
Monday, October 8, 2012

D for Dependency

Maslow's hierarchy of need list the need for food, water, and shelter as the base or the most powerful of needs that must be met. At the core of every human being these are the most primitive. Understanding these needs must be fulfilled before any higher one can be achieved. So what if I could addict a people to these most basic needs? I would do it by constantly oppressing them through taxation and regulation. Taking from the successful and giving to the underachievers. Making, forcing everyone to pay their "Fair Share". I bet you think I am speaking about our current administration. I'm implying it, but countries like these do exist. Scotland today stated that nine out of ten Scots receive government assistance. Venezuela was awash in government benefits buying Chavez his third presidential victory.

Imagine how easy a population would be to control if you made it completely dependant. Housing, food, occupation totally in the government's hands. We are not far from this now. General Motors is government control. The FDA controls what we ingest at will. The bailouts have taken over billions in mortgages. The economic disaster has allowed those who would lord themselves over us to come into power. Millions taken by the fear of being without. Millions sought a false savior who was little prepared but to quell their fears through flowery words. Without the teleprompter the empty suit turned into an empty chair. Little solutions but more and more government. We are slowly being injected with the addicting drug of neediness and we are failing to seek rehabilitation.

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