
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I want my vote to count

I have a few libertarian friends on line. They are supporting Gary Johnson I believe to president. I would love to be able to vote for a candidate with his views, however he has no hope of beating Obama. This is the Achilles heal of our political system. The two party system has killed real democracy. Not since Perot have we had a real third party candidate that make the grassroot excited enough to jump off the two party train.

Now that Debbie Wassermann Schultz called Paul Ryan an "Ayn Rand" follower I am all in for him. I hate the two party system. I do not really fit into either perfectly. I offend some on both sides so being embraced by the base is a pipe dream. I hate abortion but I would legalize cannabis. I believe in personal freedom but I believe we should recycle. I love guns but I don't think just anyone should have them. I can't join the libertarians because I believe in preemptive war. I am an outcast.

I wear my Nomad patch with pride. I vote Republican nearly always because I have yet to find a Democratic candidate who is moderate enough for me here in Texas. The Texas Democratic is like a San Francisco drag queen, they want to strut and flaunt their most extreme wares and I am not buying.


  1. I am a three topic voter:
    1. 2A
    Romney voted in a gun ban.

    2. Abortion
    Romneycare, the blueprint for Obamacare, provided for government funded abortion.

    3. Taxes
    Romney increased the tax burden in Mass through his voting record.

    Gary Johnson 2012, as I refuse to vote for evil. Lesser or otherwise.

  2. Thank you for taking a stand.
