
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Week in review pt 2

The surprise takeover of the Egyptian presidency by the Muslim brotherhood candidate Morsi is another shock the the lie that is the Arab spring. There is such an inability to bring a republic or democracy to Arab countries by it's people. Even Turkey is coming under Islamist influence. Is it a deficiency of spirit or just a holding on to tradition. Thousands of years ruled by the Caliphs or kings, constantly under the thumb of a totalitarian rule. Could generations be nurtured into wanting to be oppressed. There are so many historical examples where hundreds, thousands even millions were convinced to follow a despot. Hitler, Jones, Amin on and on these charismatic leaders have the supernatural ability to sway or eliminate anyone.

Now we have another Spring to the Spring in Egypt with riots and marches in Tariq square again and police out in mass. Now my suspicion is that if the protest continue for more thank a week the army will step in again. Then we will have another overthrow and another election. The weakness of the Obama administration on the Middle Eastern issue has been embarrassing. I wish they were leading from behind, but they are not even in the game. There is little pressure by the U.S. on the Egyptian president to change.

The hits keep on coming in the Susan Rice debacle. Information continues to leak concerning the changing of the talking points from the CIA. Petreaus testified in close session and I believe spilled the beans on what actually occurred and named names. Now that Rice voluntarily went before Republican Senators, they can compare what the intelligence community knew and what the administration was told. The statements from the Senators after the meeting were surprising. I expected them to have softened their opinion of Rice. The harsh criticism that followed is showing me that she is being told to hold the party line and not come clean. Obama sees himself as having a mandate and he does. The American people right now are too hungry and too scared to care.

The conservative position has been watered down by numerous Republicans caving to reelection pressure and saying higher taxes were on the table for them. This type of fracture to conservative values is dangerous because it does not set us apart from the other side. Less government, lower taxes, free enterprise is the mantra that the conservative side should using. Conservative cannot abandon this position for countries well being. A generation will be lost if we don't stand against the Socialist tide. Rand Paul seems to have some very interesting positions and views. Senator Paul is a fiscal conservative who is also pro Hemp. What more could American want?

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