
Sunday, July 22, 2012

The horror. The horror.

My liberal friends broke the cease fire that even their leader was keeping on taking advantage of this tragedy. Today I saw a minister friend of mine post a political cartoon mocking the second amendment. The cartoon had two side that a score was being kept. On one side I believe it read, "Tyrants Overthrown", with no score. Then on the other side were professions of everyday folk with hundreds checked off. I found the cartoon small minded and juvenile, below this gift preacher's character. We have had our disagreements on major moral and ethical issue before, but I never expected him to take the low road and jump on the change the constitution band wagon. I always felt that it was his call to Christ was the reason he always took a more compassionate stance socially. With this post I now see how blinded he is by his compassion to the reality of living in a modern society. Blinded to the point where his view is irresponsible and dangerous to others.

Weapons will always, until the Lord returns,  be a part of our society. There is absolutely no law or regulation that can be create to curb it. There are hundreds of millions out there. The only thing a ban will create is a monstrous black market and an unarmed citizenry. The ingenious law abiding weapons owner will always be armed, but the criminal and the extremist will out gun them eventually. By having a knee jerk reaction to the bloody act of a maniac, only compounds the real problem of learning why a person goes on a rampage like this. Is this not the real question? Thousands die every year killed in car wrecks that were premeditated or negligent. Should we ban vehicles? Thousands eat themselves to death, ban food too? So you see how using this event in Colorado as a poster child for your left wing agenda solves nothing. It leave the question of spotting a person like the killer and stopping him. This man could have killed hundreds without weapons. Look at what he did to his apartment.

It's all or nothing with people like my minister friend. Their way or the highway. Your evil he said if you owned an assault rifle. For full disclosure I own an AR15 A3 and several other weapons. I an an expert pistol shooter and above average at all the other weapons I own. I teach my children the good and bad of owning a weapon. I have allowed them to handle them so as to demystify them. I have had numerous instances when I drew my weapon both as a civilian and as law enforcement. On all of those occasions it has prevented something more serious from occurring. These are the facts that my minister buddy and his followers always, always, always fail to mention. They don't want to bring up FBI statistics or state logs on lawful carry and it's success. They use these tragedies and anomalies to cause fear and panic. The world will not be a peaceful place until the Savior's return my friend. You won't bring his kingdom any sooner by making us sitting ducks.

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