
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm gay for Chick-fil-a

It takes guts to say what you believe. I applaud the CEO of Chick-fil-a for being an American and taking a stand. It bothers me that the gay community isn't supporting him. When a gay person comes out of the closet, he is supported and showered with praise for being courageous. Is it not the same thing that Mr.Truett did? Celebrate his honesty you gay Americans. Now at least you know his position, now at least you know. Why not say that honesty is more important than the words coming out. The word hate is thrown around way too easy. I tell you some of you have really never seen hate. You have never stood before someone trying to hurt you or end your life like I have. Stop letting that word hate flow.

I just never understood why those on the left bring out that weapon so quickly. Never are we who oppose them mislead, misguided, or wrong. The radicals and not so just cannot seem to defend their position with generating negative emotion. If they can even incite physical violence the better, the more glorious victory for their agenda. So reactive words are toss liked hand grenades at their victims. They throw, bigot, racist, hater at us without care of what the collateral damage might be. In this case the free excercise of trade by gays at Chick-fil-a. Now they will be seen as the enemy by loyal patrons who disagree, when a couple of weeks ago they were like everyone else anonymous customers.

So August 1st is a day to support Chick-fil-a. I will go and support not their stance against gay marriage. I will support their ability to be free as a business to express themselves and make a buck.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Breaking the law

As a retired cop I remember a little of the law and ordinances I enforced. Sure, there has probably been a few minor changes since I left. One of the pet peeves I have had all of my adult life is a weird one. I don't remember when it started or why. I have such a dislike for the practice that it brings out a very emotional response. I truly cannot take the ritual of stopping traffic for funeral. It drives me mad that the dead have more rights than the living. That the families of someone who is gone now has more of a right to time than my families needs. I cannot wrap my brain around it, and yes I have heard all the arguments. Oh you should have more respect and sensitivity. Why me, why does the public have to give up their freedoms for what is now an inanimate object? It sounds cold and crude but I think of all the living people it effects so that you all can have a nice neat line at the cemetery.

This is not the first time I have had a run in with the rent a cops that stop traffic. Back in 2003 I was running late to work and got stopped by a rent a jockey while I was in full uniform. I always thought they had some kind of authority then I went into the traffic code and found that is was actually a violation for these funeral lines to impede traffic. So here I am trying to get through and I politely wait for a break to cut through the miles of cars. As I pull through the security guard pulls his Kawasaki into the path of my car. I jumped out of the car and reached for my handcuffs. Damn I wanted to arrest this fool. As I was telling him to get the hell out of my way, I hope that he would observe I was wearing a real police uniform and badge. No, what does he do he starts yelling at me. "Don't you have and respect for the dead"? I really truly thought about it, in those few seconds I went deep within and made a moral decision. "No"! "So if you don't get out of my way I am going to put your ass in jail"! The guy yelled back about the deceased being some high level Mason which annoyed me even more.

It took him a second but he relent and I got to work on time. Why, why do the dead have to make such an imposition on the living? I have already directed my heirs to don't even dare do this. I even told them to do something funny for me. As everyone is in line to get there to get in the slow lane, roll down the windows and wave the traffic along. I am dead. I am not in a hurry. So I say all this because I had a little road rage incident yesterday. I was trying to get to a very important meeting. This meeting had the potential to expand my business and benefit my families bottom line. I wanted to make a good impression and be there early or on time. So guess what cuts me off as I am making my turn to my meeting in Coppell, a rent a cop escorting a funeral. My blood pressure boiled as the line just went on and on and on. I waited and waited, the line had no end. I saw some cops at the corner not thinking they were part of the deal. I was officially late so I saw a small break and cut through. So I look in my rear view mirror and see lights. I was like, Hell no, a security guard is not trying to pull me over. I was stunned to see a Coppell police officer pulling me over. I had the opposite reaction most of you would have.

