
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Home of the brave, more like wimps

How incredibly embarrassing for the children of these parent. Imagine not only losing but then your weak willed parent has to file a I'm a sore loser conplaint with a school district. My liberal friend Sal said it best, "If they'd stop given everyone a trophy these kids wouldn't grow up so weak". I have children that play at every level of competitive sports and every once in a blue moon I compete. We have all won and lost. The loss was the teaching opportunity. The loss was the moment you grew and got better. Imagine constantly rescuing your children and never letting them experience failure. You would wipe out have the visionaries of our time. Edison failed thousands of times. Einstein told he was a faulure at math.
Cuban dropped out of college. These men and women who have failed thought about quitting but knew the failure was a chance to come back stronger. Shame on these parents.

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