For years my liberal friends have been yapping and defending the indefensible. Singing the praises of their lord and master Barry Sotero. There was not a thing he could do or say that could be called into question. Even if every other rational human being on the planet could question his majesty, well then he was toi busy or had little knowledge of what had taken place. If you want to read a little more on that you can go to my post "America's first not my fault president". What I have noticed since the disaster that is, is silence. I have tried all my old tricks to get a rise in them but still silence.
M.O. for your typical lefty, they love to defend far away causes and stances. The lefty creates poster children positions and cry and make heartfelt commercials. What the lefty can't do is say they were wrong. I think they display similar traits to the borderline personality. The talking points are unorganized so far. As I've heard nothing online, I hear liberals trying to pass the buck to computer nerds and insurance companies. Nobody is buying it. The lies are starting to fracture even the most loyal of Obamazombie, the media. There have been some hard hitting real journalitic pieces put out by nearly every tree hugger outlet. Why, because it's hitting them in the pocket. The democrats believed and drank the Kool-Aid and now are finding out it's poisoned. Obamacare is hitting every American in the billfold and money talks so Obama's BS about keeping your plan or saving money is walking.
Though my friends aren't talking and won't admit to being wrong. The old guard of the Republican party is not doing any better. The McCain's and McConnells are still up for wheeling and dealing with the left on immigration. What we should be doing is elevating the rhetoric that Ted Cruz used during his filibustet through talking points and commercials and driving it home to the public that we warned them, we were right. Everything that the Tea party and it's elected officials have said since 2009 about this administration have come to pass. Now it's time to give them more back up in most houses. We shouldn't be silent, it's not golden.