I was pissed. I know that the transportation code hadn't changed so much to allow this to be legal now. So I jumped angrily out of the car and yelled at the officer,"He can stopped traffic, he is not a cop"! I caught myself for a second thinking, hey this is a brother in blue, and then he said the wrong thing. "That man is authorized by the transportation code to perform these duties". Damn this cop just lied to me. I yelled back, "I retired as a cop not too long ago, and I don't remember that being in the code". So he pulled me over and we had it out. It was a rich back and forth. He insulted me for being insensitive, I insulted him for pulling me over without a legal reason. I said crazy things, he said offensive things. The line I remember most was when he called me "Dude". "Dude"? I said. "I am not a dude, I am a sir". I could not believe this was coming out of my mouth. "You will address me as sir as I am addressing you". I'm crazy and I went for broke. So after some final inappropriate question which I knew for damn sure violated a few state laws by the officer I said, "your gonna take my license or what"? It was as if I was transported into a world where nothing I could say was a cause for him to cite or arrest me. My question is this. If I had not told him I was a retired police officer would it have gone down the same way?

The officer walked away and to add to his insult I insisted he give me his name and badge number. Reluctantly he went to his motor and brought back a card. I told them to move away from my vehicle because I didn't want them accusing me of trying to hurt them. They stood their ground and I peeled off through some dust at them. Ha! I was triumphant. I showed those officers, my freedom of speech won the day, or did it. As the adrenaline wore off a sense of guilt set in. Though I knew I was technically and legally correct, was I correct in using that knowledge to my advantage? Should I have lorded my rights over the whole situation for my personal gain. I started feeling real crappy during my meeting with this new business relation and told him the whole story. I even shared what I was feeling and that maybe I should be the bigger man and apologize to the officer without the hope he would do the same ever. I think I made more than a business partner being this real, I made a friend. So as I was driving away I picked up the card and found his email address. I sent an apology and asked for forgiveness. I even told him he would never again hear from me. Meaning I wouldn't go to internal affairs even though I had the right and the ammo to do so. This new business relation said I would be blessed for doing so, it was a small on but it was the same day.

As I was dropping my kid and his girlfriend at the ballpark, my car ran out of gas. Within two minutes my car was surrounded by Arlington cops. I explained what happened and who I was. Within minutes gas was brought to my vehicle and I was treated with respect and we all had a laugh at the retired Dallas PD guy who ran out of gas. We all shook hands and I sent a commendation  email to the officers employers. The lesson I learned is that even thought we have a right and are right, there are good reasons to not exercise  them. That withholding your right may make someone else's life a little easier, a little more meaningful. Maybe some day I will run back into that Coppell cop and I can extend my hand and offer a face to face apology. He didn't deserve it. I still will hate funeral processions, but I might wait, might!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Life gets in the way II


If it's not my kid nearly chopping his foot off, it's another on getting strep. Or the teenager inviting his girlfriend over to my home for t first time and the house having to be disinfected.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The horror. The horror.

My liberal friends broke the cease fire that even their leader was keeping on taking advantage of this tragedy. Today I saw a minister friend of mine post a political cartoon mocking the second amendment. The cartoon had two side that a score was being kept. On one side I believe it read, "Tyrants Overthrown", with no score. Then on the other side were professions of everyday folk with hundreds checked off. I found the cartoon small minded and juvenile, below this gift preacher's character. We have had our disagreements on major moral and ethical issue before, but I never expected him to take the low road and jump on the change the constitution band wagon. I always felt that it was his call to Christ was the reason he always took a more compassionate stance socially. With this post I now see how blinded he is by his compassion to the reality of living in a modern society. Blinded to the point where his view is irresponsible and dangerous to others.

Weapons will always, until the Lord returns,  be a part of our society. There is absolutely no law or regulation that can be create to curb it. There are hundreds of millions out there. The only thing a ban will create is a monstrous black market and an unarmed citizenry. The ingenious law abiding weapons owner will always be armed, but the criminal and the extremist will out gun them eventually. By having a knee jerk reaction to the bloody act of a maniac, only compounds the real problem of learning why a person goes on a rampage like this. Is this not the real question? Thousands die every year killed in car wrecks that were premeditated or negligent. Should we ban vehicles? Thousands eat themselves to death, ban food too? So you see how using this event in Colorado as a poster child for your left wing agenda solves nothing. It leave the question of spotting a person like the killer and stopping him. This man could have killed hundreds without weapons. Look at what he did to his apartment.

