
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The poor will be with you always

Ralph Lauren ARTWORK New York Nights
I do not understand the savior mentality of the current administration. OK I am lying I do understand what they are up to. We have to go back to the cultural revolution in China to understand what is evolving here in the US. As I understood from my travels to China the cultural revolution occurred as a result of Mao feeling that young communist had gone soft. That intellectuals and artist and the upper classes had still an influence on the worker class who should be in power. I was shown the destruction caused by the students and workers as they went around the country destroying symbols of art and faith. These disgruntled workers went around China and gathered up the bright and the artistic and those of faith and sent them "to the countryside", for reeducation. Millions were killed or starved to death in these remote camps because they lacked the skills or the support to survive. Priceless works of art were defaced or destroyed as a symbol of the futility of artistic expression. So the goal was to set up a single class where the worker was the strength of the society. Everyone the same, imagine everyone the same. Even the freedom to express oneself in style was seen as subversive to the Mao suit was created.

So in the guise of helping the poor,(worker class),the current administration is dangling the proverbial carrot on the stick of equality to this worker class. Fair share, they cry, fair share. Fair is another word for a Robin Hood system which is stealing from everyone to give to the poor. Wage equality, healthcare, benefit after benefit to rally the worker against the boogeyman ie. the wealthy. We saw the outright support given to the more radical of this American cultural revolution, the Occupy movement. The president and the former speaker praising the overt violence against those that have worked to succeed in this nation. Financial support began to flow, they became bolder and bolder. What stopped a full and growing cultural war from growing here? The hard wiring of Americans that if you work hard you can do anything you want. That all you need is liberty and safety and that government or rulers get the hell out of the way. There is nothing more fundamental to an American as I can pull myself up by my own bootstraps. The Occupiers were seen as lazy freeloaders who didn't produce or contribute to the American dream so it shot it wad and died.

The purpose of this administration and those that think like them is simple, control and power. We are their cattle or sheep and we will produce for them to make them look like saviors. Will a few have to be skinned or sheared or sacrificed in the process, they sure think so. It really doesn't matter to them which class is injured as long as they produce the group that will perpetuate their power. I have heard of incidents where drug dealers give their dope away for free just to addict you and have you come back for more, then you pay or are used. The current administrations constantly providing new entitlements seem eerily similar.

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