
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stupid is as Stupid does, Senator Scott Brown

I was listening to Kilmeade this morning on my Android app, which I love since my Sirius is out. I heard a moderate commentary on gun control by an at first unknown Senator. The unnamed Senator was very moderate and careful with his idea of what gun control should be. Then he stated that in his state there was an assault weapons ban and that he voted for it. I thought wait, Kennedy's dead who the heck is the Senator, must be a state Senator. Then Brian challenged him to a run and it hit me, oh cool it's Scott Brown I kind of like him. So Kilmeade then changed the subject to the shooting at Newtown. What I heard next I could not believe. To the best of my knowledge this is a highly educated individual, but the words that came out of his mouth sounded like some dark ages peasant watching the local beheading.

The Senator went and stated, "he (Adam Lanza) is a coward, he should have just killed himself". The Senator then vomited, "he is such a coward, he should have gone for help". I do not know if he is running again. I would like to apologize on behalf of the party that I am affiliated with, for Scott Browns statements. These statement show as much of a level of ignorance for what is happening with the mentally ill in our country, as much an ignorance as during the civil rights movements. What was Senator Brown thinking? That he would garner support from the anti mentally ill caucus? I am going to ask a million more questions. What right does he have to say that someone should end their own life? Has he never had anyone affected by mental illness in his family. Millions of Americans suffer from some type of mental sickness on a daily basis, and this monster would want them dead instead of helped.

Senator Scott Brown now poses a threat to those who are or will become ill in the future. Maybe he HAS been to the library lately and taken out a few Sanger or Megele manuals on what to do with these "Cowards" as he calls the mentally ill. I pray that no one in his family develops a mental illness. I don't think assisted suicide is legal in Massachusetts.

Adam Lanza was wrong. Adam Lanza did an evil thing. Adam Lanza's murders were a monstrous act. Adam Lanza was not fully to blame! There were parents. There were neighbors. There were students and teachers. Maybe even doctors and lawyers who all knew what this kid was capable of and not one damn one of them had the courage (yes Senator the non mentally ill are cowards) to speak up, make a call, voice concern, strap him down and ship him to somewhere by force where he could have, would have, should have been helped. You all to busy with your reality shows and game consoles and own hides to give a rip for another human being you knew was on the edge. Senator your to blame. Senator Brown your indifference to the mentally and their plight helped cause this. Look at your hands Senator, there is blood.

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