It's all or nothing with people like my minister friend. Their way or the highway. Your evil he said if you owned an assault rifle. For full disclosure I own an AR15 A3 and several other weapons. I an an expert pistol shooter and above average at all the other weapons I own. I teach my children the good and bad of owning a weapon. I have allowed them to handle them so as to demystify them. I have had numerous instances when I drew my weapon both as a civilian and as law enforcement. On all of those occasions it has prevented something more serious from occurring. These are the facts that my minister buddy and his followers always, always, always fail to mention. They don't want to bring up FBI statistics or state logs on lawful carry and it's success. They use these tragedies and anomalies to cause fear and panic. The world will not be a peaceful place until the Savior's return my friend. You won't bring his kingdom any sooner by making us sitting ducks.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A perfect storm

War is coming. I guarantee it. All the right conditions are here. Economic hardships. Religious tensions. Class struggles. This all on a global scale. There are few places on earth that are not being affected in some way. Heat waves, droughts. Everyone is on edge and on alert. Rogue nations shake their fist at the world and super powers turn the blind eye. It's a tinderbox, and the match is lit and falling towards it. Maybe it's because of our 24 hour news world we live in that makes things seem so connected. For the last three days there has been bloodshed across the planet on levels not seen in many months. Even in aloof Europe people are taking to the streets in protest over the measures governments are taking to avoid a great depression. We are at the tipping point. I am unsure what will be the event that finally makes everything explode, but it will.

No one wants to budge their positions to cool things down. There is very little middle, sides are being polarized. Have these global situations been artificially created? In a way I do feel there has been a deliberate push by unknown forces to create a climate of anarchy on a world scale. I don't believe in the Illuminati or the Templars OK! I do believe in the hunger for power that we as people have within us. This is a quest for control over us, to pacify us. To make us compliant so that we can adore these powers in an orderly fashion. These powers feel they have been given this power to rule us by nature, supernaturally, or by the excellence of their intellectual pursuits. So because we are worried about what we will be eating, we aren't focused on the who and the why these events are taking place.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Money talks, and bullsh%t walks

Success is being attacked at every turn by this administration. A person can't seem to raise their station or status without the Obama machine saying your evil. When did it become un American to innovate and excel and become great? Money and wealth have been a bedrock of what coming to and being American was about. Every person from even when this country began, came here to improve who they were financially. Better lands, better homes, freedom. Damn it when did that become wrong? I am so angry at this class warfare idiocy from Barrack Obama. What makes me even angrier is that people are falling for it. People are condemning him for working hard and being a millionaire and putting HIS money in the right investments and institutions to protect what he has. Hypocrites the lot Debbie Wassermann Schultz invest in Swiss banks, the Obama's invest in outsourcing companies.

I guess I have to brush up on Saul Olinsky. I guess that's how you spell his name. I have to learn the current progressive tactics and how they work. I have never volunteered to work in a presidential campaign, but this Obama has pushed me to the limit and it's time to push back. It's time to put an end to his fundamentally changing this country. Changing this country from the republic it is, to a European style socialist democracy. I do not want to be taken care of. I do not want to be made to do anything by anyone! I want to be me good or bad, rich or poor. Let me make myself or break myself. Maybe I am just braver than the Obamas or the Bidens or the Schultz? How can they be so cowardly? Why do they feel the need to be completely provided for from the cradle to the grave by the federal government?

I guess I have to thank my mother for my survival instincts. My mother left my womanizer father. Grabbed three young kids and moved us thousands of mile away. From Carolina, Puerto Rico to the Bronx, NY. My mother knew she could make a better life for us. My highly educated mother, who is her 20's was a lobbyist in Washington was now reduced to cleaning toilets in a hospital. At the same time my grandmother helped raise us, my mother went to school also. When we needed the help from the government we did use it. Then she worked hard to get off of assistance. My mother felt is was an embarrassment, something to not be proud of. Not too long after my mother found a much better position and married. We moved to Long Island where we had a home and got off the dole. No matter what happened we survived, we thrived. Not because of a government program, but because she believed in the American dream of success.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Why we hate ourselves

I have a love hate relationship with social media. There is incredible power to enhance our live through opening up the world at a touch of a button. There is a horrifyingly ability for that connectivity to be abused to the point of driving someone to kill themselves. I say all this to relate a conversation that took place on Facebook between myself and another Jiu-Jitsu practioner. Sometimes I think we forget that the information we post is sent out to the dozens, hundreds, or thousands of friends we've chosen to connect to. Recklessly we birth opinions that we forever cannot take back and are offended when others disagree. These particular comments were made by a former soldier. So I am more interested in the psychology of turning your back on the nation you once swore to defend, than the actual words said.

