
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It will get lower

So there's that saying, "It can get any lower", well it has. Two democratic ads and a comment on the Socialist headquarters MSNBC. I can't begin to explain the insanity of the first ad. Whoever came up with the idea should be investigated by child protective services. The ad has young teenagers singing about how horrible the world will be if Romney wins the election. How the planet will suffer with strip mining for fun. The air becoming more polluted and people dying from lack of health care. You should watch it. I had to watch it in pieces it disturbed me so much. I have yet to see a commercial on the conservative side come close to being as exploiting or crass. What makes it even worse are that the children in the commercial seem to be just as distressed doing it. One girl looks as if she is about to cry. Why couldn't they have gotten adults to do it? Why effect the lives of this young kids? It is abuse.

Then the most idiotic one that came with help from Michael Moore. The scene is a retirement home. A handful of seniors discussing what a Romney would do to their care, ok no problem. Then one of the ladies says if Romney hurts here benefits she is going to "C$#k punch him". WTF! It's funny for a split second. Then another senior says she's going to commit an act of violence he he becomes president. If this was our side doing this we would have the media and the secret service so far up our rears we could smell gun oil. If you look at the Twitter the amount of threats to riot and kill Romney are common. The ratio has to be a thousand to one. What is it about the liberals followers that make them so pervasively violent. When under pressure the first thing they want to do is lash out physically. Now I have trained to fight. I can strike, wrestle, and know Jiu-jitsu. Yet it took stupid Lawrence O'Donnell's threat against Tagg Romney to physically call someone out. If you have contact with O'Donnell by the way, I am still looking for that cage match. I would never threaten a future or current president with acts of violence. The offense really is that no one is ever punished for doing so.

The last low blow came from the cows at MSNBC. Romney who has probably been doing charitable acts since he was a kid was made fun of yesterday. Now I do not agree with the Mormon cult, however they have built into their belief set that acts of charity and volunteering can get you closer to Godliness. So they are constantly doing and giving reaching out to others. I admire their hard work all bad theology aside. So these ignorant idiots without doing any homework go right to ridiculing him for lifting cases of water and handing out food. Something he has most likely done a thousand times. Plus the fact this man gives millions to charity every year. I think someone needs to start a news organization that exposes the lives of the left wing journalist. Exposes their backgrounds and dirty laundry for all the world to see. I would watch that. I want fifty percent if someone out their produces it. The show would be like a news TMZ. We would follow them all wherever they go and catch them doing all the stuff they paste on the news of the public. I think I going to pitch it to Fox News.

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