
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The silence is deafening

For years my liberal friends have been yapping and defending the indefensible. Singing the praises of their lord and master Barry Sotero. There was not a thing he could do or say that could be called into question. Even if every other rational human being on the planet could question his majesty, well then he was toi busy or had little knowledge of what had taken place. If you want to read a little more on that you can go to my post "America's first not my fault president". What I have noticed since the disaster that is, is silence. I have tried all my old tricks to get a rise in them but still silence.

M.O. for your typical lefty, they love to defend far away causes and stances. The lefty creates poster children positions and cry and make heartfelt commercials. What the lefty can't do is say they were wrong. I think they display similar traits to the borderline personality. The talking points are unorganized so far. As I've heard nothing online, I hear liberals trying to pass the buck to computer nerds and insurance companies. Nobody is buying it. The lies are starting to fracture even the most loyal of Obamazombie, the media. There have been some hard hitting real journalitic pieces put out by nearly every tree hugger outlet. Why, because it's hitting them in the pocket. The democrats believed and drank the Kool-Aid and now are finding out it's poisoned. Obamacare is hitting every American in the billfold and money talks so Obama's BS about keeping your plan or saving money is walking.

Though my friends aren't talking and won't admit to being wrong. The old guard of the Republican party is not doing any better. The McCain's and McConnells are still up for wheeling and dealing with the left on immigration. What we should be doing is elevating the rhetoric that Ted Cruz used during his filibustet through talking points and commercials and driving it home to the public that we warned them, we were right. Everything that the Tea party and it's elected officials have said since 2009 about this administration have come to pass. Now it's time to give them more back up in most houses. We shouldn't be silent, it's not golden.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


When I posted the number I thought I miss placed the comma. That number seems so unreal. Imagine the top ten or more cities in the US completely filled with the unemployed. It's the dirty little secret in th economy no one wants to tslk about. People have been unemployed in areas for over three years. The underemployed have had part timr jobs for longer. Almost seven years of he Obama reign and nothing has improved.

My liberal friends either are not talking about the economy or have drunk so much of the Kool-Aid that they really don't sound as if they live in the same country. Yesterday information was released that showed that 49% of the US population is now receiving some kind of government assistance. Almost 3 trillion dollars have been spent on welfare since the administration took over. No where in America do you see major announcements of super heated economic growth. There are some signs that oil and natural gas are picking up in the Dakotas but with the lefts hate o fossil fuels there is little guarantee that will continue.

The majority of job postings I see are for part time jobs. Obamacare has now made hiring full time personnel a bankrupting enterprise. Obamacare also works at alienating businesses who have a faith based lean in their principles. Throw on top of that the ever expanding amount of new regulations drawn up daily that strangle growth and invention in America. The Obama regime has taken an axe to the risk takers who don't play by the rules to invent what our future needs. The oppressive regs are forward looking to trample the next Jobs or Gates.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Home of the brave, more like wimps

How incredibly embarrassing for the children of these parent. Imagine not only losing but then your weak willed parent has to file a I'm a sore loser conplaint with a school district. My liberal friend Sal said it best, "If they'd stop given everyone a trophy these kids wouldn't grow up so weak". I have children that play at every level of competitive sports and every once in a blue moon I compete. We have all won and lost. The loss was the teaching opportunity. The loss was the moment you grew and got better. Imagine constantly rescuing your children and never letting them experience failure. You would wipe out have the visionaries of our time. Edison failed thousands of times. Einstein told he was a faulure at math.
Cuban dropped out of college. These men and women who have failed thought about quitting but knew the failure was a chance to come back stronger. Shame on these parents.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Lala land

I am real beginning to believe that I don't live in the same dimensional plane as my fellow Americans who are liberals or left-wing or progressive. String theory suggest that there may be an infinite number of realities within space time. I think that this is the problem, Conservatives, Libertarians, Tea partiers just exist in an alternative reality where OUR atoms do not like being told what to do. I see the Liberal as the one in chains and trapped by his worship and devotion to government. These modern liberals are a far cry from the free love, free living hippies of the sixties.

What makes a person want to be controlled? What within almost half of the US population make them just give up freedom after freedom for a piece of bread? There must be a genetic defect within those personality types that make them want to be passive and compliant. I see it in nature with lower species of creatures, like insects where there are individuals within those species that are created to do specific roles and do not try to do any other. Do these liberal individuals even with freewill, actually choose conformity or are they just chromosomally destined to follow? 

I don't know why but I want to figure them out. I want to understand their method and madness. There is such a dualism within them. The liberal hates racism but they are the first to use race as an excuse. The liberal says they are open minded but are the first to attack opposing views as evil. The liberal loves to say they are compassionate but are the first to use violence to further their cause. I am starting to pity the people around me that hold to the left-wing plank and platform. Yet I have to keep them at arms length because they are potentially dangerous to liberty and peace.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

A coward dies a thousand deaths

The party of giants like Lincoln and Roosevelt, men who fought wars for what was just and right are turning in their graves. What the Republicans (I use that term loosely) did was one of the most cowardly political acts I have seen since Obama bowed to the Saudi Sheikh. Modern day politics seem to take absolutely no courage to perform. On either side, giving in, is now seen as a victory. The left encourages Americans to become more dependent on the government. The right is now encouraging Americans to give in even when you know it's for the best.

