
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I know Joe Biden and you sir are no Joe Biden

At least the vice-president provided some comedy fodder. From the very beginning you saw the disdain the president has for Romney. Of course the press declared Obama the victor because he had a couple of Red Bulls. The president lacked plans that would accomplish anything different than the status quo. From the very start he was annoyed curt. Romney was the same and had some cojones by going right towards the president. I thought the secrect service was going to have to break up a fight. I was screaming in the living,"fight fight". Romney could have taken him. Funny how the female commentators spoke about how uncomfortable that made them. I was charged up about Romney when he would stare down the president. All the Obama could do was give him a crap eating grin. "Continue Mr. Romney", "let's go on to the next topic". Such weakness by Obama, but he one because he showed he wasn't a robot, or is he?

The bombshells from each each candidate was stunning. For Romney, he proposed eliminating taxes from savings and investments. Imagine the billions of dollars going into the economy just from that. So many seniors who live off their savings and 401K's and annuities will immediately get a raise under the Romney administration. Wealth will return from overseas, almost a trillion will be repatriated. Now for Obama. The shock revelation that now he said he knew all along the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack. That he got on the phone that day and was giving orders. So for two weeks on numerous shows he and his administration LIED to us. I am glad Romney emphasized it, then Candy Crowley had to back the president to rescue him. What I found humorous was that she was wrong also. Obama in the Rose garden speech never called the attacks on the consulate "terrorism". The president was referring to September 11, 2001.   Speaking about Candy, she did and adequate job. Crowley gave the Obama almost ten percent more time and less redirects.

On Facebook I had it 55% 45% Romney. CBS flash had it mostly a tie. No blow out for Obama, which has to be a knife in the heart for the left. Joe Trippi even had it a tie commentator for the left on Fox. This debate solidifies what I have been saying all along. America needs the boring bean counter to run us like a business and make us solvent again. The only one with a chance to do that is Mitt Romney.

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