So a post appeared on my feed from this young man concerning an article in Time. The article speaks about the tragedy of the daily suicides which occur in our military. I will admit that as of this writting I have not read the article. I was more attracted to his comments concerning the article in Time. His comment that was posted was, "wake up American they are killing themselves because it's and unjust war, and they can't handle the orders that they are being given". I do not know this person well, he seems like a decent person and businessman, so it seemed curious that he would have such a negative opinion of our current wars. As far as I know he served in the military, in what capacity I am uncertain. It always throws me for a loop when I see this phenomena of anti-Americanism in those who previously served. Having seen death, murder and mayhem as a former Dallas Police Officer, I have no ill will to the government of the city of Dallas. It isn't logical.

The conversation became a bit confrontational but nothing offensive. Strong men have strong opinions and we seem to both be ready to defend our positions. So his counterpoint was that the United States is and I will quote him, "We are war profiteers. And conquerors, who conquer other nations to make them conform to our ways". My question is where? Where have we actually taken over a sovereign nation and made conform to our ways? Japan? Sure they were forced to conform so much they are now a peaceful super power, what a tragic consequence. Germany? Now the anchor of Europe during these tense economic times. South Korea, prosperous. I could on and on. So his contention is that Iraq erases all of the positive effects of our global reach with our military. Time will tell with Iraq. The issue there is Islam and Sharia law coming into practice, not American exceptionalism.

So why do some of us Americans end up hating ourselves? Is it guilt? Is it shame? How do those who have equal experiences like this man come back just as patriotic and sold on the mission? I see comments like his very infrequently in social media. I am a devourer of news and information and have not seen a growing movement against ourselves as during the Vietnam era. I did cede that we have had imperialist tendencies in the past. They were few and far between. The knee jerk reaction was how dare he? My next reaction was sympathy. Now what I feel is sorrow that a fellow American now hates the very country that provides for him and his. It's sad very sad.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hate the Socialism not the Socialist

There has always been cases where campaigns have pushed the envelope of what political differences are and personal attacks. To aggressively disagree is part of our culture and helps separate us from other less free nations. I think that in your face your right and I am wrong is very liberating and masculine. We should never be soft men or legislators. How do we confront those who we oppose without calling them our enemies? At the end of the day those we point the finger at are our neighbors. So we must disagree on the basis that the ideas are flawed and not that the individual is evil, this is the weakness of left wing run campaigns, even against one another.

The high road is not an easy road. As humans we are programmed with a need, for good or bad, to want to be agitated. We want our juices flowing. The thrill and the adrenaline rush makes us feel alive. So at it's core negative attacks trigger these more base and primitive parts of us. Negative works, because it is an unconscious process. To be and think rationally takes energy and effort. So when a negative political ad comes on the TV, we sit there hypnotized by them. The information is not vetted by our higher intellect. We consume these empty calories of the media, blotted we react like a robot.

Pointing out flaws and faults are the duty of any efficient political campaign machine. Bad decisions, bad votes, bad policies are subjects that need exposing so that the public can make up their minds. What is being done on the left is to fabricate and apologize later. I watch dozens of interviews with persons on both sides of the political spectrum. Lately I've noticed a disparity in the use of fact and stats. Where those on the right are using current social events to point out the failure of the party in office, those on the left keep rehashing the past. Did I say hash? No Choom gang I'm out. Having little success to stand on the left cannot show it accolades, so it must use the smoke and mirrors of mudslinging.

It's tragic for our political process. There are very gifted and caring individuals on the left who have so much to give. What keeps them in the fog is the sense of lordship they feel over groups and countries. The leftist just cannot keep from considering themselves as our saviors. So the ability to be incorrect just is not in their mindset. They have been endowed by their creator with the solution to mankind's shortcomings. All we have to do is obey.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Out sick

Sorry all will be back Monday 07/16/2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The black in me

Being Puerto Rican growing up wasn't easy. The problem was we didn't look or act like the typical PR's from the Bronx. We were not the stereotypical short, dark skin, big moustache kind of folks. We were tall, white and some of us had hazel eyes. So we didn't fit into the black community or the white segments of our neighborhood. My older sister and younger sister chose the black community anyway, and I went to the dark side of the force and got into metal and eventually I became a punk.

