
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Can they be stopped?

Being somewhat a person of faith, especially Christianity I am beginning to question whether any of what the president is doing can be stopped. I am not a devote follower or follow my faith blindly. I question, rebel, challenge myself to think and use logic and reason along side my beliefs. I do believe that there are forces in the universe that one cannot explain or see or comprehend, IE. dark matter, strings and the smallest sub atomic particles. Yet science through mathematics and theory seems to believe these objects do exist. Throughout my life I have had physical experiences with the divine that I could not explain through logic and so I put them, at least in my mind with those universal mysteries yet discovered but not thrown away as superstition. This leads me to make the point that the situations that are occurring on a global scale may not be able to be stopped or prevented.

I know I am asking a lot from you all. I am not trying to relate a particular religious belief as much as a sense that something is happening and this change socially and economically is becoming increasing difficult to combat using our Realism or conservative thought. The masses are so stressed and desperate that they are clinging to every act of control being proposed by Socialist who are currently controlling much of the world's government. If we go back a hundred years or so, would we have allowed any of the legislation on surveillance, denial of civil liberties, confiscation of private property? Wars have been started for less, yet on a global scale average citizens are becoming more and more convinced that the way to secure their ways of life is to give up more and more control of their lives to a central government. This centralization of power is spoken about literally and metaphorically in the Judeo-Christian faith and it gives me pause.

I challenge you to tell me an act that our president has pushed for that has not been passed or been ratified using an executive order. This is not on a bipartisan level either, Obama uses the masses to steamroll his agenda over those of us that oppose it. Even with small defeats at the circuit court levels with his recess appointments, I have a suspicion he will when on appeal. More and more power is being focused on one branch of our government than ever in history. The presidency in the last twenty years has taken too many powers away from our legislative branch with little if any resistance. Quietly and slowly president after president has gained more leverage to declare war, raise taxes, and create law where as in the past these were powers of the peoples representatives. Why is is so easy lately? Has the American public changed that profoundly from just four or five years ago? These are generational changes that are taking place in a blink of an eye, and like a thief in the night we are about to lose our liberty.

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