
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Better late

Paying a fair share. I am getting really sick of the class warfare that the Obama administration is spewing. Now since they can't run on a record of accomplishment, they are attacking an American for achieving the American dream. What kind of Bizzaro world do these left wing hippies think we are living in? It's hilarious, the people crying for fairness are not the downtrodden, but fat cats in Washington and beyond.

Obama is a millionaire. Biden is a millionaire, Pelosi is a millionaire. They have the luxury to pay more, the poor are their prisoners. So what is a fair shard when the richest of us are paying the lions share of taxes to our government. Would it not make sense that every single adult that can pay the same rate. I am not an account but if you make the 47% of Americans who pay not taxes, wouldn't that be a net positive in revenues? With a flat tax you eliminate thousands of government jobs and help cut spending by getting rid of the tax code. Crazy Governor Perry was right, imagine sending your tax return on a post card.

Everyone that can contributing to the needs we have as a nation. We can argue and question what is necessary but at least the 47% now have skin in the game to complain. It would be a more predictable stream of income to the treasury. No more trying to figure out who gets what shelter or deduction or who's accountant is better. A set amount, everyone gives bada bing bada boom balanced budget. What is so scary about that?

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