I couldn't afford Doc Martens so I borrowed my step dad's cowboy boots. I didn't have a letter jacket, so I used an old military fatigue coat that was way too big. I couldn't have a Mohawk because my mom wouldn't let me, so I got it as close as she would allow and kept the middle long. My friends called it a barnhawk and I hung out with all sorts of other punks. Who knew there were different types. Peace punks, anarchist, skin heads. Back then what you were served to identify what part of the pit you hung out in. Only those really brave and insane went to the center. My one and only time was at old CBGB's.

I definitely identified more with Anglos than black folk. My stepfather was black, my neighbors were black, I guess the rebel in me sent me to the white side. From my early teens it was about blond (Ahh Melissa M) girls, and rock and roll. There were times I had fantasies of becoming a singer in a punk rock band, but before any of that materialized my mother moved us back to Puerto Rico. I left my culture, my new identity and the love of my life at the time on Long Island. Where the F was I headed to?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Better late

Paying a fair share. I am getting really sick of the class warfare that the Obama administration is spewing. Now since they can't run on a record of accomplishment, they are attacking an American for achieving the American dream. What kind of Bizzaro world do these left wing hippies think we are living in? It's hilarious, the people crying for fairness are not the downtrodden, but fat cats in Washington and beyond.

Obama is a millionaire. Biden is a millionaire, Pelosi is a millionaire. They have the luxury to pay more, the poor are their prisoners. So what is a fair shard when the richest of us are paying the lions share of taxes to our government. Would it not make sense that every single adult that can pay the same rate. I am not an account but if you make the 47% of Americans who pay not taxes, wouldn't that be a net positive in revenues? With a flat tax you eliminate thousands of government jobs and help cut spending by getting rid of the tax code. Crazy Governor Perry was right, imagine sending your tax return on a post card.

Everyone that can contributing to the needs we have as a nation. We can argue and question what is necessary but at least the 47% now have skin in the game to complain. It would be a more predictable stream of income to the treasury. No more trying to figure out who gets what shelter or deduction or who's accountant is better. A set amount, everyone gives bada bing bada boom balanced budget. What is so scary about that?

Monday, July 9, 2012

In the Sauna

What a ridiculous invention the sauna. Who thousands of years ago decided that you should sit in an inclosure that is super heated to the point that you drain you body of essential fluids? Madness. So what happens biologically? I'm a blogger not doctor Jim! So they way your body responds to the heat is to release fluids to get the skin wet so if there is a breeze it can evaporate, thus cooling the skin. If any doctors want to opine do so. I would assume some impurities come out that are trapped in the pours. Won't the Scientologist be happy that I agree with their purification ritual, because stupid me is sitting in a sauna. Oh and I did take my vitamins this morning. So what Thetan level am I now? Tom Cruise watch out I feel like jumping on a couch. I believe the Romans and the Greek used it as actual hygiene. They would use these butter knife type instruments to scrap the skin of the trash that came out of it. No I don't have a butter knife.

OK a stretch. Can we learn something about ourselves by sitting in a sauna? Hey I heard all of you giggle now quit let me finish. You have to make the choice to go into an uncomfortable situation and stay under duress. You have to stay under stress to allow the process to work. You can't just walk in and then walk out and claim you have reaped the benefits. You have to stay under that stimulus for a fixed amount of time. Unfortunately for most they make the first attempt and then quit. There is not benefit to a stressor if you don't repeat the effort.

We can take this formula and apply it to our political  or daily lives. We are trying to achieve a fundamental change in our respective countries with Realism. It is unique to most of us. It is uncomfortable. We are made to be radicals and subversives for thinking true liberty comes from man and not government. We are placed in a social sauna by constantly being challenged when we speak out for freedom. You just have to stay in there a little longer. If you stay to long you dehydrate and die. So spar with those around and speak the truth of... damn I better get out!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Article from WND

Muslims: ‘Wipe Christianity from face of earth’. Just wanted to post this article in response to a question on my blog post, "Censored".

Friday, July 6, 2012


Yesterday was daddy son day. I took my seven year old out bowling and to arcade. My son wanted Putt Putt, but the one hundred degree weather put a damper on that. So apologies for the absenteeism, family first.

I haven't been able to focus on just one subject matter in the last two days. Although I am told I suffer for ADHD, I see the immense amount of issues globally as the culprit for my distraction. In our instant information age era there are so many stories that bombard you on a second to second basis. There are so many issues of so much importance occurring on every corner of the planet that it's hard to put your finger on on to write about.

