
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Live free or die!

There have been some very spirited debate on social media this week concerning the secession petitions that now cover every state. These petitions were started by residents of the state of Louisiana an Vermont. A few days ago these petitions numbered in the tens of thousand with each state having a few thousand. Within days the petition for the state of Texas exploded. As I was watching it the petition past the twenty five thousand mark. Now there are over eighty thousand and six hundred and sixty thousand for them all. There is something powerful in this country that happens when a million people unite for one common cause. Politicians listen and respond ie the million man march. Once that million signature threshold is past there will be some serious discussions in the white house.

I see none of those discussions as positive. Valerie Jarrett has already publicly stated that she and the administration with personally go after those that are or have opposed the Obama machine. The administration has had a propensity to create secret list to target many different classes of individuals. No fly list, kill list. These list are amended at their whim and can cause some serious inconveniences for anyone. A story came out Monday concerning a gate attendant for American Airline who was placed on the no fly list for no particular reason and has been trying for months to be taken off of it. The man was sent home once his supervisor found out and ran out of savings waiting for a correction. I would not put it past this administration to have already started collecting data of those that posted their signatures. I see a bunch of computer nerds handing officials list of IP addresses attached to the name posted. That my friends is a done deal.

I have to admit that I signed it. Is it courageous to stand up against what I see is a government becoming to centralized and too powerful and overreaching? Time will tell. What I do think is that it is one of the basic rights we made here in America. The right to resist the government publicly and peacefully. Our founding fathers went all in by signing their names to a declaration. They understood that from that point on they were marked men even to the point of death. So let my 1's and 0's that represent my signature in the digital world be my John Hancock. I am willing to risk who I am to restore this country to the fundamental beliefs that has brought it this far. We have four years of some very seriously perilous times. The market continues it's post election meltdown as does the dollar. The Chinese Yuan yesterday posted it's strongest value ever against the green back. Millions more join the welfare rolls. Layoff after layoff after layoff with not break in site.

What I do hope this movement does not become is an anti US, anarchist, subversive, Occupy anything kind of movement. I see it much more inclusive as the Tea Party was. A movement with people from all walks of life just fed up saying enough is enough to this ever growing monstrosity that is the federal government. Through bright leadership and peaceful intentions we will send a signal to Washington that "WE" the people are who are getting back in charge.

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