
Thursday, November 15, 2012

The house Obama built

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that Obama disciples go to defend or protect him. Though there is fact, data, projections and analysis none of those stand up to the idea of what he has done or does. So when I reminded him that black unemployment is 14.3%, he said it didn't effect him a black person. When I quoted national unemployment he said it didn't effect him. When I quoted housing, taxes, the deficit, Benghazi, false climate change. I threw every fact that I knew about how technically bad of a state we are in he laughed them off and pointed to his 4000 square foot home and said, "see this is what Obama buy". Then he pointed back at my 2900 square foot home and stated, "and that's what Bush buys you". So when I confronted him on the "Facts", that he bought his home in 07 and closed in 08, a quick retort from him of, "but Obama was president when I moved in", made everything alright in his world.

Another curiosity was that Bush was still to blame in my neighbors mind for all that is still occurring in the US. We laughing and arguing so loud in the streets that neighbors came out and when they found out my conservative position quickly came to the aid of their left wing comrade. Now I was in my element. I love being outnumbered. It's almost unfair to the other side. Liberals tend to get loud to win debates instead of using facts to defend their position. There are very few people on the planet who are as loud as I am. I cheer in a stadium and people in the crowd ask me to keep it down. So imagine facts being shot out you like a machine gun in a loud New York accent you just can't out speak. It was three to one and the other two neighbors quit after about ten seconds knowing it was a losing cause. Of course all in good fun. My neighbor felt he won when he was able at the end to bring up the Texas housing market rose 14%, under a Republican governor. NO!!! It's Obama's doing, how dare I.

So I began to speculate that maybe Obama is a hypnotist and has been able to hypnotize millions with his stammering. I took out my phone and tried to unhypnotize him which drew a ton of laughs. Though it may seem funny to some, to me it's tragic. After I got him angry enough by drilling him with facts I think I heard the most honest statement yet from a person on the left, especially a black person. As we were yelling about black unemployment, he touched my shoulder and lowered his voice and said this,"you know why Obama, you know why, because for so long we blacks have been held down, oppressed and now it's our turn". I am not sure what "Our turn" means but now I get it. For minorities it's a payback moment. They are in charge and for good or bad they want the power they have lacked and they want to use it. No matter how faulty the legislation. No matter what it does to the economy. To the minority community, "It's on"!

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