Maybe it would be a good day to take an overview of what major issues are occurring and how it effects us who practice Realism. The first and foremost is the continued global recession. This seems to be a wildfire that continue to burn across the planet. Anytime you hear of a success in the fight against it in one place, another part of the planet ignites in some financial calamity. Of course the United States credit default swap mess has been the primary focus for those across the pond who are looking for blame. Though the US credit issue has played a part in the global economic stagnation, Europe"s refusal to implement significant austerity measure is primarily to blame for it's woes.

Continued high unemployment due to now much higher taxes due to the oxymoronic Affordable Care Act are shackling small business owners from hiring. My own company healthcare plan has been targeted as a "Cadillac" plan, and the company has warned of higher premiums and more deductions. My family and I had just stabilized our financial position and now we are going to acquire  an expense we did not ask for or budget for, thank Barrack. I hope that my more liberal readers are now coming to the understanding that you cannot spend your way out of a recession as a government. The term throwing money at it has never had a positive implication, and the government threw billions at it.

Global instability came at an overnight fifteen cent per gallon increase in gas at the pump. I went to bed at midnight with a $3.04 price at the pump and woke up six hours later to $3.19. Speculation from continue threats from Iran during it's war games have caused the price of crude to sky rocket over night. American warships are headed to the area as we speak. Two Turkish fighter pilots were recovered after Syria blew them out of the sky with no provocation. Underneath the radar the Argentine government has began a new cold war with Great Britain over the Falkland's again. Argentina has even this week entered into a arms pact with our favorite worldwide arms dealer, China.

As Realist we see all of these situations in total. We cannot insulated them as say that it won't effect us over here. Thought we value our independence we understand that we are now globally interconnected. So when some F Bag wants to start a war for attention ie. Iran, it impacts us here. The Realist government would have little patience for these acts. I think I have to figure out some elegant language to describe the street term of "Calling you out" on a national level. OK Iran what to you want? Is it reasonable? If not leave the rest of the planet out of it or we will exercise our freedom to us force to keep you from affecting us.

The economic problem would have never began. In the Carter administration a program began that force banks to give loans to individuals with poor credit, under penalty of punishment. This gave rise to forcing banks to take risk, then to risk takers wanting more profits. Under Realism we never "MAKE" anyone do anything. Individuals and institutions are free to act the way they want to as long as it does not infringe on other freedom. Simple isn't it liberty has consequences both positive and negative. We as Realist see the benefit of an eye or and eye with the combination of do unto others. We need to bring simplicity back to our country, to our world.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I am a Terrorist

Happy Independence Day America! For those who love liberty. For those that feel that the government is more intrusive. For those that feel that abortion may not be the answer. For those that feel that we should not allow ourselves to be globalized. The department of Homeland Security's 4th of July gift to you, is to label you a terrorist. A report came out recently that was posted to, which stated unequivocally that just thinking that way labels you a Terrorist. Imagine how far we have come. A nation that began with subversion and sedition, now labels those that are contrarians now the same as the radical Islamist that killed thousands of our citizens on 9/11.

The article further states that DHS is soliciting for more studies that show that people like you and me are dangerous to the American way of life. That those of us who oppose the current administrations Socialist agenda are conspiring to injure our great nation. The word "Liberty" was offensive to this national consortium that got 11 million dollars to compose new Obama kill list. This administration will go to any length to place each and everyone of you into submission, yet we just passively sit back and pretend that people like me are just PARANOID. So having been recently drug tested, I'm clean and my shrink says paranoia is not one of my symptoms, so its gotta be real right?

In Realism you are free to think or say whatever you feel. What you do in your home or property or business is up to you. Once it begins to effect others liberties then we respond. We do not go out looking for the Timothy McVeigh under in the closet. Novel idea, how about engaging people with these radical agendas and calm their fears. How about listening to an opposing thought? No they won't, they the anointed know what's good for us, what's best for us. How can we the peasant understand on a global level what is needed to thrive in the 21st century? We are sheep, to be led is our destiny. Well bah f ing bah this sheep has become self aware and I will be watching for you big bad wolf. I know who and what you are.

