
Thursday, August 2, 2012

When a bleeding heart becomes a whine.

My pastor friend never ceases to amaze me. I love to catch his post, because it always gets my juices flowing. So this morning after the millions of people who went out to support Chick Fil A, he said the crowds made him "Weep". Like Christ wept for Jerusalem. Now I am not down playing his emotions or saying his emotions weren't sincere. What I did confront him and the followers on his page was the use of the word hate to justify their sadness. The pastor immediately went for the jugular and suggested that those who supported the restaurant chain yesterday support hate for LGBT persons. Some on his feed in called them bigots and haters and oppressors. One even mocked that their consumption of the food who pay them back by killing them. There seems to be no limit to what the bleeding hearts will say when someone disagrees with them.

So I pointed out the plank in their own eyes. That no one making a comment on the thread did the Christ like command and love his enemy, bless those that curse you. That there was no offer of reaching across the culture to come to an understanding of the opposing side, no, I hate you were the words coming from the supporters of the LGBT movement. What made it more shocking was that it was in the name of Christ. WWJD, I doubt he would call me names. Though he did get anger he did not sin. I saw a lot of misbehavior and sin in this comments. The exact opposite of what they want from us, tolerance and understanding. It seems a common theme for the religious left to point the finger and the right, instead of opening that hand in the spirit of brotherhood.

I did not cry yesterday. I felt a sense of awe that a nation, yes a nation would come to defend a persons right to say what they want. My pastor friend was critical of those who thought they were defending the constitution. Some of his church even compared Chick Fil A to the old segregated restaurants here in the south 50 years ago. Yet never, not once were LGBT told they could not come and join in and dine. That plank in my friends eye was more like a railroad tie. I find it said to be lumped into a definition of hate. After I defended that community for years, I feel I have earned the title of friend to it. That what I believe should be tolerated and defended just as they would want me to do the same. The problem is that they don't want me to be different. The LGBT community wants me to change, to say I am wrong.

For that community it's your for us or against us, shame really, I never felt that way about them.

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