
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Money talks, and bullsh%t walks

Success is being attacked at every turn by this administration. A person can't seem to raise their station or status without the Obama machine saying your evil. When did it become un American to innovate and excel and become great? Money and wealth have been a bedrock of what coming to and being American was about. Every person from even when this country began, came here to improve who they were financially. Better lands, better homes, freedom. Damn it when did that become wrong? I am so angry at this class warfare idiocy from Barrack Obama. What makes me even angrier is that people are falling for it. People are condemning him for working hard and being a millionaire and putting HIS money in the right investments and institutions to protect what he has. Hypocrites the lot Debbie Wassermann Schultz invest in Swiss banks, the Obama's invest in outsourcing companies.

I guess I have to brush up on Saul Olinsky. I guess that's how you spell his name. I have to learn the current progressive tactics and how they work. I have never volunteered to work in a presidential campaign, but this Obama has pushed me to the limit and it's time to push back. It's time to put an end to his fundamentally changing this country. Changing this country from the republic it is, to a European style socialist democracy. I do not want to be taken care of. I do not want to be made to do anything by anyone! I want to be me good or bad, rich or poor. Let me make myself or break myself. Maybe I am just braver than the Obamas or the Bidens or the Schultz? How can they be so cowardly? Why do they feel the need to be completely provided for from the cradle to the grave by the federal government?

I guess I have to thank my mother for my survival instincts. My mother left my womanizer father. Grabbed three young kids and moved us thousands of mile away. From Carolina, Puerto Rico to the Bronx, NY. My mother knew she could make a better life for us. My highly educated mother, who is her 20's was a lobbyist in Washington was now reduced to cleaning toilets in a hospital. At the same time my grandmother helped raise us, my mother went to school also. When we needed the help from the government we did use it. Then she worked hard to get off of assistance. My mother felt is was an embarrassment, something to not be proud of. Not too long after my mother found a much better position and married. We moved to Long Island where we had a home and got off the dole. No matter what happened we survived, we thrived. Not because of a government program, but because she believed in the American dream of success.

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