Shakespeare was right what is happening now is the act of cowards dying day after day in the battle to save our country from tyranny. What nobility would have been displayed if the party had held the line and gone over the cliff that was the manufactured default precipice. The courage was not to go to the edge, the courage would have been to jump.

There were a handful of brave politcal soldiers in both the Senate and the congress but I won't lump you braves into the party. Those men now represent the thin gray line that may keep Obamaism from conquering our nation and turning us into New Europe. As Senators and Congressmen posted they were immediately attacked. Not by left-wing trolls, but by loyal right-wing followers angry at their lack of guts and fight.

Time and time again I saw statement about a Republican saying they were leaving the party or starting a new party. My suspicion is that these disgruntled Republicans will begin to fill the void and the ranks of what Democrats hate the most, Tea Party members. Lefties may be cheering now that they have destroyed the Republican party for years to come but what I see coming is a backlash of even more Ted Cruz like figures replacing the Rhinos in congress. This new breed I guarantee you won't blink. They should have left a sleeping Tiger lay.

Some might think that it's time to regroup. I tell you that it's time to plug in. If you're as angry and disappointed as I am, make a decision to channel that anger towards activism. We've spoken about before on Ricantotheright, a letter,  an e-mail, a blog. Start small, gain your strength and speed then get involved in the process. This won't happen overnight but if we Realist begin to exercise our politcal muscles in a few years we willbe strong enough to turn this dangerous Socialist red tide.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How low can they go?

I love my Ricantotheright fans. I enjoy that they actively contribute information that helps create content. I've received tips and articles and comments and I thank you all. This morning I got a report of a Facebook page run by and unknown Democractic operative. I won't give the name, I don't want to give them anymore popularity than they are already receiving. A little back story. My hetero lifemate told me that she had been seeing this older Vets and just regular citizens waving flags and holding protest signs over our local over passes. There was one that really effected her. The vet as she described him looked to be old enough to have been in Vietnam, holding his American flag over the overpass in silent protest.

I get tagged by a fan on Facebook and it goes to Democratic fan page. More power to them they want their guy in and their philosophy promoted cool, first amendment right? As the read the post I became angrier and angrier. The page moderator was asking for volunteers to help her in a counter protest against the vets on the overpasses. What truly pissed me off was what they were asking their followers to do. The way this group of left wing libertards wanted to attack the vets and other protestors was to make up signs suggesting that our vets had mental illnesses and their political position was based on their sickness. They were going ti make signs and stand next to our heros saying,"Aliens tell me Obama was born in Kenya". The leader of this democratic group wanted the follower to dress with aluminum foil in their heads also.

You may not think it much, but having worked with cops who were so traumatized by the streets and having family members who developed serious mental illness due to combat it wasn't funny. Imagine this men gave everything of themselves except their lives and all the democrat knows how to do it mock and humiliate the person who has the courage to so what they could not, defend our country. This man came home in the seventies to subhumans like this person to their crys of "baby killer". I thought those times had come and gone here in America.

Monday, October 14, 2013

I really don't

I'm sorry but I do not personally know anyone affected by the government shutdown or slimdown as it's being referenced. I may have a friend on Facebook that commented that their family is being impacted because the father is a government worker that has been furloughed. Losing a job or being laid off is frightening. I have been their back in 2010 when my investment business just could not longer hold on and I closed it's door. You go through all the stages of grief and if you're a man or woman of character you make it work.

During my time of unemployment I created. I came up with an apparel line and Ricantotheright grew up and expanded. I had to decide what I truly loved in life in the way of work. I decided politics and JiuJitsu were where I wanted to focus my energy. Neither are easy. As a politician I'm a uber conservative Latino and I am in a pretty much conservative state so little opportunity but I just received my first politcal appointment so it's a start. In my martial arts career that is still years away to achieve that honor of endurance, the black belt. In the last three years I have reinvented myself. I changed to survive.

Our country didn't need this type of radical reinvention like I had to go through to survive the economic downturn. Just like me it just needed to remember what it had always loved. Our country has always loved free enterprise and hard work. Our country has always loved people to be free especially from government. Damn it we fought war after war just so others were not forced into doing what their governments said.

What our country truly cherished is that rebel who raised his fist, finger or firearm at anyone that tried to control them. That's a true American, a risk taker, a failure time after time never quitting and if he failed he died trying. We are seeing that reawakening. We saw a sprinkle yesterday at the World War II memorial. On the Senate floor a couple of weeks ago. Little by little people are waking up.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I've said this already

What a difference ten months makes. This January I wrote two entries concerning our Cold Civil War here in America. I never once thought it would actually begin to take a physical turn. As the shutdown continues the administration is purposefully using law enforcement in it's fight to make Americans feel the pain of this shut down. Veterans were arrested in NYC for crossing into Federally closed monuments. People around the country are being forced out of their homes and.businesses by Federal law enforcement. The president on down has begun to use language that could potentially expose those in the opposition to violence. This ratcheting up of rhetoric and physical violence WILL bring out the fringe elements of both parties and a tragedy may soon occur.

