
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hate the Socialism not the Socialist

There has always been cases where campaigns have pushed the envelope of what political differences are and personal attacks. To aggressively disagree is part of our culture and helps separate us from other less free nations. I think that in your face your right and I am wrong is very liberating and masculine. We should never be soft men or legislators. How do we confront those who we oppose without calling them our enemies? At the end of the day those we point the finger at are our neighbors. So we must disagree on the basis that the ideas are flawed and not that the individual is evil, this is the weakness of left wing run campaigns, even against one another.

The high road is not an easy road. As humans we are programmed with a need, for good or bad, to want to be agitated. We want our juices flowing. The thrill and the adrenaline rush makes us feel alive. So at it's core negative attacks trigger these more base and primitive parts of us. Negative works, because it is an unconscious process. To be and think rationally takes energy and effort. So when a negative political ad comes on the TV, we sit there hypnotized by them. The information is not vetted by our higher intellect. We consume these empty calories of the media, blotted we react like a robot.

Pointing out flaws and faults are the duty of any efficient political campaign machine. Bad decisions, bad votes, bad policies are subjects that need exposing so that the public can make up their minds. What is being done on the left is to fabricate and apologize later. I watch dozens of interviews with persons on both sides of the political spectrum. Lately I've noticed a disparity in the use of fact and stats. Where those on the right are using current social events to point out the failure of the party in office, those on the left keep rehashing the past. Did I say hash? No Choom gang I'm out. Having little success to stand on the left cannot show it accolades, so it must use the smoke and mirrors of mudslinging.

It's tragic for our political process. There are very gifted and caring individuals on the left who have so much to give. What keeps them in the fog is the sense of lordship they feel over groups and countries. The leftist just cannot keep from considering themselves as our saviors. So the ability to be incorrect just is not in their mindset. They have been endowed by their creator with the solution to mankind's shortcomings. All we have to do is obey.


  1. So what you are saying (to paraphrase a famous American) is:
    While I do not condone your socialism, I will defend unto death your right to express socialist views in this free country.

  2. Exactly. I will disagree but defend. I find other views incorrect but not necessarily evil. That's what makes me different than those on the anointed left.
