What is a free man? There is liberty, then there is freedom. Can we live with restrictions, rules and regulations and still consider ourselves free? Tons of questions on my mind this morning. Silently and not so silently oir government has decided to take away the very core of what we as human beings want; the right to self- determination. I have spoken on this subject ad nauseum, but there is half of the country yet to convince that relinquishing their WILL to a faceless bureaucracy will only lead to misery.
Fear is what rules the left's followers. These puppets would have never crossed the Atlantic for a better way of life. The take no risk in their lives. These zombies wake up, go to work, come home, so it all over day after day. The American dream for them doesn't come from the fruits of their innovation or creativity or imagination. The dream for them is one of safety amd security. They complain about being bored and do nothing to escape the chains of conformity. Instead of putting their mark on time and on society by placing themselves at risk, they never rock the boat and their lives resemble and echo. Their lives start off strong with every intention of standing out but fear quickly comes in and they fade.
Where are the rebels and daredevils that craved their names into the flesh of this country? Those men and women who refused to be controlled, held back and oppressed by governmental tyranny. Are we going to allow ourselves and this country to be turned into a classless society where no one strives to be great or exceptional? Everyone being equal is a lie that we have to destroy. All of you out there know this, yet refuse to admit it to yourselves. You fight so hard for what you have and see others doing little and still being provided for. I remember working in the projects and some had better clothing and cars then I did working until I got sick some weeks.
The only way to discipline our fellow Americans who promote Socialism for our nation is to take away the drugs they are addicted to; welfare and food stamps. Take away the baby bottle and force those that can to grow up amd eat meat.