So my fellow terrorist, enjoy your Independence day. Remember those brave soldiers around the world who have kept us free. No matter how bad it is today we are still the free. If and when we are not we will fight the powers that be with our words, votes, and cash. We will return America to the great Federalist Republic it should be.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The poor will be with you always

Ralph Lauren ARTWORK New York Nights
I do not understand the savior mentality of the current administration. OK I am lying I do understand what they are up to. We have to go back to the cultural revolution in China to understand what is evolving here in the US. As I understood from my travels to China the cultural revolution occurred as a result of Mao feeling that young communist had gone soft. That intellectuals and artist and the upper classes had still an influence on the worker class who should be in power. I was shown the destruction caused by the students and workers as they went around the country destroying symbols of art and faith. These disgruntled workers went around China and gathered up the bright and the artistic and those of faith and sent them "to the countryside", for reeducation. Millions were killed or starved to death in these remote camps because they lacked the skills or the support to survive. Priceless works of art were defaced or destroyed as a symbol of the futility of artistic expression. So the goal was to set up a single class where the worker was the strength of the society. Everyone the same, imagine everyone the same. Even the freedom to express oneself in style was seen as subversive to the Mao suit was created.

So in the guise of helping the poor,(worker class),the current administration is dangling the proverbial carrot on the stick of equality to this worker class. Fair share, they cry, fair share. Fair is another word for a Robin Hood system which is stealing from everyone to give to the poor. Wage equality, healthcare, benefit after benefit to rally the worker against the boogeyman ie. the wealthy. We saw the outright support given to the more radical of this American cultural revolution, the Occupy movement. The president and the former speaker praising the overt violence against those that have worked to succeed in this nation. Financial support began to flow, they became bolder and bolder. What stopped a full and growing cultural war from growing here? The hard wiring of Americans that if you work hard you can do anything you want. That all you need is liberty and safety and that government or rulers get the hell out of the way. There is nothing more fundamental to an American as I can pull myself up by my own bootstraps. The Occupiers were seen as lazy freeloaders who didn't produce or contribute to the American dream so it shot it wad and died.

The purpose of this administration and those that think like them is simple, control and power. We are their cattle or sheep and we will produce for them to make them look like saviors. Will a few have to be skinned or sheared or sacrificed in the process, they sure think so. It really doesn't matter to them which class is injured as long as they produce the group that will perpetuate their power. I have heard of incidents where drug dealers give their dope away for free just to addict you and have you come back for more, then you pay or are used. The current administrations constantly providing new entitlements seem eerily similar.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Holy War

Quiet Strength - Religious & Spiritual Books

What are the sides that are currently poised to a new battle front, the religious. So maybe not new just a new wave of us vs them. All throughout history men have fought to prove who's God was God. Millions killed in different names when most of the Gods represented were known for tolerance and love. Are their faith's that call for the death of non believers? Logically why would a God destroy potential worshippers? Do we not have the choice to change up until the point of our death? We have seen in our previous interview that some followers of Islam have made that interpretation in the Koran that those that do not bow the knee should be given no quarter. Can we compare that same fervor in modern times to the Crusades or the Inquisition? Christianity has sacrificed millions also in the name of Jehovah. Why did Christianity evolve from it's more corrupt and brutal form, to today's modern more pensive faith? Is Islam poised to make the same progress to a faith of acceptance and gentleness?

How did Christianity do it? Rebels! Rebels within the faith that decided that they had drifted far enough. These "Heretics" called for reform and a return to a more fundamental understanding of the faith. There were calls to educate the masses, which in turned caused the basis follower to actually know for himself what was in their faiths writings. There was a populist movement within the major sects of the time which pushed back on Dogma and tradition. Another reason for the change to non violence were the major waves of prayer and mediation to be more connected to the Creator. It is very difficult to be torturing or blowing oneself up when your on your knees in prayer. Separating itself from politics. Once a faith involves itself in running a nation there is very little room for alternative opinions. The better and equal treatment of women was the last reform made by those in the Christian faith.

Could there be out there a voice within Islam that is calling for these changes? What would happen to a person like that who would take a public and vocal opposition  to the growing radical segments of that faith?

Though I do espouse to the Realistic ideals and politics, faith is something that is part of our lives and should be addressed. The recent incident where my writings were silenced have compelled me to fight against the powers that fight against  free speech of any form. Nazi, KKK, black panther, atheist, Satanist, they all should be allowed a voice, however the powers that be should never silence the voices against them.