends.

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