
Friday, November 9, 2012

Compromise or surrender

I think it's a false choice. I think it's a trap. A trap that will lead the conservative movement to ruin. So what we got our behinds handed to us. Look, we have almost fifty million soldiers still wanting to listen to those have value economic freedom, less regulation, small government. If we go to the Left with our tails between are legs we are done. We lost this battle, let's regroup form a plan and in four years come back with a vengeance. Party of no, hell yeah we are. N0 new taxes. N0 to purposely killing industry, N0 to socialized healthcare, NO loss of civil liberties. I for one have become more emboldened, more encouraged that the majority of hispanics have been sold a bill of goods and that I am going to be the voice of reason. I already have begun convincing Latinos that they are on the wrong side of history. I will not cower or bow down to the left just to pretend to be friends. If your thumb is dislocated you don't ask it nicely to get back in place, you pull and pull and force it back where it belongs.

I have already heard from my conservative friends that they are down. Enough! We do not have time for gloom and doom in our ranks. What we must do is everyday point out the continued downward spiral of the American dream. Go to your Facebook pages once a day and post about a layoff. Go to your Twitter and speak about the dropping of the dollar. Go to any social media you can and at least once a day point out to all your friends that what they did might have made them feel safe making government bigger, but what they are actually doing is speeding the decline of our Republic.

You really want to know why, fear. The majority of people who voted for Obama are afraid to make it on their on. For so long the economy has been awful and they are tired and fearful and have lost hope. So slick Barry comes along and in his most Messianic ways tells them that he will provide. Only the strongest of us who dare to be unique, who dare to be individuals at all cost would turn down and offer like that. I really can't blame them. To return to your youth where everything you needed was provided to you with to work or toil or effort. Now Obama has fifty plus million children. I say this because someone posted on my Facebook page, "Hurray my daddy Obama won". They are of not relation, to quote Forrest Gump.

I have a warning to my brown people. Latinos you are going to be used up and spit out by this Socialist machine just like in Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Columbia. Don't think just because you moved here and are now bringing your bad habits and false gods of social justice those of us who are aware and awake won't send you Pa' el carrajo. I am considering even going on the air waves again to shout against the message of the spread of Latin American Socialism here in the US by my brown brothers and sisters. Just call me Rusho Limbaugho.

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