I always hoped I'd be wrong. I underestimated the presidents inflexibility and dogmatic nature. Maybe I thought that somewhere in his life long indoctrination as a Socialist/ Communist through his family, friends, teachers and mentors, their would still be an American. I define an American as someone who does not like to be told what to do by government, and only asks for help when there is an extreme emergency. An American is creative and innovative. They want to be free to do whatever they please as long as it doesn't hurt their fellow neighbor. Americans like to own stuff, build stuff, sell stuff without government looking over their shoulders. I fear that this part of the president may not exist.

My esteemed audience you must come to the conclusion that we are not just disagreeing with each other any more. That we are at war with each others core principles and beliefs as we were during our civil war. We are a divided country and a divided government and Obama has done nothing but fanned the flames and spiked the football at those who voted against him. This attitude is his downfall. As of today he has fallen to a 37% Gallup approval rating. Obama sounds vengeful and arrogant. Even our dead heros are being treated disrespectfully by the administration after he signed a law to pay our active duty their benefits he orders the Pentagon to deny the death benefits to our fallen. This is not the beginning of what he will do to make us hurt.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

No lube

Many details about the conparison of the current shutdown and the previous seventeen are starting to emerge. The most blatant are that in the last shutdown any of the memorials that are now closed were completely accessible ti the public. The ocean remained opened for business instead of being blocked by federal parks personnel. People and businesses who lived or worked on federal land continued to function normally. As of yesterday 83% of the government was up and running. The most blatant f you was how the federally run golf course was open, but the Armed Forces Network was shut down for the regular Sunday football coverage that our troops so look forward to. This morning after Fox sports anchor Howie Long commented about the practice and created a firestorm on social media, the Secretary of Defense ordered it reopen.

My Democratic friends just either refuse to see it or are accomplices. I guess all political adversaries point the finger at each other, but I'm going to give the finger to my fellow left wingers for using people as pawns. The constant use of events, horrible events, people and issues to further their destruction of their political opposites. At least they don't have the intelligence to be subtle. Yesterday a lefty friend of mind posted an article in the New York Times that suggested that the shutdown was planned by Tea Party types for months. I think I ended up posting a Sun Tze quote on his page about all warfare is deception. Unlike his president my friend thinks we can come to the table and talk. Obama says we can't so sorry buddy your president doesn't nees to listen to you anymore, he's in.

The practice of sticking it to Americans ro make this process more painful has already backfired on the Democrats. My daughtet told me yesterday that her high school friends who once lookes up to Obama are questioning him out loud. Young people are techno savvy and he's attacked the very core of where they felt safe. A kid told my daughter that he didn't know who the president was anymore. The conversation continued and they made statements like gone crazy or weird. I can just wonder what the parents of these young future liberals are saying about the commander in chief.

One of the things I have seen on social media are intelligent supporters of the current administration just out right lying about current issues. If you ask them about closures that are unjust they tell you nothings really closed. If you ask them about the troubles with Obamacare they tell you that everything went smoothly and they signed up and they're saving thousands. Maybe I can look at my left wing friends as courageous for wanting to go down with the ship as continues to play.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Keep it closed

NSA, IRS, EPA. It is so relaxing now to know these destroyers of American freedoms are partially mothballed. There is a human cost to the shutdown with federal employees not receiving their paychecks, however we are waging a war against the continued growth in the power of the government. There is collateral damage during any kind of warfare even its waged nonviolently. Someone somewhere had to take a stand and be the David to this Obama Goliath of an administration. Life has gone on for the last couple of days as it had in the other seventeen government shutdowns. Let's discuss what life would be without huge parts of our government.

The IRS is closed. What would happen to America if we were to shutter it all. A bill goes through congress that ask every American that earns a living to send a percentage of their income in the form of cashiers check or money order by April 15. No FICA, no federal taxes coming out during the year. You keep what you earn and you contribute at the end. No tax code, no tax breaks, no tax forms. If you earn a check you pay. We'll figure out the percentage later. Two million bloated  salaries to IRS employees gone. Now they have to compete in the free market like everyone else. Thousands of buildings sold to private individuals and companies who will create opportunities not spy on them and smash their dreams. A postcard replaces tens of thousands of pages of job killing rules and regs. On that day the stock market jumps a thousand points. That April 15 the federal government announces a surplus and issues refunds to all Americans because it created a balanced budget.

EPA shuttered. No more targeted laws and regualtions that rob jobs and businesses of capitol through burdens and fines. Now the power of the purse through public pressure. You screw up water and land, the community stops buying your products and sues your company directly and the money goes back to the community.  The management of the land goes back to the lowest levels, states, counties, cities. No more building of tunnels that cost tens of thousands for the sake of three turtles. No more SWAT teams to inspect whole milk or unpasteurized milk producers.

The NSA. No more war like spying on the American people. Enough said.